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Sunday, May 22, 2016

House Votes to Ban Confederate Flags on VA Cemetery Flagpoles

The House voted Thursday to ban the display of the Confederate flag on flagpoles at Veterans Administration cemeteries.

The 265-159 vote would block descendants and others seeking to commemorate veterans of the Confederate States of America from flying the Confederate Battle Flag over mass graves, even on days that flag displays are permitted.

California Democrat Jared Huffman authored the prohibition, saying the flag represents "racism, slavery and division."



  1. Did anyone ever think that maybe the confederate dead would like to have the flag they died under flown on their grave? I mean, they fought and died for a cause they believed in wholeheartedly, and gave up their lives for what they believed in.
    Right or wrong, you got to give credit where credit is due, they were tough and committed individuals.
    Could any of us go away from home for 4 years and fight with little proper equipment, food, and medical care? They also went up against a foe that held a 3 to 1 advantage of men, and yet preservered for 4 long years.

    Those men were hero's to their cause, and should be honored for their heroism.

    The Treasury Department is honoring a woman that violated the law, one she didn't agree with, and she is being called a hero.

  2. So, in about another 100 years, when Muslims and followers of Islam take over the USA, there will be a ban on American flags over the graves at Arlington. Right?
    This is nothing less than re-writing history in the name of being PC. Ridiculous.

  3. The real flag of Slavery is the US flag! Never did the Confederate flag bring captured, or sold Africans across an ocean for a life of slavery! Also, the industrialist in the north profited from the cheap products produced in the south, off the free work of the enslaved. Again, flying the US flag out front of their factories.
    Then after the war, these same industrialists refused to hire the freed blacks in the factories, because they felt that they weren't worth the same wages as white workers! And guess which flag was flying?
    Blacks need to learn the truth.

    1. It's always blaming something for you radicals. Why don't you take up chess or checkers or help homeless people.

  4. White lives don't matter, this country is turning into a circus

  5. 7:16 I agree. Betsy Ross created the American Flag that at least Republicans proudly display today. They decided on Tubman because she is black. Simply I will refuse to accept that bill from the bank. Nuff said.

  6. Some times it takes a long time to understand. A lot of people on this thread need more time.

  7. What's there to understand one ethnic group gets nothing but self pity another gets everything about their heritage taken away NOTHING more than reverse racism. Tsunami is coming

  8. The south lost. Get over it. The confederate flag shouldn't fly anywhere.


  9. Treason is the only crime defined in the Constitution. Article III, Section 3 defines treason against the United States as: “levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

    Obviously, joining the Confederacy was committing treason.

    The entire civilized world had had left slavery behind decades before. All northern states had outlawed slavery before 1800. Importation of slaves was outlawed by Congress in 1808. England had outlawed it, including in her colonies, in 1834. Even Mexico outlawed slavery in 1835. Washington’s slaves were freed upon his death. Adams and Franklin were abolitionists.

    The only supporters by 1860 were rich southern plantation owners and the ignorant scum willing to kill and die for them.

    Let the Confederate flag die.

    1. The Emancipation Proclamation was an economic and financial sanction against the Rebel states to attempt to force them back into the union. It only frees the slaves in the southern states. It did NOT free the northern slaves. They weren't "freed" before 1800 in the northern states, they were not freed until a couple years AFTER the Civil War was over!

      General Lee was the leader of the Confederate Army. He was no pro-slavery. He never bought a slave, ever. The only ones he had, were older and elderly ones that he inherited from his father, who had lived on the farm their entire lives. He freed them on his own, but did not force them to leave. They were allowed to live out their lives there, not as slaves but part of the plantation "family".

      General Grant, on the other hand, refused to free his slaves until forced to by an act of Congress...well after the Civil War ended.

      History. Yes...history.

  10. Gerald said...
    Did anyone ever think that maybe the confederate dead would like to have the flag they died under flown on their grave? I mean, they fought and died for a cause they believed in wholeheartedly, and gave up their lives for what they believed in.
    Right or wrong, you got to give credit where credit is due, they were tough and committed individuals.
    Could any of us go away from home for 4 years and fight with little proper equipment, food, and medical care? They also went up against a foe that held a 3 to 1 advantage of men, and yet preservered for 4 long years.

    Those men were hero's to their cause, and should be honored for their heroism.

    The Treasury Department is honoring a woman that violated the law, one she didn't agree with, and she is being called a hero.

    May 19, 2016 at 7:16 PM

    You are almost 100% right, but I have to disagree slightly with the cause issue. You are making the cause sound a little bit like slavery. I can assure you that slavery was not the "cause" these brave men, young and old, fought fought for. I can assure you that 93% of the men of the South did not fight for slavery in states North or South. They fought for their States because their land was being invaded by "Northern Scum." They had no reason to risk their lives and leave their families for 4 years so some rich Fat Daddy to keep his slaves and no man would today. That is not why those brave men fought for the Confederacy. They fought for the same reasons that many are willing to pick up arms against the government today, a government that isn't ran by we the people. If you believe that those brave Southern soldiers fought for the right to own and keep another man then you are very misinformed and misguided(this was not to the original author, to all readers).

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The real flag of Slavery is the US flag! Never did the Confederate flag bring captured, or sold Africans across an ocean for a life of slavery! Also, the industrialist in the north profited from the cheap products produced in the south, off the free work of the enslaved. Again, flying the US flag out front of their factories.
    Then after the war, these same industrialists refused to hire the freed blacks in the factories, because they felt that they weren't worth the same wages as white workers! And guess which flag was flying?
    Blacks need to learn the truth.

    May 19, 2016 at 8:49 PM


  12. Anonymous said...
    White lives don't matter, this country is turning into a circus

    May 19, 2016 at 9:03 PM

    You are 100% correct! Unfortunately the majority of those voting in favor of this bill were whites. Weak ass whites who caved to political correctness!

  13. Anonymous said...
    Some times it takes a long time to understand. A lot of people on this thread need more time.

    May 19, 2016 at 10:13 PM

    Can you please explain?

  14. Anonymous said...
    It's always blaming something for you radicals. Why don't you take up chess or checkers or help homeless people.

    May 19, 2016 at 11:57 PM

    I'm not sure who you are calling radicals?? Do you care to explain??

  15. Anonymous said...
    The south lost. Get over it. The confederate flag shouldn't fly anywhere.

    May 20, 2016 at 8:07 AM

    I knew it wouldn't take long to hear from an A$$. You must have farted because I could smell your breath on that comment. This has nothing to do with the South winning or losing anything. What we have lost today is the rights for all Americans to express their God given rights. The rights to honor their Confederated dead, the right to honor their ancestors. You might not be intelligent enough to understand it, but you lost a lot with this as well. You are losing more and more rights every day and you are too stupid to realize it. And you do deserve it!

  16. Anonymous said...

    Treason is the only crime defined in the Constitution. Article III, Section 3 defines treason against the United States as: “levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

    Obviously, joining the Confederacy was committing treason.

    The entire civilized world had had left slavery behind decades before. All northern states had outlawed slavery before 1800. Importation of slaves was outlawed by Congress in 1808. England had outlawed it, including in her colonies, in 1834. Even Mexico outlawed slavery in 1835. Washington’s slaves were freed upon his death. Adams and Franklin were abolitionists.

    The only supporters by 1860 were rich southern plantation owners and the ignorant scum willing to kill and die for them.

    Let the Confederate flag die.

    May 20, 2016 at 8:18 AM

    Some Liberal Moron had to dig this up as a reason hat the South and our Southern Ancestors. This treason is the same treason the American Colonists did to against their home country of England, but we won't talk about that. The flag of slavery is the flag of the United States. You were obviously scum in a public school system and seem very proud of it.

    The only scum is you and your ilk that voted for Obama or any Democrat.

    The only thing that should die is YOU!

  17. "California Democrat Jared Huffman authored the prohibition"

    This is what the Hell is wrong with this country. This Carpetbagger for California does not have a dog in this fight. He is from California and not the South. California was not a state and did not fight in the war. Bunch of idiots!

  18. Congressman Jared Huffman
    23 hrs
    The House is voting this morning on my amendment to ban the Confederate flag from flying over cemeteries honoring our war veterans. Symbols like the confederate battle flag have meaning. They are not just neutral historical symbols of pride, they represent slavery, war, and tragedy. To continue to allow national policy condoning the display of the Confederate battle flag on federal property is wrong and disrespectful to our past. Even General Robert E. Lee recognized that symbols of the Confederacy are symbols of treason—which is why he asked that they not appear in his funeral. In 2016, the House should be at least as forward-looking as Robert E. Lee was in 1869.

    Lee did not say this. Supposedly his daughter made some sort of comment and the idiot left wings went for it as fodder to use against the Confederate Flag.

    This guy is an idiot who uses lies and false promises to win elections.

  19. Jared Huffman can go take a leap right to the border and out of this country. Better yet let him join the military and honker down in a foxhole somewhere praying to the all mighty for any American Flag.

  20. That "Treason" argument don't tread water, Hillary Clinton and Osama, I mean Obama, have both given aid and comfort to the enemy.

  21. Flags are free speech, and will be recognized as such when the House ban gets to the Supreme Court.

  22. May 20, 2016 at 8:18 AM: You know very little about history. It was Lincoln that declared war on the South. And it was Lincoln's war that killed more Americans that all of our other wars put together.

    You are spitting out pure falsehoods. Slavery was legal in the whole country until the emancipation proclamation by Lincoln in 1863. More slaves were owned in the north, than in the south. Lincoln had written that he believed the slavery solution was to send them back to the countries that they came from. He never intended for them to become citizens. That came after the assassination, and was the cause of others.

    You are woefully mis-informed or ignorant. Quit trying to pass off your lack of historical knowledge to others as fact.

  23. Congressional Support for Confederate Soldiers
    A Legislative and Motivational Review

    President William McKinley
    At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a move in the North was made to reconcile with Southerners. President McKinley was instrumental in this movement.
    When the Spanish-American War concluded successfully in December 1898, President McKinley used this as an opportunity to “mend the fences”.
    On 14 December 1898 he gave a speech in which he urged reconciliation based on the outstanding service of Southerners during the recent war with Spain.
    Remember, as part of the conciliation, several former Confederate officers were commissioned as generals to include former Confederate cavalry general, Wheeler. This is what McKinley said:
    “…every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war [sic] is a tribute to American valor… And the time has now come… when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers…The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found in the gallant loyalty to the Union and the flag so conspicuously shown in the year just passed by the sons and grandsons of those heroic dead.”
    The response from Congress to this plea was magnanimous and resulted in the Appropriations Act of FY 1901 (below).

    Confederate Cemetery
    Congressional Appropriations Act, FY 1901, signed 6 June 1900
    Congress passed an act of appropriations for $2,500 that enabled the “Secretary of War to have reburied in some suitable spot in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, and to place proper headstones at their graves, the bodies of about 128 Confederate soldiers now buried in the National Soldiers Home near Washington, D.C., and the bodies of about 136 Confederate soldiers now buried in the national cemetery at Arlington, Virginia.”
    Remarks: More important than the amount (worth substantially more in 1900 than in 2000) is the move to support reconciliation by Congressional act. In 1906, Confederate Battle flags were ordered to be returned to the states from whence they originated. Some states refused to return the flags. Wisconsin still has at least one flag it refuses to return.
    Congressional Act of 9 March 1906

  24. It's disturbing to look at the radical transformation of this country just in the past year!! This nation is being transformed and forced into becoming a non christian white minority's society. Good luck with getting in your knees everyday and bring forces to worship Allah, if you don't conform guess what off with your head!!

  25. Why must these radical people who come to this country, take away our rights and our history, they try to take away everything we hold dear, and yet still want us to just roll over and allow it. Please find some other country to occupy and destroy, . You already must have destroyed your homeland, or not gotten your way. I do not like Trump at all but if he does win I hope he puts you all on the same boat, a slow boat to no where.

  26. "Obviously, joining the Confederacy was committing treason."

    That seems to be what all the tiresome little turds think. Ever have an independent thought? Do you realize that the founders of this country were also considered treasonous? That little rebellion happened less than a century before the South exercised their right to secession. According to the winners, the CSA was 'treasonous'. And lapdogs like you suck it up. The only crime committed by the southern coalition was not winning the war.

  27. Never had the guts to ask anyone, but what is the purpose in flying the Confederate flag? I don't have a strong opinion either way but some genuine input would help me understand


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