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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tax Experts: Here's What Sanders' Plan Would Cost and Trump's Plan Would Save

Tax season is heavy on many Americans’ minds as the filing deadline fast approaches.

But who you vote for this year could make a big difference on how your taxes look in 2017.

Today, America’s Election Headquarters brought in two tax experts to weigh the proposals of each presidential candidate.

Currently, under President Obama’s administration, a family of four that is making $80,000 a year is paying about $327 a week in taxes, Leland Vittert noted.

Under a Hillary Clinton presidency, things would basically stay the same, he said.

With Bernie Sanders in the White House, however, this family would pay about $206 more in taxes per week.


1 comment:

  1. Funny, the Trump half of the article is missing.

    Gee, I wonder why?


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