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Sunday, April 03, 2016

School, School System, Law Enforcement Work Together on K-9 Drug Scan at Parkside High

This morning the school system is collaborating with the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office to conduct a K-9 scan at Parkside High School. Scans such as this are scheduled as part of ensuring that schools are safe and drug free. Students will be outside of the school building while the scan is taking place, and the instructional day will resume once the process is done. Please note that students cannot be signed out by parents while the scans taking place. Thank you for your cooperation in support of safe schools. Please check the school system’s website and social media for any updates. Parkside families will receive an update call from the school later today.


  1. Another day when the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is discarded for the false security of the Police State.

  2. 1026 no expectation of privacy in schools.

  3. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.

  4. didn't they just do one there last week? is it going to be weekly now?

  5. Did they find anything?

  6. Anonymous said...
    Another day when the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is discarded for the false security of the Police State.

    March 31, 2016 at 10:26 AM

    STFU!! My kids go to that school and I don't want drugs or druggies around my kids. Drugs should not be in the school system and this is the best way to catch anyone with drugs.

  7. Good do it every other week unannounced.

  8. Another illegal search of property.

  9. Oh police man please please protect my child!

    Let me whimper and scream until the government protects me.

    I am totally helpless and I need the police to protect me and my child.

    Please infringe on everyone else's rights so I can feel comfortable and safe.

    Oh my, please do it more. Do it again. Please, Please. I am pathetic.

  10. It might just save a child's life.

    1. How? Because 9 out of 10 times they are juveniles. So they will basically get a slap on the wrist be returned to mommy (or lack there of) and go back to doing it all over again. If they are going to conduct these sweeps they need to make the punishment severe enough that no other child would think about bringing drugs to school!

  11. they can only search the lockers not the students themselves. so what are we accomplishing? just getting the students to learn to have their rights infringed on, on a daily basis. for some greater good! this way they'll be more compliant when they become adults. hey what's the problem with that?


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