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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

BREAKING: Paul Ryan to Make MAJOR Announcement on Presidential Bid

Paul Ryan has scheduled a press conference for 3:15 today. He said:

"I do not want, nor will I accept the nomination for the presidency."

Ryan further said: "If you want to be the nominee for our party, to be the president, you should actually run for it."

He reiterated: "I will not be this party's nominee."

Ryan pledged to do his best at speaker, to make it a policy and communications based speakership. He promised a policy agenda that will provide a clear choice to the American people, and stressed his intention to focus on that, and promised to work towards a secure border, economic prosperity, and healthcare reform.

Source: AAN


  1. That's wonderful-- if he's telling the truth and not playing some game.
    After what he did with the budget, etc, he's going to have to show me something over the long term before I believe him again.

  2. He didn't want to be Speaker either. Were his lips moving when he made his announcement?

    Figured they were ...

  3. 444-Are you a simpleton? Ryan is the Speaker of the House. He didn't force the GOP in the House and Senate to vote for the budget. That's the budget that the majority in both houses agreed to. But, in blaming Ryan, you've shown yourself as being too unfamiliar with the process.

  4. Ryan is a traitor to the people, a rino in the deepest sense... he and his $10. a barrel new tax on oil...they dont want the economy to get better...rather more dependent slaves is what they want!

  5. Oh 7:45 have another cocktail, you sound drunk.

  6. The economy is doing pretty well now except in the outhouse of MD known as the eastern shore.

  7. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 12, 2016 at 9:43 PM

    6:44 the Simpleton is you. Ryan, as the Speaker of the House, got pressured by Obamas, Pelosi, Reed & Clinton threathening Government Shutdown and blaming it on Repiblicans in MSM. So Ryan called the meeting for House GOP and said "Well, we better Cave In this time, but maybe next time we will make a stand, yeah right! National Dept was 18 Trillion, now it's 19 and soon it will be 21 TRILLION. THERE WILL BE NO NEXT TIME!!! But don't worry folks, it's all good, while Ryan plays rounds of golf with Barrack. On Taxpayers Dime, of course.
    Wke Up Sheeple

  8. didn't wanna be speaker either.


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