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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

David Horowitz: ‘Kristol’s Betrayal Gets Serious’

Over the Memorial Day Weekend, Bill Kristol doubled down on his betrayal of this country with a pair of tweets:

“Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate — an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance,” Kristol tweeted.

He also said, “Those accused of betraying GOP by opposing Trump can take heart from P. Henry 251 years ago today: ‘If this be treason, make the most of it!’”

This fatuous invocation of an American patriot to justify the betrayal typifies the arrogant disregard for political realities shared by all those involved in a defection that could produce even greater disasters than the Obama era’s 400,000 deaths by jihad and 20 million refugees across the Middle East.

A week earlier, a “Never Trump” diatribe appeared in National Review, written by Charles Murray. To summarize why “Trump is unfit outside the normal parameters” to be president, Murray cited these words by NY Times columnist David Brooks:

Read more here


  1. Would not surprise me at all. Same thing happened in Europe in the 1930s.

  2. Trump had my vote until I heard him say, if elected president, he would cut social security security and Medicare by 20% across the board. Now, this k real hard about who would suffer the most with this type of cut.

  3. 12:02 If that were true it would be all over the liberal Democrat news. However he is planning to cut non-entitlement handouts like welfare and food stamp programs.

  4. Those entitlement programs should have been cut years ago and then we might not have a bunch of lazy fools who do not want to work. Vote Trump.

  5. This will be a repeat of Bush vs Clinton when Perot came in as an independent and split the vote...Clinton won and started screwing this country when he wasn't screwing interns!

    The voting public needs to do what it takes to keep the HildaBeast on the path to jail instead of the White House!

  6. 12:02 is a troll.

  7. I am sure if Trump really did say this, which I have never heard, he is talking about the people on Social Security Disability that really are NOT disabled. That comes from another pot of money. There are 3 types of Social Security benefits. 12:02 needs to look them up.

  8. SS that I put in, is my money! I would prefer to invest it the way I would like to, but we are forced with this crap so I am entitled to MY money! With interest...

  9. Dave T: Not the first time nor the last I've heard something very wrong coming from Mr. Kristol. I don't listen to him any more because I'm frankly done with hearing his nonsense. If Hillary gets elected, we can all thank the Billy Kristol's of the world for the mess. After all, establishment Republicans have both an image problem in addition to a unification problem. They are just as corrupt as the those on the right, and just as willing to screw the people at any given chance. Time to clean out the house. As for Billy Kristol, who cares what he says. He's completely biased and chooses not to use his intelligence wisely. That's a bed he can sleep in as far as I'm concerned.

  10. It is all about the Supreme Court people!!! Rather go with Trump than deal with Hillary's picks.


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