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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

White House: Obama Has No Insight Into Clinton Emails

President Obama doesn't know more about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails than the average American, despite his past assurances that Clinton didn't harm U.S. national security by sending out unsecured emails, a White House spokesman said on Monday.

"The president has neither sought nor received a confidential briefing or confidential information about the ongoing investigation," Press Secretary Josh Earnest clarified. "The president's knowledge about this situation is based entirely on public reporting."

On Sunday, Obama clarified comments he made last year that the Democratic presidential front-runner did not hurt national security by using an unsecured email server to communicate during her time at Foggy Bottom.

Earnest tried to reconcile Obama's remarks Sunday with on-going federal prosecutions against government officials who have revealed classified information.



  1. Liar liar pants on fire

  2. If so, then he needs to shut his stupid mouth.


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