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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Group works to stop slaughter of dogs for meat

In South Korea, 2 to 3 million dogs are raised for meat and slaughtered every year.

The Humane Society International is fighting to put an end to the industry with large, internationally coordinated rescue missions that bring the dogs to the U.S. for adoption.

It's impossible to know what's going on in the minds of dogs in South Korea as rescuers from Humane Society International liberate them from a cruel life and certain death. What is it like to be held in the arms of a human for the first time when the only touch they've ever known is that of a bare metal cage?

"This farm had 250 dogs on it. They live in a very concentrated area. They live exposed to all the elements in a metal, barren cage. They have nothing inside it. Some are in cages so small they have a hard time turning around," said Kelly O'Meara, HSI's director of companion animals and engagement.

Breeds like huskies, mastiffs and jindos barely survive on a farm only to be slaughtered and eaten. But some get to begin of a new life, one that will take them across the globe from Asia to North America, and eventually into someone's home. They are the lucky ones.



  1. Who are we as Americans to tell other countrys how to eat just like alaskans eat seals,countrys eat horses, i bet when your hungry you wouldnt care so mind your buissness.

  2. @2:41 it not necessarily the facts that they're eating dogs, its the conditions the dogs are in prior to their death for food. Its truly deplorable.

  3. OK, let's suppose India does the same with cattle--Good bye McDonalds
    Let's leave other country's beliefs alone.

    They must think we are nuts to be considering Hillary for President.

  4. I knew there was a reason I don't like their food.

  5. dolphins and pigs are much smarter than dogs and yet we eat them without blinking an eye. humans eat animals, who are we to say which animals are right to eat.

  6. I have seen some videos of how those people/animals treat the dogs.
    It will literally make you sick to your stomach. There is NO reason for those people/animals to abuse dogs like they do. They are mentally sick themselves. If anyone wants to make a smart, ignorant comment, try looking at some of the videos out there on this.

  7. Seems that most commenters didn't bother to read the whole article, as one farmer contacted them for help to get out of the business and obtain the help to begin a new venture.

    By the hand of man, these are domesticated animals and not a food source.

  8. Yes, they are 6:36 .
    Those people are nuts anyway .
    Glad H.S. International is
    trying to stop this.
    More should become vegan

  9. That's where Walmart steaks come from!

  10. At 4:28 No "we" (I assume you mean Americans) do not eat dolphin. We eat a type of fish that's called a "dolphin fish" or in other words "mahi-mahi", but we do not eat dolphins! Lol. This is disgusting. Dogs and cats are domesticated animals in pretty much EVERY country and it's wrong to treat them like cattle. I don't like the killing of any animal but I do like meat. As long as the animal is raised humanely and killed quickly and efficiently, and none of the animal goes to waste then I have no problems eating meat. Pigs are smart but they are not normally raised as pets. The majority are livestock. I hope the HSI is able to help put an end to this.


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