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Sunday, April 24, 2016

This Is The New Salisbury Maryland Flag

I'm not kidding, this is the new design branding for Salisbury Maryland. I'm sure many of you have something to say so, let it rip. 


  1. I really don't get this, can Jakie 'splain?

  2. What do the colors stand for? Why stripes and not pansies?

  3. Wow. A lot of thought went into that! Looks like one of my pillow cases.

  4. tell me the powers to be did not pay someone for the design

  5. This is ridiculous I love tne flag we have, it looks like someone's article of clothing not a flag. We have one of the nicest flags in this country if it ain't broken why fix it!

  6. Just stare at it for it a minute. It hurts your eyes

  7. How about a picture of a gun, an empty crack vial, a used needle, and a chalk outline.

  8. Being a Wi Hi Alumni...not so bad...for a High School!!!! Wtw?!!?!!

    1. I was thinking the same thing.

  9. Who the hell approved this ? This is the sickest thing I've ever seen.

  10. A Smith Island cake motif?

  11. This is a color combination that will not stand any test of time.

  12. Why not a Rainbow? How about a 9mm handgun under the Rainbow? Might be more fitting.

  13. You just know that the window stickers are coming in this design.

  14. Oh boy STEVENSON and DAY went all out on this one!! Nice effort

  15. What do butterscotch and blue have to do with Salisbury's image?

  16. I get dizzy looking at it. Yuck.

  17. Look the Salisbury UK City Council's coat-of-Arms. It's shield has the same blue and gold stripes.

  18. Love it! May I have more please?

  19. Another one of Day's picks for sure. No wonder he failed miserably as an "urban planner." So far his choice for this branding BS have been extremely amateur looking. Unfortunately the city taxpayers are getting hosed big time because these con artists at this branding company saw Day as an easy mark. Day really needs to grow a set and tell this company what they have done is not acceptable.

  20. LOL 10:27 it looks like one of those illusions that asks whether you see stationary lines or moving lines.

  21. Actually, it's apropos, if you look at it artistically. It has no character, says nothing, isn't visionary, has no symbolic reference... What does 10 stripes mean? Why 'Hush Puppy' tan and Miami blue?
    I think it's racist!

  22. I really feel the tax payers of Sby are being taken advantage of. No thought went into this at all.

  23. It's an optical illusion, just like the marketing plan.

  24. The fact that the city of Salisbury paid for this moronic design, along with it's terrible re-branding ideas....should ensure that Jake Day's only future employer will continue to be his daddy.

    See kids, when you go to Oxford, Carnegie Melon, and University of MD College Park....but you end up working for your daddy, that's shows the world you ain't got nothing for nobody. Completely and utterly worthless. Enjoy cashing checks your daddy writes out to you for the rest of your days, jakey!

  25. hmmm blue flag with a yellow stripe running down it's back - What is Salisbury and its leaders scared of? Get a backbone "O Leaders of our City" and do away with that semblance of a rag.

  26. circus tent cover?

  27. it is stripped because sby is the most crime ridden place in Maryland, says the facts... We lock up more people than most and we have some jails here and down the road where, once they are out they stay around here to do more crime...

    So it is not to be racist and all that crap, they make it blue and yellow instead of black and white strips...

    And yes, you best believe they paid high dollar for this design... How else will they waste money so they can say there is no money left so they have to raise taxes on you???????

  28. 11:10 Lol! Truth!

  29. Is that meant to represent strips of sand between bodies of water?
    The colors look as though they're taken from the Delaware state flag.

  30. It's racist.., ain't that the new buzzword when you don't like something? If you don't agree with something isn't it racist now?

  31. There are a bunch of amateurs running Salisbury these days. Graphic designers and branding experts could have come up with something that would have had an actual impact, but apparently "the 'Bury" is doing things on the cheap.

  32. These guys sure do have a sense of humor. Hope they don't mind people laughing at them.

  33. Looks like the first thing that would pop up on google images when you search "blue and gold stripes"

  34. If you stare at it for 30 seconds and then look at the wall you will see the lines switch positions!

  35. Why not use SU's colors?

  36. This is a very static design. The implication of the design was to market Salisbury, so something more visually active might be a better bet, unless the idea is to depict going nowhere. And I agree with some of the other comments that the colors are not particularly attractive.

  37. OMG, you have got to be kidding??!!?? WTH is with all the stripes in putrid colors. I just don't get it at all. Let the kids in kindergarten or nursery school come up with something, make it a contest, they can do a whole lot better than this ugly looking thing.

  38. This must have been the last beach towel on the shelf. Well, it's easy to find and probably no one will steal it.

  39. These colors look somehow familiar....

  40. 12:19
    Screw SU!!! They do not wrestle.

  41. Amateurs isn't the word for these clowns that head up the city of salisbury leadership.

  42. Days family crest colors what an arrogant Bastard.

  43. Does anyone in city government or city council have enough of a spine to stand up to the mayors office?? First Ireton's nonsense now Day. At some point can someone say "think this is a bad choice"

  44. Isn't there usually just two blue lines? Maybe this supports the guy group thing.

  45. Did the city council approve this ??

  46. OMG.

    Why not just adopt the family coat of arms as the city seal?

    How arrogant, small minded and self-serving can one person be?

    I guess we'll find out.

  47. Looks like prison stripes. Don't like it.

  48. I thought Day was married to a woman and had kids?

  49. Because someone might get offended by something someone on the seal did 200 years ago. We are now judging historical figures by modern standards, welcome to libertard America.
    Joe you should have a "Design Salisburys flag" contest! Any one of us could do better than that.

  50. Didn't this actually get discussed in the branding that it was not something the city was going use? I've heard that a couple times. The flag was something the branding company suggested that didn't get considered by the city. Heard that in more than one place.

  51. DAY wanted DAY got it!! No one in the council or city government will stand up to him their all scared to death. STEVENSON you're nothing but a whipping boy a yes man.

  52. this is a joke, right...how do you spell ugly. UGLY.

  53. A three year could have done a better job.. Smh

  54. Why does Salisbury even need a flag?

  55. They absolutely can't be offended by being the butt of a lot of jokes. Day actually thinks the SU community appreciates him but as you read some the students remarks they think Salisbury is a joke as well and a cesspool of a city. They don't comprehend what it is Say thinks he's doing and what he thinks is SO special

  56. It's more like a battle flag than anything else. But don't expect a fair fight.

  57. Its missing da bury on the diagonal.

  58. WTF why branding when there are bigger issues that need to be addressed.

  59. This does not represent Salisbury at all! I can only imagine what others will think of locals now- #slowerlower! At least put a seagull in it or something.

  60. There is nothing wrong with branding. It is used to sell almost everything including tourism. The problem, of course, is branding stupid. Not the best way to increase tourism and in town shopping.I can hear the conversation now: "Well how about a really stupid looking flag?" "Yeah, that's a great idea, people will feel sorry for us and come to visit and shop to help us out."


  61. 'bury this design. And leave stand what currently exists.

    Really enjoyed the Salisbury Festival this year, Jake! Oops!

  62. This is a joke. Right?

  63. How unimaginative!

  64. I've just read almost all of the 67 comments. Maybe one out of 15 are positive. Why are Salisbury residents so surprised. You all elected Day. Now suffer the consequences.

  65. Ben in Wicomico CountyApril 24, 2016 at 9:58 AM

    Nicknames, logos, mascots who cares. I want the time and effort put towards becoming balanced and a part of the State. I want my former taxes used immediately for better roads in the city and while I have my wish list all the "paychecks" to the non working council and former council people need to be returned.
    I guess the lines means the city has no identity

  66. Please tell me this is a joke❗️ UGLY. Can we please put some real initiative in the serious issues that face Salisbury ; I.e. Crime, drugs, economy and business, cleaning up etc. thank you

  67. Looks like a flag for a yacht club more than a city. How ridiculous. Does the bars represent the employer who has the most employees? EIC? That's in Princess Anne. Well, considering crime is up in Salisbury, stripes is appropriate, though they should be black and white.

  68. Looks like a beach towel my grandparents had lol

  69. 10:32 branding will only make sense once crime is addressed, jobs and infrastructure is established and no pay to park. Replace all the lawyers offices with shops and close off the plaza and allow outdoor vendors like on third Friday. You want tourism, then give them a reason to come to Salisbury.

    1. At least it will never be flown upside down

  70. Looks almost like what your TV looks like with bad signal when you stare at it long enough. Salisbury is losing its signal. Haha

  71. At least they can't fly it upside down.

  72. Eeeewww! Totally unhip!

  73. Is this a nasty Beach towel?

  74. Has anyone seen the original SBY flag? Yuck. I like this one. It's simple and is drawn from the heradly or coat of arms of the City of Salisbury in the UK, our namesake. People find the dumbest things to complain about.


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