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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Two Illegal “Dreamers” Rape Maryland Girl, Call her Fresh Meat

In the latest “act of love” from a pack of violent illegal aliens, a 12-year-old girl was raped in Montgomery County, Maryland by two individuals likely eligible for Obama’s executive amnesty. One of them reportedly referred to the girl as “fresh meat” as he encouraged his friend to partake in the act of savagery.

The incident occurred on March 26, but the two perpetrators weren’t arrested until Friday, as reported by the Washington Post. The two suspects are Enrique Carbajal, 24, and Victor Tome, 19, who would likely be eligible for the Dream Act supported by both John Kasich and Donald Trump.

Montgomery County is a sanctuary jurisdiction in Maryland that does not cooperate with federal immigration officials.

How much longer are we going to remain silent and allow this to happen?



  1. every county in every state better cooperate with every federal agency. there shouldn't be any sanctuary jurisdictions for anything.

  2. I'm under the impression, only by listening to hes speeches over the years, that the Donald is against free invitations to all illegal immigrants and against the "Dreamers" plan.

    Can anybody here send me a link that shows Donald Trump in favor of the "Dreamers" plan in light of Sanctuary Cities?

    I'll wait, but I don't expect an answer.

  3. These 'dreamers' have become our 'nightmares'. Get them out of our country NOW.

  4. If I was her DAD...Lopez and Rodriguez would be taking a seat in HELL right now!


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