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Friday, April 29, 2016

Former Worcester State’s Attorney Looks Back On Career As Local Prosecutor Before Relocating Out West

BERLIN — To say that current Wicomico County Assistant State’s Attorney and former Worcester County State’s Attorney Joel Todd has longstanding local roots is a vast understatement. His family can be traced back in Worcester County to 1743, just one year after the county was officially founded.

Yet, Todd, who was involved in trying some of the most headline grabbing and community rattling cases in Worcester County’s history during his tenure from 1995-2011, is soon to be leaving the Eastern Shore and heading west to start a new chapter of his life.

Todd sat down with The Dispatch in his Berlin home to look back on his work in Worcester and Wicomico counties, the bittersweet feelings of leaving behind the only home he’s ever known, and revealed some of the cases that he’s worked on over the years that still haunt him to this day.



  1. Good luck on your venture Mr. Todd.....

  2. Joel Todd, and I, were professional adversaries throughout his entire career. I have the utmost respect for him. He is an excellent lawyer and more importantly, a very fine person.


  3. Prayers each day for Mr. Todd to enjoy good health.
    Thank you for your service....good job!

  4. 1004 unlike you Clark.


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