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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Fox News projects Trump wins Indiana primary with sizeable lead over Cruz; Democratic race too close to call

Fox News projects that New York businessman Donald Trump will overwhelmingly beat Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the Hoosier state’s Republican presidential primary, with Fox exit polls and early vote tallies giving the businessman a 20-point lead.

The victory significantly improves Trump’s chances of amassing the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the Republican presidential nomination this summer in Cleveland.

With just nine states remaining in the nominating process, the stop-Trump wing of the Republican Party appears to be rapidly running out of options.

On the Democratic side, it is too early to project a winner in the contest between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.



  1. This should serve as a wake-up call. At this point, if you don't want Trump - You want Hillary, Bernie, and al of the disaster that they WILL bring to this country.

    If you're not going to vote for Trump - please stay home - the rest of us want our country back from what the dumbocrats and establishment repugnicans have done for the last seven+ years!

  2. Woo hoo, go Trump!

  3. I don't know who you think you are telling people to stay home. You get one vote...use it any way you wish. What other people do is none of your business. I am a republican and had decided that I would probably support the nominee (I am not a Cruz fan, he should have been gone long ago) but people like you make me want to vote for Hillary for no other reason than to have you wake up to Hillary's face every morning. Keep running that line of crap and you will do nothing but anger people that are on the fence and your biggest nightmare just might come true. You cannot bully people in to voting for Trump or not at all....you don't have that much power. But what you can do is send people in droves to vote for anyone but Trump, even if they write someone in. Your statements are no way to begin to unite a party....and if you don't unite the party...then Trump loses. When voter turnout is low normally the republicans benefit from that ....not something you can count on because normally that is due to minority voters, young voters and the poor not voting...(if you don't understand that ask a smart person to explain it to you) there is so much at stake for those groups that you better believe they will be voting, the democrats normally benefit from the votes of women and college educated (by a narrow majority) and by the majority of post graduates. So telling people (that are on the fence or just don't really like Trump) to stay home is not the answer. What trump needs to do is become presidential, actually have substance and answers (on the spot) to questions and not one line zingers that impresses stupid people and he needs to read whats on his own website and memorize it...the only way he will win is to appeal to a wider group of people that actually vote not stay home.

  4. 10:09, You haven't heard a Trump speech in the last 3 months, have you?
    You say"...make me want to vote for Hillary for no other reason than to have you wake up to Hillary's face every morning", caring nothing about the good of our Country. You are as bad as people get, and yes, please stay home this time around. America has enough enemies, and She doesn't need you added to the list.


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