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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Barack Obama Sucks Up To Saudis … Gets Snubbed


We wrote yesterday how U.S. president Barack Obama was kowtowing to Saudi Arabia – our “partners in peace” – in an effort to kill legislation that could help hold the country responsible for its role in the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Naturally the Saudis welcomed Obama to Riyadh with open arms, right?

Um … not so much.

From CNN …

When Obama touched down in Riyadh shortly after 1 p.m. local time, there were no kisses with the kingdom’s ruler as President George W. Bush once exchanged. The Saudi government dispatched the governor of Riyadh rather than a senior-level royal to shake Obama’s hand, a departure from the scene at the airport earlier in the day when King Salman was shown on state television greeting the leaders of other Gulf nations on the tarmac.

Social media users quickly termed the reception, which was not carried live on state TV, a snub and a sign that a relationship long lubricated by barrels of oil is now facing deep questions on both sides.



  1. Obama is way out of his league,such a failure.

  2. So, he got a junior level royal instead. Sounds about right.

  3. They are really pissed they aren't going to get Jeb to manipulate like the other Bush's.

  4. It's because they know obama is nothing but ghetto trash and not deserving of any respect. I love what Donald Trump said in Harrington. He said if he had come into the airport on Air Force One in both Cuba and Saudi Arabia and no dignitaries were there to greet him, like no one was there to greet obama, Trump said he would have told the pilot, back to Washington DC without getting off the plane.

  5. Greeted by a little prince. How cute!

  6. They kissed Bush's ass for getting a pass after 911. They are angry at Obama for the recent ruling opening them up to lawsuits over 911


  7. Why would or should anyone welcome that joker?

    Respect the office, but no the man.

    If he landed out front of my place in a chopper, I would stay in and lock the doors, wouldn't hurt to close the blinds.

  8. He's laughing stock of world politics!!!

  9. "Anonymous said...

    They kissed Bush's ass for getting a pass after 911. They are angry at Obama for the recent ruling opening them up to lawsuits over 911

    April 23, 2016 at 11:53 AM"

    LOL they could care less about that. It's nothing but an empty gesture. If you think for one second they are going to pay one cent if this ever even sees the court system you are grossly uninformed.

  10. "If he landed out front of my place in a chopper, I would stay in and lock the doors, wouldn't hurt to close the blinds.

    April 23, 2016 at 11:56 AM"

    I agree. He is so vulgar and gross that I wouldn't even breath the same air as him.

    1. So many haters. Obama probably feels the same way about you & all the other people that have criticized, disrepected him since he's been in office. Most of you don't know what you're talking about. Black man can't get a break.

  11. Its like Trump said, as president, if there was no one to greet him @ saudi airport, he'd have the pilot take him back home!


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