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Sunday, May 15, 2016


Administrative Leadership Teams for the Schools of Wicomico County Public Schools Announced for 2016-2017 School Year

Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen and Dr. Margo Handy, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, have announced that administrative leadership teams for the schools of Wicomico County Public Schools are taking shape for the 2016-2017 school year.

“We’re confident we’re putting the right teams in place in every building to serve our students and families. We’re pleased that some of our administrators and deans of students will have new opportunities to learn and grow as leaders as they support success for all students,” Dr. Fredericksen said.

Leadership assignments for 2016-2017 have been made in consultation for Superintendent-Elect Dr. Donna C. Hanlin. A handful of vacant administrative leadership positions will be filled in the coming weeks.

As of Thursday, May 12, administrative teams for each school and program in Wicomico County Public Schools (effective July 1) are, with changes underlined:



  1. Mardela will be going in a downward spiral now!

    1. Why? Ms. Eskridge is a great administrator. She would have been better suited for JMB. Unlike Briggs who is now scared to death to come to Bennett with his tail between his legs. Yeah, we get it. No principal would want to leave the comfort and safety of the little country school to come and deal with the hood rats of JMB. But JMB needs a strong leader that doesn't attack and blame the staff for the student behavior and misconduct that the BOE policies allow. JMB needs a strong leader who can handle the kids and treat the staff with respect. Eskridge could handle it. Briggs, not so sure.

  2. 9:23am....my thoughts exactly.

  3. You need to focus on security and discipline. Everything else will fall into line.

  4. Unless these "teams" are led by sheriffs deputies or some sort of security they will fail and nothing will change. More lip service from a failing system!

  5. Why is there not more change at Parkside? Anybody else question Mrs. Pinhey's ability?

  6. We need safe schools period ,Maybe our governor would be willing to take a stand against Democrat policies keeping violent students from being expelled.

  7. Dear Readers,

    I have grave concerns in particular of Chris Nunzio being moved to Westside Intermediate School. Not withstanding his previous legal issues while at Prince Street, it is common knowledge that there have been issues in each of his administrate placements.

    For those parents in the Hebron area who wish to voice their concern, the following information is available to you:

    Dr. Margo Handy:
    mhandy@wcboe.org or 4410-677-4400

    While traffic on Salisbury News certainly drives the decision making process in many sectors/areas of our county, concerned parents (of any of these placements) are best to make their voices heard directly via email (thereby providing a day/time stamp of the interaction that is undeniable) and document their actions.



  8. What "legal " issues did Nunzio have at Prince Street? With teachers or students? Please elaborate.

  9. What exactly is a "Dean of Students"? They didn't have those when I was in school.

  10. Dear 11:09 - Please see this posting on Salisbury news regarding the information you inquired about:




  11. Delmar Elementary needs to have better leadership. Staff morale is LOW. Nicholson is inept. The stories I have heard are unbelievable.

  12. Anonymous said...
    What exactly is a "Dean of Students"? They didn't have those when I was in school.

    May 13, 2016 at 12:08 PM

    Dean of Students is in charge of discipline over the students and also holds administrative issues. It helps relieve the issues of the principal and Asst. principal


  13. Thought the great one had retired. How long can he drag it out?

  14. I heard he has out for some teachers at Prince Street. One of them has union complaint and investigation into unfair treatment of her.

  15. Freddie's quite literally on is way out the door with a nice fat retirement check for ruining the county schools. now all newbies will be beholden to Margo handy, who's judgment is fuzzy, to say the least. This is probably a death spiral to a number of previously functioning schools--Just when things couldn't seem to get any worse...

  16. You people biatching about Parkside need to shut up or SHOW UP. Guess how many parents were at the PTA meeting Tuesday? SIX! And two of them were committee members who had to give reports. You're all so willing to run your mouths HERE but won't leave work 1/2 hr early once a month ... or once a year....to get answers about WHY OUR CHILDREN AREN'T SAFE. Hypocrites....all of you!!!!!

    1. Obviously you are an exucative member of the pta, so please enlighten me what the pta can do to protect my child next year when they attend parkside? I am not trying to be smart butt, but as a member of another school pta we have no say in policy's, is it different there? Was the principle in attendance or the dean of students? What plans does the current pta at parkside have to create a safe learning environment? Is it possible for the pta to hire a private security team to ensure the saftey of our children? wish I attended of ask these questions, but I and most other parents already know the answers.

    2. Principal AND States Attorney was there. And PTA stands for Parent-Teacher Association. So, YES, this is the forum in which ALL concerned parents should be expressing their concerns en masse. There is power in numbers and you're not going to get answers going solo or on this blog! Assumed answers are different than answers that are recorded. They can be held accountable for the answers they actually give! You want answers to those questions, then go and hold their feet to the fire!

      And spare me the sob story about taking off work to go. People will find time off to attend a sports game but not to attend a PTA meeting. The meetings are at 4:30, take a late lunch.

  17. Really it's all the parents faults now I guess??? What are they supposed to do leave their jobs the county board of education and law enforcement have failed to do?? Then what if they actually witness one of these ridiculous acts of violence and respond guess who will be the villain then and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Shut up quit whining do your damn job you chose the career

    1. It's the parent's fault if they do NOTHING. Inaction results in inaction. As long as the parents are quiet the schools and BOE will maintain the status quo....because they CAN! Shut up or show up. Employees dont always do the jobs they are paid for; that's when the person who signs the paycheck steps in. Taxpayers sign the paycheck so start demanding accountability. I fully expected there to be a hoard of angry parents there. Nope. And I am not a teacher, don't work for the BOE and have no ties to the school except being an alumna and my child attending there.

  18. Mere window dressing, or perhaps, more appropriately, re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic?


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