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Friday, May 20, 2016

Federal Judge Upholds Virginia Voter Photo ID Law

A federal judge on Thursday upheld Virginia's 2013 law requiring voters to show a valid photo ID at the polls.

The Virginia Democratic Party sued state elections officials, saying the photo ID requirement unconstitutionally suppresses voting by blacks, Latinos and young people.

U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson wrote that the Democratic Party did not prove that the law violates the Voting Rights Act or several constitutional amendments, The Richmond Times Dispatch reports.

While agreeing that the merits of the voter ID law can be debated, Hudson wrote, "it remains true that Virginia has created a scheme of laws to accommodate all people in their right to vote..."

More here


  1. That same law doesn't stop them from collecting unemployment, food stamps, and welfare! It also doesn't stop them from buying ciggies and booze...

    LibTards - you can't have it both ways!

  2. "The Virginia Democratic Party sued state elections officials, saying the photo ID requirement unconstitutionally suppresses voting by blacks, Latinos, and young people."


  3. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 20, 2016 at 12:07 PM

    Of course Democ-rats wanted the law repealed, you know why? Because they wanted to vote for dead people and many times over. That would be the only way they could win, by cheating.

  4. Awesome!! awesome!! let's continue to shove this crap back up where it belongs. the libtard arse!!! The nerve of these people to throw black and minorities card. There's a special place in hell for these people they can't get there soon enough in my book


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