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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Biden Tries to Fix Broken Iraq

Joe Biden's helicopter touched down at the American Embassy in Baghdad Thursday as America's second in command made a surprise visit with Iraq's leaders in an effort to protect the stability of the government. Over the last several weeks, the state of Iraqi politics has deteriorated (who could've seen that coming?)

Biden's staff scheduled appointments with Iraqi leaders but reportedly didn't know if they would be in office by the time Biden could meet with them. The prime minister is weak. The parliament is fractured and notoriously corrupt. It would have been an embarrassing visit for Biden even if nothing happened afterwards. We'll come back to that.

In 2010, Biden boasted that abandoning Iraq "could be one of the great achievements of this administration." It was during the time that the Obama administration was peddling its "success" story in Iraq to pave the way for the 2012 campaign narrative. Not only will American troops be gone, the veep promised then, "You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government."

On Saturday, hordes of protesters stormed the Iraqi parliament..



  1. Let's not forget who broke Iraq. To settle a score? To steal the oil? What was the purpose?

  2. We need to pull out of Iraq, leave Iran alone, let Afganastan sink or
    swim and leave the Syrians to settle their own problems!Let these peoples kill each other as they have done for 10's of thousands of years! All we and other nations need to do is keep them from spilling over into other countries by strict border control. No arms sales no food or medical relief till they stop fighting, this would probably happen by the second year, they would be begging for help and no longer have the will to fight.

  3. It's amazing to me, that people will fight much harder to impose fascism on themselves than freedom.

  4. Biden couldn't fix a tire on a tricycle! !!


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