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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Elijah Cummings calls GOP front-runner Donald Trump "dangerous"

Rep. Elijah Cummings called Donald Trump "dangerous" and said during a journalism conference in Baltimore on Saturday that the leading Republican candidate "turns us as Americans against each other."

"When you have someone who is the number one candidate in the Republican Party, who spews out language that basically makes people feel comfortable with doing some violent things and who turns us as Americans against each other, that's a problem," the Baltimore Democrat said at the National Association of Black Journalists Region 1 Conference at Morgan State University.

"He has gotten people who are frustrated, who are angry, who I think in many instances are racists," Cummings said of Trump supporters.



  1. Cummings is a racist and turns Americans against each other. He is a divider.

  2. Mr Cummings, YOU are the dangerous one.

  3. Cummings is an embarrassment to MD. Although MD deserves him.

    But not one iota about Obama - The most divisive President in history.

  4. 1:46 please tell me where Obama has worked to sew divisiveness. You guys spout on about this blindly but can never seem to provide hard facts that support your statement.

    1. Your joking right?? You have to be. Noone in this day and age can't be this stupid. If Obama had a son you would be it!!!

  5. Perhaps the 'Honorable' Mr. Cummings should re-read some of the media coverage of the recent unrest surrounding Mr. Trump and pay closer attention to who is responsible for those "violent things" he speaks about. It appears to me that the unrest is coming from the liberal/progressive/illegal alien groups.

  6. The dangerous people are the ones doing dangerous things. Not the people speaking.

    "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

  7. typical liberal. Blame everyone else but you. Just like Hogan is still waiting for a thank you for saving Baltimore during the riots.

  8. 2:11 - Excuse me? I though Obama invented the Race Card while he was a community activist in Chicago. Even the Baltimore Sun's database shows that the majority of killing in Baltimore are black on black.

  9. 2:11 I think you mean sow, not sew. The difference between growing apart and stitching together, how ironic.

  10. 2:11 How about jumping to the defense of Michael Brown before evidence was available (We now know he had just robbed a convenience store and clearly out muscled the cop.) Or the clock boy Ahmed something (clock my foot! It was a dismantled clock made to look like a bomb). Or how about telling the rioters in Baltimore they had a right to riot. I don't care what happened, you do not have the right to destroy other people's property. Most of us here could go on all day.

  11. No problem 2:11! Absolutely NO PROBLEM! You are the one who is blind. Or is it low information and ignorant.

    1. He dismissed small-town folks as “bitter” people who “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them”.
    2. "If you've got a business-you didn't build that."
    3. WE are the ones WE'VE been waiting for."
    4. "I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."
    5. "The Cambridge police acted stupidly."
    6. He told Latinos they should say “We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends."
    7. He said about Republicans about “our own right-wing domestic terrorists who are subverting the American democratic process.”

    Do you want me to go on 2:11 because I can. I think I just might just to show you how utterly and grossly ignorant you are.

  12. Friend of AL and Jesse. Lol divisive

  13. From the times I have seen Mr. Cummings speak on television, I take him as being a racist man that doesn't know much of anything.

  14. But blacks think he is so wonderful and the reality is he has done NOTHING for blacks in the district he represents or anywhere else in the US. The way most of them live in his district I would not allow my dog to live like they do. It's gross. A cess pool of crime and poverty. But they keep on voting him in so they obvious like living like they are in some 3rd world country. Either they like it or they are too stupid to put 2 and 2 together and figure out he's worthless garbage. For this they deserve nothing but wallowing around in the cess pool dodging bullets.

  15. 2:27 I know the Trump media doctrine may tell you something different, but colorful commentary does not equal F-A-C-T

  16. 2:11 is the only idiot responding so far - go drink some more Kool-Aid!

    Everyone else has it right.....

  17. Rather be dangerous than inept like Cummings! !!!

  18. He has proven over and over he's a POS.

  19. 3:24 puts it in plain english.


  20. This subject is one nasty, evil, low life. Amazes me how he can hold any office with his mouth. He may have four or more diploma's, just saying, but he can't communicate anything without yelling. Sure appears to me a person of little knowledge that thinks he is intelligent. WTH is it coming too? Retire and continue to suck out of the same trough.

  21. Why does the first thing Elijah do is pull out that ever dependable race card? We're not racists, and nothing Donald Trump ever said was racist. It is people like Cummings that speak only to divide people and spread hate and promote racism.

    STFU and go away, Elijah!

  22. Elijah dear, you are dangerous. 1. can't seem to see the truth. 2. can't seem to come to an intelligent conclusion. 3. you lie continually. 4. your daughter was used for deceptive purposes and you knew it and much, much more.

  23. Yeah well I call Elijah Cummings stupid. He's scared of the movement that's afoot...

  24. Dear 2:11
    Show me anything that Obama has accomplished in his 71/2 years of dictatorship. What will be his legacy ? I've studied him for all these years , he is responsible for nothing productive. He is by far the worst president I've seen since Truman and he wasn't that bad . Yes I have some age on me , but at least I'm smart enough to see ignorance in Obama and Cummings , both are racist and hate whites.
    I put Obama and Cummings on the same level as Pee Wee Herman , whoops I take that back , Pee Wee was smarter.

  25. 211 Obamacare, taxes, race baiting frozen wages. And the WAR !!!!

  26. Uneducated black people like Elijah Cummings is dangerous.

  27. 2:11 read the news for this answer.


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