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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Baltimore police involved in 3 shootings in 5 days

BALTIMORE (AP) — Police have shot and wounded three people over a five-day span in Baltimore, two carrying guns authorities later found to be either fake or unloaded, and a third wearing what looked like an explosive vest and later deemed harmless.

Police spokesman T.J. Smith said Monday that it appears the officers in each case acted in accordance with their training to neutralize potential threats. He says the investigations are continuing and emphasized that the threat of possible violence in each case warranted police action.

The recent incidents coincide roughly with the one-year anniversary of the death of Freddie Gray, a black man who had been critically injured in police custody. His death prompted rioting last April in Baltimore, and intensified scrutiny of how city officers treat young black men.



  1. the police should shoot more maybe someday the punks will realize if an officer feels threatened he can justify his actions a policeman receives a greater reprimand than someone shooting a burglar keep up the good work whether it is real or not,loaded or unloaded and pointed in my direction i will be glad to show you mine is real AND loaded

  2. Don is one grumpy looking old man on FB. Explains much.

  3. I agree with Don, in my day, run from the cops, you got shot. Mouth off to the cops, you got beaten. Don't stop when driving, you got shot. Fight or attack a cop, you got shot. Real easy to obey them in the good old days.

  4. 3 down - several thousands to go.

  5. if anonymous thinks i look grumpy in my picture he should look me up in person and i will show him how an ex marine can be

  6. Is that your claim to fame, Don? Pretty sad! Vietnam I guess? Did you like killing people that for their political views who ultimately won against the big bad USMC?

  7. anonymous sounds like a wussy who is afraid to publish his name ,but no more comments,he is insulting my intelligence this is my country,right or wrong, and you are probably one of the anti americans during that war who is living off the profits of others no one should have died in vain so you fat cats could enjoy the freedom we have God bless America


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