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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Home Depot Employee’s Hat Sparks Outrage On Social Media

The decision by Home Depot cashier to wear a white baseball cap carrying the slogan “America Was Never Great” has caused a social media storm.

A photo of Staten Island Home Depot employee Krystal Lake wearing the anti-Trump hat went viral Sunday. The reaction from Facebook and Twitter users skewed negative, with some promising to never shop at Home Depot again.

More here


  1. It's ok to not like Trump , never say anything negative about my country that I fought for , so you could say this crap , not publish it.

  2. She wants to get fired so she can sue or draw unemployment , that way she can march with BLM . I'm done with Home Depot.

    1. Why stop shopping at Home Depot because of one employee on Staten Island? Every time an employee of any business gets on social media and does something stupid in others eyes, the masses are so quick to quip "I AM NEVER SHOPPING THERE AGAIN".

      Actually she looks too young to remember our once great country. Sadly the people are too afraid to speak out, as Trump does, because of repressions from Black Lives matter. So my advice is if the hat offends you go to Staten Island and tell the girl. IMO it is stupid to declare war on Home Depot because of a difference of opinion of one employee in their chain of stores.

  3. Sounds like something Moochell Obama once said

  4. I know it sucks...but Suck it up its covered under free speach!BUT corporate needs to remain bias and fire her!

  5. Not racial intended , culture : beliefs , customs , way of life , way of thinking , behaving , values , religion , attitudes . Having said that , with such a low value on America there are many countries that would love your citizenship : Middle East , South America , Africa , so go to a country that you would appreciate . Also , Obama may hire you as a maid.

  6. sounds like im a lowes customer now

  7. Considering her age, well, probably all her life America has not been great like I experienced when I was her age 40- 65 years ago. For her, she's only known America since about 1990. And her school probably did not teach her American History in any interesting fashion to inform her just how great America used to be.

    She needs Trump more than ever, but just has no way of knowing that.

    What a real shame.

  8. I just don't get why they stay in our country if your not happy with America leave.oh that's right our welfare system is hard to leave. I'm sure her boss is happy she's helping them lose customers. I'd walk out and refuse to purchase anything until she's gone.

  9. She has done nothing wrong in her eyes , but the store does have a dress code , this should not be allowed , shame on the store . They supply the employees with hats , Home Depot .

  10. 7:54 , this not free speech , this printed political advertisement in a place of business with rules. When you work for the man , he has rules , he can tell you what to do and what to wear , when you walk out the door , you are free again.


  11. First Amendment guarantees her the right to wear her hat on her private time. I support that; so should you.

    But her employer has the right to control her attire while at work.

    Home Depot has/should have a dress code which would prohibit her from wearing the hat or other garments with controversial statements....because it's bad for business. They obviously hadn't checked her attire that day.

    HD should take steps to reassure America that they've addressed the situation.

    Perhaps she can ask to be transferred to a location in Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Cuba or China.

  12. It may not be considered great for those who didn't grow up in a hard-working family, but hard workers and smart investors are what what made America great. The liberals (in both parties) have moved us away from that over the last 40 years or so to where many businesses have moved their jobs overseas and more people are relying on government for help, in areas where government has no business being involved.

  13. Even when we thought it was great, it wasn't.
    But we didn't know it.
    She is right for the wrong reason.

  14. Let's see....I grew up in a two parent family, both parents went to college and both had gov't jobs for 30 years I also served my country as a CTA2 with an TS/SCI clearance so I know about being a patriot as you say. However I agree with her hat totally and I think a lot of white people don't understand what we see and how it effects us for example if this country is so great or was so great then when KATRINA hit why were black people being called refugees? Why were we floating away and stranded on rooftops and herded up like cattle into the Superdome only to starve? So if our country which I fought for was so great then where was the help? But yet a tsunami hits Asia and were over there next day dropping packages but black people on every news outlet were seen starving and dying and you wonder why we laugh at your boy trumps slogan. Now some of you will holler FEMA and such and I agree however all we saw were blacks being treated by at that time the Republican party like they were modern day slaves. So yes America has never been great to us, maybe you but not US.

    1. Maybe if they had evacuated when told to do so they would not have been on a rooftop. It is your own responsibility to take care if yourself and your family not the government

    2. Tired of the racial crap poor me you don't know what it's like to be black. You have the same rights and opportunities as white people, but you do not utilize it or apply yourselves to be better and get an education always wanting handouts and never taking responsibility for your actions and lack of action. Tired of the black privileges and lowering standards that serves no one.

  15. Does NY have a welfare work rule? Might be why she is not so happy...

  16. Why stop shopping? Because it is my right. I do take note of what employees where and what stickers businesses put on their cars. I am not saying they cannot support one cause over another and should support what they believe is right and just. But we should do business with those we share common beliefs. I will probably avoid Home Depot because of this hat, but might go there if they are the only place that has what I need. I would never give a large home improvement project to a contractor with a Hillary sticker on the vehicle.

  17. I see a Home Depot/Target merger coming, just to survive!

  18. "Why stop shopping at Home Depot because of one employee on Staten Island?"

    Because this is just one more symptom of a problem in their corporate attitude.

    The company allowed her to do this.. to insult Americans while she was at work (supposedly to serve them).

    Home Depot is very gay-friendly as well.

    To me, their support of anti-social values is clear, and they have lost ALL my business. You can do what you want.

  19. I hear that Home Depot in Saudi Arabia is looking for CSRs.

  20. Krystal, I'd rather have someone else wait on me here today. No, it's not your ancestry or your gender. It's your hat. I find it exceptionally offensive and very distracting. In fact, it's put me off my whole day.
    Please call for another associate for me, will you? Thanks.

  21. 930 if you begin your comment with how important you are then more then likely is follows with a whole lot of bs. FYI I'm not very important.

  22. American used to be Great. Before the "sexual revolution" where you can't turn on the TV or the internet without seeing some celebrity dressed in a see through or net dress. Before grade school children were taught sex ed in fourth grade. Before school children were taught it is okay if you don't like being a girl, you must be a transgender. My mom just said, "Yeah, okay you can be a tomboy BUT you are a girl. I grew out of it. The only reason I didn't like being a girl was I had 2 brothers and it seemed they could do anything and got away with anything. Because they were BOYS.

    GOD made me a girl. I am a girl. Before we kicked GOD out of our schools, our courthouses, off of our buildings. Before when it was good to be a Christian. America was great then. Before the love of the almighty dollar robbed people of their honesty, their humility, their compassion and their love of GOD. America was great then. Before the banks and Wall Street stole billions and made millions homeless. When you could actually work and have a home. Before when you could buy an American product and speak to a customer service representative about that product in English. America was great then. Before our politicians all became crooks and it was okay to owe the IRS several million dollars and be invited to the White House on a regular basis.

    Before a Christian baker could be fined thousands of dollars for not baking a cake for a gay wedding because of their religious beliefs, but a multitude of performers could REFUSE to perform in the State of North Carolina because of their BELIEFS concerning the bathroom law and not be fined a penny. Before we started persecuting Christians. YES, AMERICA WAS GREAT AT ONE TIME. The list goes on and on. I wonder can it even be changed back.

  23. 9:30 AM, you are very much a part of the problem in this country, i.e., your you/us comment. Are we all Americans or not??? No, I do not like what this little girl did, and that's exactly what she is if she cannot act like an adult in the working world, but that's her right, and Home Depot should deal with her. If she doesn't think America great, she needs to go try another country somewhere then try saying or doing anything derogatory is that country and she'll see how great America is and always has been.

  24. Most of you people write like you have no sense at all.

    Most of you write like you are racists. You will deny it but that is because you cannot see yourself as others see you.

    Trump is not going to make America great again. America is already great FOR HIM. Get it?

    In fact I would say there have always been great opportunity in America and there continues to be great opportunity to this day. It is a great country for lots of Americans.

    Unfortunately the majority have always put up many blockades against American minorities since the beginning keeping them from having that great opportunity with the same ease the majority achieves it and many of you continue to block them to this today.

    Wearing a hat that says "Make America Great again" is just as offensive as a hat that says "America was never great." In fact Trump's hat should be considered more offensive. If you thought America was once great and no longer is great, take a hike and try some other place. There will be more for those of us who are left. A country that a person thinks was never great has a chance to become great for them like it never was before.

    Guess who found America is greater than she ever thought. That's right, Michelle Obama, the first lady many of you hate.

  25. Dear 8:05
    Please seek some mental health , there are plenty of shrinks in the Salisbury area , for a reason. You just one of the reasons.

  26. 8:05, Thanks for playing the race card; we were all waiting for your ho- hum excuse.

    If you think that having a positive attitude towards making our Country a greater place for all of us is "offensive", you have chosen to help drag America down, and YOU should be the one shopping around for another country.

    You obviously do not have a copy of our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, nor know the difference between them.

  27. 8:05 After the election in 2008 Michelle Obama's statement was, " For the first time in my life I can say that I'm proud to be an American". 8:05, you have some serious problems if you defend Ms. Obama and her anti-American attitude. By the way, I'am a black Veteran and have always been proud to be an American.

  28. What makes me sick is this child has no idea why some will be offended by her hat. Many have lost their lives so she can wear what she wants. So I guess no one will be offended if I wear a hat that says Black Lives Never Mattered. Same thing I can assure you Home Depot would not allow that hat to be worn. Liberal bias is why I will not shop at Home Depot again.

  29. I'm a white guy.....if I were an employee at a store and wore a hat like that it would be no problem......the only people that would be mad is the people who were brainwashed by the military to fight for a country that does not care about them......

  30. I think she should be able to wear what she wants freedom of speech......if she was white 80% of the people mad wouldn't care

  31. Plus I agree with the hat......America never was great.....if it was so great the entertainers and business men wouldn't be the rich......veterans would.....veterans wouldn't have to struggle......America is a joke

  32. I see that my comments are responsible for at least three other comments on here. Good for you all. You have come up withthe usual stuff. 8:05

  33. I don't agree with her hat. But, it's her opinion and I don't really care what she thinks. She is of no importance to me. Neither is Home Depot.

    The fact that she can wear that hat and not be arrested proves her wrong. So she even though the poor child thinks she is making a big statement, she just looks like an idiot.

  34. hey john john I hear the weather in north korea is nice right now, would u like me to buy your airline ticket

  35. Hey 3:05 pm......u must be one of the small minded people brain washed by the good old American dream huh......when marshal laws kick in and a civil war starts over again you'll never last

  36. Again, to all, she has only known our Country since 1995-ish, and her "educators" probably have not taught her how Great America was 50+ years ago.

    All she has seen is an America that has really sucked so far in her life. And, with jobs shipped overseas, not much hope for her future.

    She needs Donald J. Trump more than she knows, but is helpless in her own decision.


  37. No, 7:09 I disagree. Fifty years ago it was 1966. Desegregation was more a work in progress than it is today. Salisbury University was segregated. The only blacks on campus were kitchen helpers and housekeepers. Whites ruled completely. Some professors talked about chocolate drops. Cora Ann's Colored Motel in DE continued to do business. Martin Luther King was active in civil rights. He was yet to be killed by a white man. James Meredith, civil rights activist was shot in 1966 by a white man who failed to kill him. A sort of positive was Edward Brooke being the first Black man elected to the US Senate since Reconstruction. I doubt this girl, as a Black person, would think America at that time was as great as white people might think.

    White people might want to remember Kennedy had been killed in 1963. We were losing young men right and left in Vietnam including some of my friends. Anti-war demonstrators were in full force. Sniper Charles Whitman did his own thing killing 13 people from the U of Texas Tower.

    We might agree 1966 had some good points, maybe when we were kissing our girlfriends,(Oops, I didn't have a girlfriend in 1966) but it was not all that great.

    And we may not need Hillary but we sure don't need Donald Trump. As my daughter tells her children, he does not reflect our family values.

  38. 9:08 no one is going to "reflect" your "family values" 100%. Unlike Donald Trump whose life has been an open book for 40 years you know very little about politicians so relying on someone who reflects your "family values" is, when you get right down to it, an exercise in futility.
    As far as Donald Trump goes, he tells the truth and most people don't like this because most people have been programmed to be politically correct (which is nothing more than the politically correct way of saying someone is a liar) and feign offense when Donald Trump dares to tell it like it is, instead of what people want to hear.
    Donald Trump has also raised great children. That in and of itself speaks volumes about his family values.

  39. 908, Thanks for yet another pulling of the race card. We are all so tired of this crap. We went to the moon on a computer that was less than a 286 and looked more like a gas pump. We were thriving towards impossible dreams back then, and ACCOMPLISHING them.

    Take your sourpuss attitude and your race card and GTH!

  40. From 9:08 to 6:43 and Steve:

    6:43 No, I agree, nobody will reflect your family values 100% but Trump has a long way to go. also I agree his life does seem to be an open book. Anybody who reads that open book knows he will say anything. He has no character and no scruples in other words. I have no evidence that Trump has not raised great children but if you were a child of Trump would you really want to cut yourself off from the Trump fortune? Note his third wife defers to him almost completely.

    Steve: The historical 1966 facts on race actually happened. I am sure minorities are more tired of this "crap" than you are. As a country we continue to thrive toward impossible dreams to this day and we are accomplishing them. I am writing this to you on one of those dreams now a recent reality. the first man walked on the moon in 1969 by the way not 1966. A wonderful event but the same year the Vietnam War continued and both James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan confessed to their separate killings. it was also the year of the Manson Family killings and the Zodiac Killer were in action. Trying to offer a little balance here. It wasn't all Great. Thanks for the send off and suggestion I GTH (Go To Heaven).

  41. These comments pretty much make her hat statement true.


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