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Saturday, April 23, 2016


The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives has claimed ownership of a mysterious box that was removed from a utility pole in Phoenix, Arizona.

Phoenix resident Brian Clegg was concerned about a box he witnessed being installed on a power pole. Clegg said the box was facing his house and he believed it may have had cameras inside. The pole was owned by Arizona’s largest power provider, SRP, who claimed no one had permission to put the box on their pole. Brian Clegg says shortly afterwards SRP sent a crew to remove the box.

Shortly after ABC15 investigated the matter, the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives(ATF), a branch of the U.S. Department of Justice, acknowledged installing the box as part of an ongoing investigation. Officials with the ATF would not provide details about their alleged investigation and would not confirm if they were conducting surveillance in the area.

“I don’t feel safer,” said Brian Clegg. “I feel that my privacy has been violated.”

SRP told ABC15 they were unaware the box had been installed and that the ATF has to notify them if they are going install something on their property. The ATF told ABC15 they can put security measures in place without asking for permission. Obviously the federal government feels comfortable doing whatever it wants to do, whenever it wants to, law be damned.



  1. Of coarse the government can do what it want's because Obama is in charge and laws mean nothing to him. All that will change when Trump is elected.

  2. Take a trip down the slippery slope with the definition of "security measures" and the placing of government surveillance devices.

  3. Paranoia will destroy ya!

  4. Well then let me explain:Those units measure the chemical content in the atmosphere created by chemtrails.The content in the oxygen we breathe should not exceed a certain level.If the content exceeds a certain level human sterilization ensues moreso than was originally planned.Pro creation therefore must continue,but within reason.

  5. Big Brother is here. George Orwell had it right.

  6. 10:48 AM, have much Kool Aid did you drink?

  7. The ATF, and by extension and with permission of the Justice Department (the ones charged with enforcing the law, by the way), have just told everyone that private property rights no longer exist. Further, the law does not apply to them.
    The 4th Amendment, the right to privacy, the assumption of innocence, to name a few, are GONE. Oh, there might be a case here or there every once in a while, just to keep "we, the people" believing those things still exist and that the government recognizes them. Uh huh.
    They are gone and you made it possible. Inch by inch, bit by bit, little by little, they have taken the Bill of Rights, burned it in front of you and replaced it with 24-7 top to bottom surveillance of EVERYONE. Fake cell phone towers. Warrant-less wiretaps. Roaming X-Ray trucks peering into your home. Photographs of ALL citizens on file at every level. Forever. Electronic invasions by unbelievable means (turning on your TV or phone and watching/listening to YOU anytime they want). Secret charges, trials, and prisons. Citizens under the threat of PRISON for not informing on other citizens (i.e., bankers who fail to secretly report on a customer's transactions that are not illegal in any way).
    All this. In AMERICA!
    Keep being afraid.
    And while you still can, keep cheering.

  8. Full moon tonight?

  9. That's why we need Trump in office to put an end to such as this. Government is getting too big and needs to be brought down a notch or two. Doing whatever they want and say they do not need anyone's permission. Someone needs to put a foot in their backside and let them know they are not as powerful as they think they are.


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