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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Bill Would Put Md. At Forefront Of War On Cyber Terrorism

FORT MEADE, Md. (WJZ) — Terrorist groups trying to attack critical computer systems in the U.S. remain a top security threat. Now one Maryland congressman is pushing hard for changes that would keep us safe, and keep military secrets out of enemy hands.

Ava-joye Burnett has more on the change that would put Maryland at the forefront of the war on cyber terrorism.

If Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger has his way, Fort Meade will see a massive expansion, with the sole purpose of fighting the cyber security battle that’s raging right now.

Congressman Ruppersberger is on a warpath against terrorists who are using the Internet to attack America.

“Anything having to do with a computer, you can knock it out,” he said.



  1. Does this include Hillary's private server lol.

  2. With people like Killary around thats a tough nut to crack.


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