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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Another Liberal Idiot


  1. lol clueless millennial.

  2. you cannot fix stupid

  3. most that say dumb things like that are bloody clueless

  4. I hope all of these people pledging to leave stick to their words. Maybe a illegals will go with them.

  5. You all need to work on your sense of humor haha

  6. Typical mentality

  7. If all those stupid liberals that say they are moving do, America is going to be great again!

  8. Please do not move to Alaska Republicans there hate Libtards. Head to Africa or Haiti far more suited for your type

  9. Move to baltimore cummings will take care of you.. you ignorant dumb moron

  10. I find it very comical that a majority of comments on this blog refer to Democrats as stupid/ignorant/libtards but most of you have iphones or computers that use windows software. Gates and Jobs, both democrats, were responsible for your ability to make such statements on this blog.

    Just because someone has a different opinion than you does not make them stupid/retarded/ignorant. The inability to accept that there are different views with respect to governing this country makes you the one that is less than smart.

    Think about it!

  11. why wait? leave now. if anyone threatens to leave this country just because they don't get their way, don't get people elected who will give them what they want, wants more of the behaviors, laws, policies, EXECUTIVE ORDERS, and other such nonsense that is destroying this country, we will be much better off without them.

    So go try all that crap in some other country, of your choice, and see how well that works out for you. And make it a good first choice, don't come back.


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