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Sunday, May 08, 2016

House Speaker Paul Ryan Refuses to Back Donald Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Paul Ryan is refusing to support Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for president.

Ryan is the GOP’s highest-ranking office holder and made the stunning announcement on CNN’s “The Lead” on Thursday.

It came two days after Trump essentially clinched the nomination with a commanding win in Indiana that forced his last two opponents from the race.



  1. Of course he wont, he's a true blooded democrat, a rino...truth is he's a traitor...no not to the party lol...a traitor to the people, treasonous to the people with his lies and actions and representation. He should be imprisoned like all traitors should, but among congressional crooks he is instead titled....highest ranking office holder...{biggest crook}.

  2. Of course he won't back him until he shows signs of unification.Anything less would be ridiculous.Ryan has placed the bar high enough to force Trump to help him do his job.Think about how powerful a Ryan Trump alliance will be,and then think about how useless a lack of their alliance will be.All Ryan is doing is holding Trump to his election promises.Too many past Presidents have faded into oblivion after they were elected.We cannot allow Trump to do the same.

  3. Established "Life long politicians" will not support Trump. That just makes me support him even more!

  4. Even if ryan had just 1 speck of true conservative blood...he still could not extend a hand to Trump. For one ALL the status quo congressional crooks hate and fear Trump because he refuses to play their games, and 2...all that crack kissing he's done on obama would be in vein!

  5. That POS Paul Rino Ryan has got go along with his predecessor that POS Bonehead.It is time for the Republican party to rally behind their candidate, we can not afford to lose this election or this country is done.

  6. This treasonous pos is the last thing the so called establishment has ie Boehner,Bush,Graham,

  7. This country is at a pivoting point and this idiot is playing games ?.

  8. Concerned RetireeMay 6, 2016 at 2:43 PM

    Ryan wants Trump to unify the party. Ryan is the one to assist in unifying the party. That is the responsibility of the person in his position. It is not the responsibility for him to force Trump into complying to his failed policies. He has not used power of the purse to help his agenda like he said he would. He has showed his broke back style of compromising to the DemocRATS.

  9. Fox news: Ryan is meeting with Trump next week.

  10. Dave T: Ryan's move is hurting party unity and detracting from the focus of defeating Hillary. I don't agree at all that his is somehow working to bring Trump to a higher level to unite the party. Not sure where you came up with that wild idea, but it's totally incorrect in my book. Very disappointing to see the conservative movement turning on itself at a time when it should be united. I think there is a lot of establishment politics going on here and I'm only more inclined to support a Trump presidency because of it. As far as I'm concerned, Ryan can be replaced with a better leader. After all, what has he done since holding the position? No much from what I can see. Real leaders unite people, poor leaders divide. So look at this picture and see which one of the two this man is doing.

  11. ryan bushes romney all rinos hillary lite! time for them all to go. hopefully his own people will wise up and vote him out, if not maybe the congress can at least kick him out as leader! liberal POS!

  12. we refuse to back ryan who was railroaded to his position because he didn't want it...only if. He's a joke!

  13. I think these career politicians are scared someone will get in there and cut out all their little perks that are making them so rich.

  14. It peeves me so much to think I supported, donated and voted for this guy along with that rich dude he ran with. Never again, not on this end. I feel like a darn fool.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It peeves me so much to think I supported, donated and voted for this guy along with that rich dude he ran with. Never again, not on this end. I feel like a darn fool.

    May 8, 2016 at 10:06 PM

    Well if you walk like a fool, talk like a fool,.........


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