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Monday, April 04, 2016

WH: Iran is Complying With Nuclear Deal; Ballistic Missiles Are a ‘Separate’ Issue

(CNSNews.com) – The White House reiterated Thursday that Iran is complying with the terms of the nuclear deal, stressing that its ballistic missile launches are a “separate” issue.

But in saying that, U.S. deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes also argued that the nuclear deal was important since an ability to “marry” nuclear and missile technology would present “the most dangerous situation” for the U.S. and its allies.

“Thus far we have seen Iran meet its major commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action,” Rhodes told a press briefing focused on the administration’s nuclear security summit. The JCPOA is the nuclear agreement concluded with Tehran last summer.

Asked whether he referred to “major commitments” intentionally, so leaving “a little wiggle room” to allow for concerns relating to the missile launches, Rhodes disagreed.

“No, Iran has complied with the JCPOA,” he said, outlining key steps it has taken to limit its nuclear activities in line with the accord.

“We do believe that they are complying with the JCPOA,” Rhodes repeated. “The ballistic missile launches – um, you know, this is a nuclear deal. And we’ve always been very clear that the JCPOA is about rolling back and constraining Iran’s nuclear program.”

“We were also clear that they were going to continue to be engaged in behavior that we found counterproductive – ballistic missiles, support for terrorism, destabilizing activities in the region. That’s not the nuclear deal. It’s a separate set of issues on which we have the ability to respond.”

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  1. Obama is a failure in foriegn & domestic affairs

  2. Well, yeah, because everybody knows that you can't screw a nuclear tip on to a ballistic missile! The threads are different!

    Just how stupid does the WH think we are? Here's the prime example!

    And the sad thing is, half the audience probably nodded their heads in agreement during that speech, including Congressmen and Senators!!!!

  3. This is why we need to clean house - all three!

  4. They think we're that stupid!

  5. in iran we trust


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