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Friday, April 29, 2016

Why Won’t The FBI Tell Apple How It Unlocked iPhone?

A month ago, the FBI dropped its legal effort to compel Apple to unlock a dead terrorist’s iPhone after a third party provided the agency with a way to bypass the device’s encryption. While the federal law enforcer is okay with using what it learned to aid other criminal investigations, it doesn’t look like the FBI is jumping at the chance to let Apple in on the secret. 


  1. Why did Apple makes phones that consumer can't unlock?

  2. I don't think they did!!! You can't believe ANYTHING from this administration! !!

  3. Duh because they want holes in the security so they can track you and steal your data...

  4. I think it stems from the tension that exists now between the two. The FBI spent millions decrypting that phone and I doubt they'll want to expose the flaws to apple because like @8:27 said, they can use this flaw in the phone's security in the future. You can encrypt your own phones (android at least) so that a certain number of failed attempts at your password will factory reset the entire device. Not entirely sure if apple has the same capability.

  5. I invented 2 tin cans and a string before Al invented the internet.

  6. Since the taxpayers spent the millions for this, let Apple pay for the information.


  7. Apple can just file a FOIA and get in line.

  8. You people are so asinine. They probably want the info so they write a patch to avoid people's phones from being compromised abusively by the government. Some people are thicker than bricks.


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