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Friday, May 20, 2016

Donald Trump just vaulted past Hillary Clinton in a major national poll for the first time

Donald Trump overtook Hillary Clinton in a Fox News pollreleased on Wednesday evening.

The Manhattan billionaire held a 45% to 42% edge over the former secretary of state in the new survey measuring their expected general-election matchup.

The result represented a sharp shift from April, when Trump trailed Clinton by seven points. In March, he trailed by 11.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, held a large 55% to 31% lead over Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner, among white voters.

That margin outpaces the final split from the 2012 race that pitted President Barack Obama against Republican Mitt Romney.

White women in the survey favored Trump by 47% to 38%. But Clinton held a lead among all women, by a 50% to 36% difference. She also maintained massive advantages among African-American and Hispanic voters.



  1. Maybe the word is getting out that she 'caused' the death of our ambassador team in Benghazi, she endangered national security by using a personal email account, and was fired for unethical behaviour during the Nixon era....

    Aaaand hopefully, she's gonna get indicted soon!

  2. Ditto 11:13.

    And that she will be relegated to the dustbin of American politics and her story adopted as a cautionary tale for all who follow.

  3. ......and that it's a pathological lying slave to men. It not only lied but stuck by it's cigar wielding husband and then lied to cover for obama's butt. It's disgusting the way she bows down to men and does their dirty work for them. It like all democrat females are nothing more than merely slaves to men.

  4. Here's a theory: I've always believed that Hillary would not be indicted or get into any serious trouble over the FBI investigation. That she has and always will be protected by Obama, DOJ and everyone else, no matter what the evidence says.

    But now that it's becoming evident that she could lose to Trump, I look for them to throw Hillary under the bus, and let her get indicted....and then Joe Biden or some other high profile democrat comes in and becomes the nominee for the democrat party.

    Just a thought.

  5. Sanders is gaining traction. His supporters are mostly ignorant 'me-too' punks or just bat-sh!t crazy. But then , that coalition helped get Odumbo elected.

  6. On a "fox news" poll. lmao. Great joke calling this a "major national poll"

  7. The difficult part to understand is that anyone in America is still backing Hillary Clinton for being our next president.

    It just shocks me.


  8. 1:08

    Don't forget it isn't a FBI investigation....only a security review. Lol


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