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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Chelsea Clinton: Now that Scalia’s Gone We Can Enact Gun Control

The Clinton’s are not even pretending anymore… they are going full-throttle after our gun rights and she hasn’t even become their nominee yet. On the campaign trail for her mother, Chelsea Clinton bluntly admitted that the left is planning on using the Supreme Court to enact greater gun control and strip us of our Second Amendment rights if her mother wins the presidency. Just stunning. She’s says now that Antonin Scalia is gone, they have the opportunity to get rid of the guns once and for all. I kid you not.

Chelsea Clinton: Gun Control Opportunity on Supreme Court With Scalia Gone

Chelsea Clinton said Thursday at an event in Maryland that there is now an opportunity for gun control legislation to pass the Supreme Court since Justice Antonin Scalia passed away.

“It matters to me that my mom also recognizes the role the Supreme Court has when it comes to gun control. With Justice Scalia on the bench, one of the few areas where the Court actually had an inconsistent record relates to gun control,” Clinton said. “Sometimes the Court upheld local and state gun control measures as being compliant with the Second Amendment and sometimes the Court struck them down.”

Clinton then touted her mother’s record on gun control issues and knowledge that the Supreme Court has an effect on whether many gun control laws stand.

They are coming for our guns now and soon. This should illustrate that fact once and for all. And if Trump is elected, your gun rights will not be safe either. Ted Cruz is the only candidate that will protect our Second Amendment rights and secure them. Unlike Gateway Pundit, I do not believe Trump can beat Hillary. They have way too much dirt on him. Ted Cruz can beat her… he is our best shot. We had better make the right choice this time. If we lose the right to be armed, we lose the country. It’s just that simple.



  1. Communists thru and thru

  2. Does anyone know who she is married to? The son of a felon.

    1. google "Chelsea husband" and his name and picture will magically appear. Numerous article on him and her and details of his family.

  3. Why hasn't FOX News or other msm reported this? I am hesitant to believe the far right wing sites. so google to see who is reporting the news.

  4. She's an example of why we need to enact birth control!

  5. They are delusional and pitifully deceived if they think 80 million gun owners are just going to turn over their weapons because Hillary and her spoiled daughter tell us to.....
    This ain't Australia.
    We're going to fight. And, after a while, you're going to get tired of dying. And in the end, WE keep the guns and YOU get hung. And please don't think that the RIDICULOUSLY OUTNUMBERED police, National Guard, and local sheriffs are going to be able to take them, either.
    Where do these people come from who think they can dictate what GOD GIVEN rights they will ALLOW us to have??? They didn't GRANT them to us and they cannot TAKE them either.
    That, by the way, was tried before by another group of elitist wanna-be dictators. We slaughtered them like pigs.
    Who dares to be next????

  6. Surprise,surprise - not!

  7. Evidence of Scalia's murder ?

  8. Well stated 2:08 PM

  9. Obama had Scalia killed to have GUN CONTROL


  10. 1:20
    And why would Fox or any other network report what this speaker says.
    Admittedly, I didn't click on to hear the nonsense because it would be as much waste as the words spoken.
    Just realize that this nobody supposedly came from the Clinton loins.
    I apologize if you don't care to hear my thoughts.

  11. If we lose the 2nd Amendment, we lose all the others and the Constitution as well. That ONE Amendment is all that is between the Freedom we have and total Dictatorship.

  12. Cruz is this writer's solution???? Isn't he inviting illegals into the country as fast as possible?

    We need Trump. He can EASILY beat the jailbird Hillary and he loves his Country, Constitution, and 2A!


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