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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Group’s billboard targets Obama, Christianity before Air Force commencement speech

A group​ advocating the separation of church and state is trying to send a message to President Obama about religion in the military ahead of the president’s June 2 commencement address at the Air Force Academy.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation has erected a billboard behind the graduation stage and is planning to fly an aerial banner during the ceremony. The billboard reads, “Welcome Mr. President To Our AF Academy. Why is Jesus Commander In Chief Here?”

Mikey Weinstein, who founded the group, said religion has no place in the armed forces.



  1. I fear what is about to happen in this country after November either way. I lived through the 60s and didn't see this much unrest. This country almost seems like a powder keg getting ready to blow. I pray for all families. I pray for this country.

  2. Lock and Load 10:25....fear no evil...

  3. Reading the sign gives me no idea of what the message is supposed to be. "Why is Jesus Commander In Chief Here?" What does this even mean?

  4. Mikey Weinstein is a fool if he thinks religion has no place in the military. A complete fool he is.

  5. Dave T: What's a matter Mikey? Do you think you are too smart to believe in God? Who are you to question God's place in this world? And how does an idiot of this magnitude get the right to advertise his stupid ideology to the public at a military event? And just to set the record straight Mikey, since you obviously have a learning problem, God, the Almighty, is commander in chief everywhere whether you like it or not.


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