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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Virginia's Governor Just Gave 206,000 People The Right To Vote

Two hundred six thousand Virginians will newly have the right to vote this year. That's according to the office of Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who signed a bill on Friday that would allow felons who had completed their sentences to vote.

In addition to granting voting rights, the executive order will also allow released felons to run for office, serve on a jury, and serve as notaries public, the governor's office said in a release. It will apply to any felon who "completed his or her sentence and all other requirements" like parole or probation, as of April 22, the office said. The governor also plans to issue additional monthly orders to grant voting rights to future released felons.

"Too often in both our distant and recent history, politicians have used their authority to restrict people's ability to participate in our democracy," McAuliffe said in a statement. "Today we are reversing that disturbing trend and restoring the rights of more than 200,000 of our fellow Virginians who work, raise families and pay taxes in every corner of our Commonwealth."



  1. It was in the Virginia paper that 99% of the Felons he restored their voting rights too, were registered Democrats before incarceration. He was doing this to support Clinton, and get a Cabinet post in her administration.

  2. Makes common sense to me. Do the crime, you do the time. Then you are back on equal footing.

  3. They will all most likely vote for the criminal party too!
    This isn't simply about criminal's rights - it's about getting more dumbocrat votes.

    They are destroying this country!

  4. 10:16 - there are some crimes that the punishments do not fit! These crimes should include the revocation of weapons possession privileges as well as voting privileges - permanently...some of these crimes should include the revocation of breathing privileges!

    Equal footing with a criminal-bent brain means you will commit again!

  5. 11:21 am glad you are not on the courts. We have these things called laws and fortunately they trump your trivial opinions. According to you we shouldn't have jails, just March everyone over to the hangman knots. Your opinion makes 0 sense compared to several thousand years of legal precedent by civilizations across the globe.

  6. 10:16 yet sex offenders are stigmatized for the rest of their lives, with a recidivism rate of less than 1%.

  7. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 23, 2016 at 2:47 PM

    McAuliffe is Clinton's best pal, so it all makes sense. Crooked Hillary needs more votes in Virginia for general election, Dead, Alive or Incarcareted. Dirty Slimeball Democ-Rat Tactics on full display here. HILLARY 4 PRISON, GO TRUMP 2016

  8. The Governor Must be hoping for a position in the Clinton cabinet.

  9. "..yet sex offenders are stigmatized for the rest of their lives, with a recidivism rate of less than 1%.."

    What?? Where did you get that number?
    More like 50%. Sex offenders are NOTORIOUS for repeat offenses. That's why there is a registry in every state.

  10. My Virginia paper says that the NAACP was saying this was a great day for the black felons in Virginia, "This restores the rights of over two hundred thousand African Americans so they can vote for Hillary, this November."

  11. And so the no punishment for felons continues. Imagine when all governors start "executive powering" it.

  12. The recidivism rate for sex offenders is GREATER than 1% by far!!! Don't kno where u get ur info.

  13. You should not be eligible to vote if you are on government assistance.


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