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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Armchair Quarterbacks Never Win the Heisman Trophy

By Thornton Crowe

Two racial incidents caused a huge surge of concern in Salisbury over the last two weeks...

Once again, as predicted, the semester is now in it's exam phase, students will be leaving and Dr. Janet Dudley-Eschbach has skated through, unblemished. Unforgivably, she ignored your concerns here on Salisbury News as well as the potential escalation as a result of this race baiting tolerance policy the university has apparently adopted.

Yet, when I wrote an article about the local slumlords' financial abuse of SU students, one of her underlings wrote a long-winded apology, indicating she completely miss the article's point. With crickets over the recent incident, SU proved they're more worried about students making noise rather than any potential rise in white-black tensions in the community or on campus as a result of their mishandling.

In regards to PHS, reports indicate very few concerned parents bothered to attend last Monday's big PTA hoedown. Couldn't tear yourselves away from the idiot box long enough to voice your concern as a community over the violence in the high schools; however, you  vehemently complained about it here. Hint: The gratuitous three sheriffs seen at the school the following Monday cannot keep your kids safe when it involves a mob as seen on the posted video.

So your responses were just hot air hyperbole. Hence, this blatant apathy is probably the reason why WBOC and other media outlets don't even bother covering these stories. Why bother putting time, resources and effort into stories when the town folk don't really care about them?

You may poke fun at the Circumcision Crusaders out on Route 13 last week, but at least, they're making their voices heard. You don't have to picket to get yourselves heard but let's face it, keyboard warriors, you can't expect change when you don't bother to apply any pressure on those whom can make  change happen!

Should these racially-charged events continue or escalate, at this point, you have no one to blame but yourselves. You can't just let the world go on cruise control, complaining about it on a blog and then expect anything to change.

Therefore, while armchair quarterbacks never win a Heisman Trophy, silent wheels never get greased.


  1. Mr. Crowe, I need to think about this for a bit

  2. why risk being labels "racists" or "haters" and put up with all that BS when I know they will have to answer to God one day for their sins (we ALL will) so I don't let it bother me too much. Not worth the drama.

  3. Well, 9:48AM you are right, you will be called names. However, what is your home worth? Your car? Your peace of mind? Living in a place where social unrest doesn't become norm? Don't white kids deserve to get an education? Should white children be afraid to go to school? As taxpayers, regardless of whether you have children or not, shouldn't the community's youth be able to attend school unmolested?

    You always have to weigh the opportunity costs in any given situation. In this case, the cost is much higher to remain silent.

  4. 948 the San Bernadino neighbors were afraid of being called racists and fourteen people lost their lives because of their silence. Is this what you're willing to accept?

  5. We have become submissive and afraid to speak out yet we work and pay taxes that enable those who have power over us ,We are slaves essentially.

  6. Such a bleak outlook, 10:10AM. Saddens to see slavery in modern times.

  7. Joe you should get a pic of Dr Eshbachs home.

  8. @thorntoncrowe you are spot on! As I have said before parents would rather post anonymously on a blog than do anything productive. Sad.

  9. I for one am not afraid to speak up. They know me in the WCBOE. They refuse to listen or take time for me since they found out I have no children in their system, since they are Adults. They told me a few years ago that I had no say and what I say is irrelevant. I stated as a Tax Payer in Wicomico County with a portion of my taxes are used for schools that I have a say just as much as parents. I was left standing when they walked away and brushed me off. The other time they hung up on me. Tax Payers need to be heard on school matters, especially the safety aspect. There is a non - caring Administration. I voice my opinion. The PTA should be doing more in my opinion. They very seldom do anything except to be a sounding board and report back to WBOE. I know I have been there and done that.

  10. 10:40AM, I have experienced the same, and I have the same circumstances, no children in school any longer, but that doesn't mean I don't worry about the welfare of the children in school now. This is a very non-caring administration but I continue to call and get brushed off anyway.

  11. 10:51, That is a problem. Even if you just FEEL that way. Each and every property owner in the county pays taxes for schools, (the largest expense on every taxpayer, education) and deserves every right to be heard.

    When, (with all due respect) liberals control education, they tend to be BULLIES. They are very disrespectful, (from my many years of experience) and demand what they say, goes. It doesn't matter how great an argument the public may have, they don't care.

    Just look at all of the recent changes in local laws under liberal leadership. You can start with the rain tax, gay marriage, transgender bathrooms, the list goes on and on. These are certainly not things the majority of taxpayers want. Jim Ireton, (while Mayor) refused to break away from a rain tax on Salisbury taxpayers and pushed it through, even though O'Malley cleared Salisbury from such an abusive tax.

    Common Core is yet another example. Every single Teacher I have spoken to can't stand Common Core. Making it easier to get an "A" is yet another recent example. Let's just give everyone a trophy.

    Look, even if you are a democrat, don't you really CARE about producing/delivering smart graduates? My guess is, make sure everyone graduates with good grades so we can send ALL children off to college and suck the life out of each family financially for four more years.

    It also makes it easier on Teachers. No, I am not suggesting their jobs are easy. What I AM saying is, each Teacher went to college choosing to become Teachers because they wanted to do even better than their best Teachers when they went to school. I believe in the end AFTER they get a teaching job it is nothing like they had expected.

    I also believe Liberals want to purposely bully taxpayers in Board Meetings to drive you away. I'll say this, they tried doing it to me for 12 years. The difference being, I never backed down or gave up. For those of you who ever watched me speak on PAC 14, you never saw me disrespectful. I made my comments professionally and they were the ones who attacked me when I was through. SO WHAT, I made my point, I was very proactive and they were very REACTIVE.

    Don't give up, you have rights. Don't fight, just be professional and respectful and when enough of you stand side by side in support, when more of you get out and VOTE, you will make a change for the better.

    I'm glad you continue to call and stand your ground 10:51. We need more people like you.

  12. All it will take is one person to be outspoken get on camera and demand change and when the masses see that they are not hung in the town square a movement will have begun.

  13. I wrote the principal at Parkside asking how she will address the issues regarding the violence that was going on and never got a response. I heard she made an announcement at school that violence will be met with charges being filed against anyone that is involved in that behavior.
    I also emailed her regarding the bathroom policy and have not yet heard a response from that either.

  14. I'm a liberal, a Democrat, a business owner and I have two very bright kids that go to public school here in town (Bennett). I can also say I'm happy with the education they are getting and don't walk around in fear of their classmates. Truth is all you want to do is complain and be critical of everything. Life is good and what you make of it. You and most that post here must lead pathetic lives and I feel sorry for you.

    1. Feelin' that privilege, aren't you!

  15. 12:03 is exactly the example of a Liberal I mentioned earlier in my comment.

    Yeah, we're ALL so wrong for having an opinion or our view of what WE see/experience.

    Life, (as you say) is now what we have to deal with because so much of your Liberal BS has been shoved down our throats without public input, fair debate or brought to a vote.

    If you believe WE live pathetic lives, well, I/We feel sorry for you. YOU are the kind of person who brings REVOLUTIONS because YOU believe that not only your life is better then ours, you, (by your own words) believe you are a better person.

  16. By the way 12:03, You're welcome for your welfare checks, affordable housing, free breakfast and lunch for your children and food stamps.

  17. 1203 people like you ARE the problem. Life is good even though the economy is stagnant, crime is rampant and kids are getting beaten up in school because they're white. Personally when I did sub, I taught at Bennett and if your kids are getting a good education, then either you're not looking over their work or you are accepting that Common Core doctors everything it teaches. Revised History, Math that has no explanation or logical sense. Social Studies and Foreign Language teachers telling kids they don't have to work and there is no immigration laws. Excuse me? Yeah, that's right. And as for the kids in the classroom, they don't listen to teachers worth a hoot. I know many teachers who complain their room are a zoo every period because the kids don't settle down and after the bell, immediately four to six of them have to go to the bathroom and want passes. You're so out of touch you might as well be on frigging Jupiter.

    Completely convince at this point, modern liberalism is a mental disorder.

  18. People like 1203 are the very reason my family are moving away from this place. You are delusional. Probably half of your post is BS in the first place as Liberals aren't exactly known to be the most honest bunch. Look at their leader. More liberal here than Connecticut.

  19. To 12:46,

    Goodbye! I am not 12:03 but I am a person who is happy here despite that most of the people who live here are conservative and despite that evil occurs here like every place in the world. I am a little conservative myself. But in your case, no matter where you go you will no doubt take your troubles and misery with you.

    Don't you remember Connecticut is where the Sandy Hook shooting took place in a school no less? Since then they have lost or are about to lose their gun manufacturing. They either have or want to make gun laws tougher.

    Liberals and Conservatives have about the same level of honesty. It is just certain individuals of all stripes who lie or are delusional. Sometimes about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence. I doubt the grass is truly greener in Connecticut.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Anonymous said...

    I for one am not afraid to speak up. They know me in the WCBOE. They refuse to listen or take time for me since they found out I have no children in their system, since they are Adults. They told me a few years ago that I had no say and what I say is irrelevant. I stated as a Tax Payer in Wicomico County with a portion of my taxes are used for schools that I have a say just as much as parents. I was left standing when they walked away and brushed me off. The other time they hung up on me. Tax Payers need to be heard on school matters, especially the safety aspect. There is a non - caring Administration. I voice my opinion. The PTA should be doing more in my opinion. They very seldom do anything except to be a sounding board and report back to WBOE. I know I have been there and done that.

    May 15, 2016 at 10:40 AM

    Uh... I'm a BOE member and I have no idea who the Hell you are Mr. Anonymous. I notice you forgot to sign your name so you must be someone who talks shit on your computer because you certainly don't go to Board meetings.

    BTW what is the WBOE??

  22. http://m.wmdt.com/news/parents-take-to-facebook-to-combat-school-violence/39543634

    Where is this? Not a social media goer, but worth a look...

  23. Joe said... "When, (with all due respect) liberals control education, they tend to be BULLIES. They are very disrespectful, (from my many years of experience) and demand what they say, goes. It doesn't matter how great an argument the public may have, they don't care."

    That is exactly what Obama is and is doing with this queer bathroom issue. He is bullying the tax payers and the Boards of Education.

  24. Anonymous said...
    I'm a liberal, a Democrat, a business owner and I have two very bright kids that go to public school here in town (Bennett). I can also say I'm happy with the education they are getting and don't walk around in fear of their classmates. Truth is all you want to do is complain and be critical of everything. Life is good and what you make of it. You and most that post here must lead pathetic lives and I feel sorry for you.

    May 15, 2016 at 12:03 PM

    You definitely sound like a liberal moron. Do you care to leave your name? You obviously have blinders on because you do not see the problems facing your/our children.

    To the Libtard business owner and parent of two at Bennett High School I guess you are Ok with this.

    Police haven't released name in attempted Bennett rape

    n attempted rape at a local high school has left the community searching for answers of who and why.

    Thursday, a 15-year-old male student was taken into custody and charged as an adult. He was released to the Wicomico Detention Center.

    Although he was charged as an adult, the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation has not released his name as of Friday.

    Tracy Sahler, spokeswoman for Wicomico County Schools, released a statement Friday in regard to the incident.

    "Like everyone, we are deeply disturbed by the incident at James M. Bennett High School this week that resulted in a student being charged with attempted first-degree rape of another student. We place the highest priority on the safety of our students, and the school system and school are cooperating fully with law enforcement in its investigation into this matter,” said John Fredricksen, superintendent in Wicomico County Public Schools, in an email.

    “As a result of this incident, we are currently evaluating our safety and security procedures to determine whether adjustments are needed. Areas under review include deployment of staff, enhancements to security cameras, and other security measures. We will implement any adjustments that we believe would further strengthen our priority of providing a safe learning environment for every student.”

    At about 1:20 p.m. April 6, a female student was led by the male student now charged into a back stairwell, where he began trying to kiss the female student while she fought to prevent him from doing so, police said.

    Police say the struggle continued for about 10 minutes, as the male student was trying to pull the clothes off the female as well as get his own genitals exposed.

    During the assault, police said, the male student was choking the female student, pulling her hair and pinning her down on the stairwell and the floor and pinning her against the wall, police said.

    The assault was seen to be occurring by a staff member on video in the office, police said, and that staff member ran to stop the assault.

    The male student has been charged with attempted first-degree rape, attempted second-degree rape, third-degree sex offense, sexual contact without consent, first-degree assault, second-degree assault, unlawfully detain, attempted first-degree sex offense and attempted second-degree sex offense, police said.

  25. "Completely convince at this point, modern liberalism is a mental disorder."

    I agree!

  26. 2:44, Your trash mouth clearly shows just how abusive you Liberals are. I see you didn't leave your name. I just love how Liberals try to claim conservatives are the ones who are aggressive. Yeah, I think this Post will finally wake people up and more people little by little will start fighting back.

  27. If 244 is a Board of Ed member, then clearly we can see why the school system is so screwed up. Do yourselves and kids a favor, work the extra job and send them to private school. When the board member appears illiterate, the same ignorance rolls downhill from that point forward.

  28. The public school system reflects the community on a whole. Sad to say that Salisbury will probably never be restored to the nice place it used to be because the people in it don't seem to care much about it.

  29. I though Joe Olinger and John Palmer where appointed to the WCBOE to clean up this kind of mess with regarded to the school's budget and student discipline.

  30. 2:44 just shows how arrogant the Wicomico Board of Education (WBOE) has become. I would expect better from appointed board members, especially since they're evaluated and appointed by the Governor.

  31. I don't see it happening, but hopefully the new election of school board members will pass and we will get some honest people to represent the citizens.

    I have been watching Joe Ollinger who is a new member of the BOE and he claims he is a Republican. He was asking the County Council to change the revenue cap so that it will reflect the financial needs of the Board of Education. Who put that clown on there anyway?

    I have an idea Joe Ollinger since you took the job to represent the citizens of Wicomico County why haven't you worked to cut spending at the Board of Education. Apparently that is not your agenda.

  32. Uh... I'm a BOE member and I have no idea who the Hell you are Mr. Anonymous. I notice you forgot to sign your name so you must be someone who talks shit on your computer because you certainly don't go to Board meetings.

    BTW what is the WBOE??

    May 15, 2016 at 2:44 PM

    Joe, you don't know and neither do I whether this person is a liberal or a conservative. I consider BOE members to be the appointed citizen members and a number of them are conservative today in Wicomico. This person may not be part of the BOE. And even before the recent conservatives have come on board there have always been some responsible conservatives and not so responsible conservatives on the BOE.

    I am really writing about what this person said. I have been to board meetings three or four times on the unpopular side of things over the years. I am not afraid, well actually nobody wants to face down their fellow citizens neither do I, but the times I went I thought I was doing the right thing and I continue to think that. Just too bad if others disagreed and wanted to hold a grug (sp).

    Oh, and most of todays BOE members wouldn't know me.It has been some years since I faced them and other citizens on the unpopular side of things.

  33. 4:24 said I have been watching Joe Ollinger who is a new member of the BOE and he claims he is a Republican. He was asking the County Council to change the revenue cap so that it will reflect the financial needs of the Board of Education. Who put that clown on there anyway?


    When most people become part of the community in a leadership position they start to see things differently once they are responsible for things. They understand that all the backyard fence talk that takes place online today is by people without responsibility for anything.

    You have seen Bob Culver and our Governor take positions that some people on here generally don't like and that most often is because they cost money but they are positions that make things better for most everybody.

    Like him or not, Joe has always been a responsible community minded person which is a big reason why he got that BOE responsibility from Governor Hogan.

  34. This is so sad , that race is still an issue after all this time.
    We should celebrate our differences.

    1. You can blame the king of ALL the race baiting OBAMA.

  35. Anonymous JaneBr said...
    This is so sad , that race is still an issue after all this time.
    We should celebrate our differences.

    May 15, 2016 at 5:30 PM

    That's what happened when you voted for Obama and other Democrats.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    4:24 said I have been watching Joe Ollinger who is a new member of the BOE and he claims he is a Republican. He was asking the County Council to change the revenue cap so that it will reflect the financial needs of the Board of Education. Who put that clown on there anyway?


    When most people become part of the community in a leadership position they start to see things differently once they are responsible for things. They understand that all the backyard fence talk that takes place online today is by people without responsibility for anything.

    You have seen Bob Culver and our Governor take positions that some people on here generally don't like and that most often is because they cost money but they are positions that make things better for most everybody.

    Like him or not, Joe has always been a responsible community minded person which is a big reason why he got that BOE responsibility from Governor Hogan.

    May 15, 2016 at 5:26 PM

    Thanks for the comment Mr. Ollinger. Hopefully you will get replaced soon. If you want the revenue cap issue addressed I suggest you form a group to have it changed. I dare you!

  37. 5:26 here speaking to 6:21 Who declared my comment to be from "Mr. Ollinger."

    Some of you people, maybe more rather then fewer, must truly be the idiots you call each other.

    Ollinger did not write that comment, I did and no Mr. Anonymous, like you, I don't intend to use my name either. There are just too many trolls, like you, on here.

  38. Never fear I just found a HERO who's gonna save the schools. At least that is what he is claiming on the FB page Take Back Our Schools.

    Michael Elliott‎ to Take Back Our Schools
    May 14 at 6:27pm ·

    "I have some solutions on many things that can be done in our public schools to control some of these issues in Wicomico County Maryland.
    They will be shared with public this summer."

    Like Comment Share

    Ha Ha Ha - this is the same clown the Sheriff's Office finally got rid of. He was a ROD in the Sheriff's Office, Retired On Duty = ROD. They finally got rid of him and then he got a job in County Executive Rick Pollitt's Office. He was going around telling everyone that he was going to run for County Executive the next election right under his bosses nose. I think it wasn't long and they got rid of him.

    "I have some solutions on many things that can be done in our public schools to control some of these issues in Wicomico County Maryland.
    They will be shared with public this summer."

    Well Mikey if you were so concerned with the "issues in Wicomico County Maryland" especially our public schools you would "share" them now, but no you want to wait until this Summer when you can use this as another one of your Bullsh!t platforms at an attempt to run for office again. This is just nothing more than your ignorant Grandstanding and I doubt you can beat any of the incumbents.

    Someone should go back to that FB page and call Mike Elliott out on this.

    Maybe this will be your next County Executive. LMAO. I'm sure Bob Culver is shaking in his boots. NOT!!

    Maybe this will be your next Sheriff? He couldn't do the job when he was employed as a Deputy then so he can't do the job now. Sheriff Lewis just got a chuckle from this loser.

  39. Anonymous said...
    5:26 here speaking to 6:21 Who declared my comment to be from "Mr. Ollinger."

    Some of you people, maybe more rather then fewer, must truly be the idiots you call each other.

    Ollinger did not write that comment, I did and no Mr. Anonymous, like you, I don't intend to use my name either. There are just too many trolls, like you, on here.

    May 15, 2016 at 8:55 PM

    Good try Joe, now go back to work on your plan for changing the revenue cap.

  40. So the point of this is, we argue about doing something and never do it? Honestly "adults", 95% of you are not at SU, so your daily life went uninterrupted because of a drawing, which can be erased. Would you feel this fake upset if you saw a black man draw that same message in graffiti on the side of a random building? No, you would report it and it would get painted over, end of story. Now to Parkside, how can you "adults" teach your kids not to bully, when you come on here and tell other people to get on someones Facebook page and harass them? Cant we all grow up?

  41. Obama worst and last black president ever..

  42. The hate is going to destroy this nation.

    Unless people are willing to start putting the country BEFORE their political ideology, we are doomed.

    Please remember that political parties are private clubs. Neither 'Democrat' nor 'Republican' is mentioned in the US Constitution.

  43. At least Mr. Elliot wants to do something all you want to do is attack those who want to better the school's. Why don't you post your name ?

  44. A Concerned Parent...May 16, 2016 at 3:11 PM

    @2:44 Are you the "BOE" member that posts under "concerned BOE member"? You certainly don't sound too concerned. If you are really a BOE member I will tell you once again...you disgust me. You quoted "Mr. Anonymous" but you didn't post your name. Why? Afraid? Instead of posting on here anonymously why don't you do something about our schools? You know the schools in the county where girls are getting raped and teachers and students are getting attached almost daily? Oh but wait...its much more productive to post on a blog. You are a pitiful human being and your parents did a bang up job raising you!

  45. I am a teacher at PHS and i too was surprised at the lack of concern by the parents. The PTA was the following tuesday night and i was expecting to see many upset parents there. In the meeting there were only about 3 couples and they were the ones that normally show up. The BOE are gutless. They need to get these troublemakers OUT of our schools. We still have students roaming the halls all day doing nothing but causing trouble. And to the liberal POS board member 244 the person you are trying to put down clearly spelled WCBOE correctly early in their statement and missed a letter the second time. If you can't figure that out then you need to move on from your position. You also jab the person about using anonymous but then use it yourself. I use it because of the retribution i would receive from the spineless cowards at the WCBOE. You are the one that is there to help these kids but cower under you keyboard. Stand up, be an adult and do your job or get out and make way for someone who will.

  46. It's not a hate crime if black people do it, right Matt?

  47. Maybe it's time to harass members of the board ,Perhaps if they are made to feel unsafe in their home they will understand what students are subjected to!

  48. I heard a couple of these parents yapping it up as if nothing happened pertaining violence in the school. Didn't seem to have an issue because it wasn't their child harassed or beaten up. They should be concerned but it seems they're not. Too many are reactive rather than proactive.


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