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Sunday, April 03, 2016

They have better cameras than the bank!


  1. Banks and stores need to check with Ulta and see what kind of camera they have. Very good picture.

  2. Ultra Beauty? Looks like she needs all the help she can get!!!

  3. hope she stole something for blotchy skin

  4. No duh, only idiots give freedoms for security, and the govt things you are to stupid so they can make you pay top dollar for decades old crap...

  5. Got to love it when people call people stupid and use "to stupid" It is "too stupid" you idiot 4:18.
    On top of that your post makes no sense.

  6. her last name is ayers and used to be a correctional officer.

  7. She's a mom of someone at Salisbury Middle.

  8. I have noticed that myself. Not trying to toot my own horn. But most banks have cameras provided by the same company's that do the alarm system's as well. And most are outdated being analog camera's. The cost for Digital or HD have came way down in cost. You can buy a 16 channel DVR with 8 Camera's for as low as $599.00. The banks are locked in on most of there systems by contact by the alarm company's.

  9. My first impression too 2:44. Don't look directly at her.

  10. 7:46 PM - You'd better get it together or we're coming to your house to take away your apostrophe key.

  11. She shoulda wore a bag on her head.

  12. 6:58 no doubt. Think she was crooked while working for the county ? Mike Lewis needs to take over that place. More dope in there then on the streets. They need those dogs scanning the C.O.'s Vehicles. Ever drive by there and check out the rides they own Hmmmmmmmmmm.

  13. Amazing this thief has plenty of cash for expensive braiding job but no mula for beauty products?


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