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Sunday, April 10, 2016

There's Been An Attempted Rape At Bennett High School

Local Law Enforcement, (WBI) is trying to keep this quiet but the attempted rape occurred Wednesday.

An employee in the school witnessed the attempted rape on video and was able to stop it but the victim was subjected to the abuse for approximately 10 minutes.

The suspect was charged with 1st and 2nd degree rape. 

When and IF Law Enforcement decides to provide a formal press release we will update you with more details. 

Published at 5:25 PM.


  1. Unreal I want school officials Arrested.

    1. Schools with 1500 students have the same number of administrators as schools with several hundred less. Whose fault is that?
      Administrators are pulled out of the buildings constantly to attend meetings at the board. Whose fault is that?
      The BOE has tied administrators hands when it comes to suspending students and students know this.
      Bennett has a very large student population, a large special ed population, self contained classes and the ESOL population for the entire county. The school is bursting at the seams while other high schools have empty classrooms and plenty of room. Just moving this population to another school would alleviate so much but has that been done? Then add to that students who have no respect and parents whose children are never wrong and what do you get?
      It would be awesome if the administrators were allowed to discipline the students as they were last year and in other past years and that they had the backing of the board. Unfortunately you reap what you sow! Wicomico County is losing a lot of good teachers to other counties. I wouldn't teach in this county for all the tea in China and I surely would not be an administrator. Talk about being out on a ledge all alone!!

  2. They hide a lot of things that happen in the schools. And if teachers or staff talk they are fired.

  3. What happen to last kid charged with rape in stairwell?

  4. Go into the schools and see just how out of control they are. Kids refuse to go to class, roam the hallways, hide throughout the school. How easy do you think it is to keep track of 1,000 kids in a building? We've allowed them to bring their cell phones to school and they can easily plan to skip class together. There are constant fights and constant bullying. The students show no respect to teachers or adminstrators! Blame the Board of Education for telling school principals they cannot suspend certain kids! Teachers try to enforce discipline and are often told they're being too tough and too "old school".

    1. That is out of control and ridiculous! We as parents need to go together to the board and let them know we will NOT stand for this behavior. It is unfair to children that want to learn to be in this environment.

    2. 1500 students at the moment. Everything you've said is spot on. I am a teacher who has tried but there is no punishment for wandering the halls.

    3. I tell all the kids in my classes who are tired of the disruptions and the constant fighting to have their parents come to school and call the school. If you don't see it for yourself, you will not believe it and you will not be listened to.

    4. This is the agenda the teachers and administrators let go on for 40 years. Now look at what you have created. Now you all look at each other denying the fact YOU LET IT HAPPEN! !!! I wonder how much money the sheep of Wicomico county will give the BOE this year???? LEAD BY FOOLS AND FOLLOWED BY FOOLS.

    5. The teachers ate NOT at fault! Their hands are tied by principals and the BOE! Also, with the DOJ investigation, if you are an African American boy, you can basically get away with murder right now!

  5. Why were they not in class? Can children just roam the halls and hidden places without being accounted for?

  6. Thank God for the cameras. Prayers for victim

  7. "Anonymous said...

    What happen to last kid charged with rape in stairwell?

    April 7, 2016 at 6:00 PM"

    Jocori Scarborough was his name. He got 20yrs with all but 10 suspended.

  8. "Blame the Board of Education for telling school principals they cannot suspend certain kids!"

    This is obama and the democrats fault. Ghetto trash obama and the nasty democrats had the fed dept of ed come up with "suggestions" for reducing suspensions/expulsions. So what they did was to raise the bar or what a student could be suspended/expelled for. Then they said if a school shows a reduction they would then be eligible for fed grants and they were able to brag how they reduced suspensions/expulsions. All an illusion that the average democrat voter falls for because they are all brainless fools. So the poor state of the schools falls in part (because parents are responsible also) on the backs of obama and the democrats and anyone who supports obama and the democrat party. Democrats are nasty disgusting people who if they all suddenly dropped dead the country would immediately improve and most likely become a utopia as democrat serve no useful positive purpose.

    1. So true my child goes to chipman and it happens everyday, And the principal blames the teacher. What is she suppose to do if you can't punish kids for doing wrong. There just going to keep doing wrong.

  9. Jacori was lucky it was not my child he raped. He would have gotten life in a hole in my back yard. These little thugs only understand violence then so be it. When I was in school we did not let thugs rule and rape. No thug left behind I guess.

  10. Politicians should be in charge of schools, then this stuff won't happen. Oh wait.
    There should be a zero tolerance policy for disorderly students. They should be sent to an alternative school so the children can get an education without fear. The fact that it has been able to become this bad is a disgrace.
    No way will my kids go to county high school. I will work three jobs if I must.

    1. The government IS THE PROBLEM! !!

  11. There is no longer any action taken for attendance issues

  12. So here is the frigging deal. My daughter and I have the right to know what goes on in her school!!!!! THEY BETTER SAY SOMETHING...I will have her find out thats for sure...so some more deception? just like the drug bust cover up. We all know who the problem group is but thats not political correct these days. Unless of course your a libtarded transgender gay lesbo thug

  13. ders were more likely to have been male and white than other violent offenders." Furthermore, in the category of sexual assault, whites made up nearly 75% of all offenders imprisoned for sexual assault vs. 23% for blacks and 3% for other races. The U.S government also found that 52% vs 44% of sexual offenders were white and black, respectively.

    1. That's because whites are 73% of the population blacks are 13% population fool.

  14. There was a time.....60's when you weren't in class for role call...when they found you to the Principles office you went, back then he / she had permission to use that damn paddle with holes drilled in...sadly I was told three different times to put my hands on the desk....yes, I learned, lived through it and then got it again when the school called home from dad! That back then was considered a bad day!!!!!!

  15. Obama administration only jumps on European Americas and gives African Americans a pass.

  16. 6:55 Another shining example of why no major companies want to open businesses in the area.

  17. A lot of this crap starts with no discipline at home from the time they are young. Listen to the way kids talk to parents in a store these days

  18. The kid's come back from Choices (the "alternative" school) with worst behaviors and attitudes than before. They know they cannot be suspended. Students regularly tell teachers "get the f@&k out of my face". And if the teacher doesn't stop asking the kid to comply, then that teacher is often reprimanded for being insensitive to the needs of the child and not respecting their "culture".

  19. Second time in 2 years. Nice job Dr Fred.

  20. Please parents get involved. Please, Please, Please. Your children are in more danger everyday and NO ONE is going to protect the majority of the kids that are good decent people.Protest the Board. Call the schools. Call the board. Raise hell before your kids are hurt or worse.

    1. A lot of the parents simply don't care!

  21. I saw this coming many years ago. I was thankful my child graduated without being knifed in the lockers.

  22. Wait till we let all the men into the womens' restrooms and locker rooms. It will get worse.

    Thanks, BO.

  23. Keep electing and hiring BILLY BOB'S BROTHERS COUSINS SON and it's going to continue. See most don't care because it's not your kid. But one day it will be your kid!!! But go ahead and sit back and you will find out first hand. These are ANIMALS who can't and won't learn!!! PERIOD!!!

  24. After this story I don't understand why any parent would place her/his child in that school.
    Today would have been the last day for my child.

    If it can happen at all, the school is out of control!

    It should not be a possible action. It should be physically impossible that a boy would have access to a girl long enough to attack her. Not reasonable. Not safe.

  25. We need to protect our kids from the hood...It's time to stop asking politely.

  26. You got that right 8:28, all hell will break loose. Any parent with half a brain will find a way to home school!

  27. Few parents are aware of the number of teachers and administrators that are physically injured by students. Broken thumbs, broken wrists,sprained backs. Principals have been hit in the face. Assistant principals have been taken to the hospital. No one reports it. Many teachers are "encouraged" not to file charges! Parents --- get into your child's school. Sit in on the classes. Walk through the hallways. Be prepared to be shocked by what you see and hear!

  28. OMG, if I were a teacher, I would be fired the first hour of the first day because I would not put up with the mess that goes on in the schools today. No one is going to talk to me the way these kids talk to their teachers, i.e., get the f**k out of my face. I don't think so, they are not there to tell the teachers what to do, it's supposed to be the other way around. I have no children or grandchildren in school any longer, thank God, but parents you have got to get involved, you just have to if you want your children to survive, otherwise you better learn real quick how to home school so they have a chance at an education.

  29. Not respecting "their culture"?

    It's not a culture. It's a subculture. Ask any upstanding black person. And yes, there are lots of upstanding black people in our city. It's just that the bad actors stand out like a sore thumb.

  30. Until Margo Handy is gone from this county, blacks will continue to get off scott free. She continually berates administrators for suspending too many black kids. If they are guilty, then they should get suspended. Hats his the prison system works. I hope the new superintendent sees this and tells Margo to move on.

    1. Her retirement is right around the corner!

  31. This behavior has been going on in Wicomico County for over twenty years. May have been going on when some parents making comments here, were in school. Local schools have been out of control several decades. Put resource officers back on the street and put mandatory weapons on teachers or retire them if they can't qualify in proficiency.

  32. Since the Department of Justice came into Wicomico County a few years ago and said too many minority students were being suspended, teachers have been "encouraged" to not write office referrals for disciplinary problems. Too many discipline problems in a classroom is seen as a problem with the teacher. Too many kids failing a class is seen as a proble. With the teacher. What did you, the teacher, do that prevented the child from completing homework assignments? Certain kids and parents scream racism if the kid fails a class, racism if the kid gets sent out of class for disruption. Someone should investigate how many times the sheriff's department's School Resource Officers are called to classrooms. And the deputy's hand are tied as well. They aren't allowed to enforce much, only talk to kids. Ask how much it costs taxpayers when kids kick out windows in the police car!

  33. I would never send my kids to these schools there all a joke and let the kids get away with everything and the good kids in class have to suffer. The teachers are handcuffed and are not allowed to refer black students cuz the superintendent wants to keep referrals down due to them being invistigsted. So the teachers send kids to the principles office and the principals send them right back into the class room so there school looks better so they save there job. It only hurts the students who want to leave and makes the teachers look bad. If you don't believe start interviewing teachers annonymously you will find out how much of a joke this school distinct is

    1. I just wish sometimes they give the good kids rewards onstead of the bad! Leave the bad k8ds 8n the classroom and take the good kids to the office for a "break", candy and game! Why should the bad kids get that and they do!

  34. What is going on at that school? Heads need to roll! On Tuesday a family member was harassed and bullied in the lunchroom by a boy and a girl who she didn't even know. Food and several trays were thrown before the girl ran at her and attacked her. She hit her several times in the face while were arms were held behind her before the teachers "on duty" finally stopped it. She was taken to the nurse covered in blood with several facial injuries feeling dizzy and in need of real medical attention. The nurse cleaned her up a little and she was told to write and incident report. She asked the nurse to call her mother because she did not have cell phone and was told that it was up to the dean to call. She was told to write and incident report. HER MOTHER WAS NOT CALLED UNTIL OVER AN HOUR LATER! The school administrators and the BOE have yet to answer as to why her mother was not called immediately.

    1. Wow. This is not what happened at all. But you are entitled to your opinion.

  35. well ya know, these kids came from two other people. where are they? kids can have babies but have no freaking clue how to raise them. sadly, the same can be said for some 'adults'.

    1. They aren't adults! Having a baby does NOT make you an adult! They don't know how to raise kids because they weren't finished being raised themselves before started procreating for their monthly check! They are following in their parents footsteps...what they did beforehand! It's a viscious cycle that needs to stop! But the parents don't want better for their kids because they don't want their kids ti be "better" than them! It's pathetic!

  36. I herd a teacher was hurt and bleeding two days ago in Delmar. I bet the kid got a 😊 sticker.

    1. Yes Delmar and please remember what the WCEA and MSEA said to you when you invited them to your school to express your concern and frustration over student discipline. They said their hands were tied. Why are these teacher unions silent about an issue as serious as this?

    2. You herd did ya ?

    3. They don't want to rile the Board! When that's what they are paid to do by teachers!

  37. what are the political leaders of this community doing to protect the taxpaying citizens of this country, county and city. The only people with rights seem to be the ones who get entitlements- IEP's and all the other crap. In my day if a child disrupted class / school enough they were expelled and the burden was on the parents- I remember many times kids coming to school as a new enrollee as the parents had to move to get them in a different school. Get rid of Margo Handy, and all the reverse racism. All this lack of discipline teaches is that rules/laws are meaningless and transfers into adulthood and further perpetuates these people growing up to be unemployable and antisocial Give the power of education back to schools and quit excepting violence, disrespect, and unwillingness to conform to rules. The situation in schools is unacceptable period.

    1. And speaking of politics, where is the union, the WCEA? Teachers were told all they could do is give teachers a survey about discipline! Really? That's all they can do? Teachers your Union supports this reduction of minority suspensions. Didn't you know that? Aren't they supposed to stand up for you too? They just kiss the butts of politicians and you teachers are just too blind to see that their support of these liberal dems and policies like this discipline issue makes your teaching lives a living hell. Take some time to look up what exactly your Union supports and you will see. Stop being stupid.

    2. A LOT of teachers dropped WECA which is an association NOT a Union! For this exact reason! The people who work there only care about sucking up to the Board and making money for themselves! Their leader has been caught sleeping in his car in a school's parking lot when he was supposed to be there talking to teachers! No one listens! This is why we need Republicans in office to take away this Democratic way of living off the government!

    3. WCEA is a union. They only use the word "association" to avoid backlash of being a union. Nevertheless, it is a fair question to ask the WCEA and MSEA why they are silent on the serious discipline issues plaguing the schools when this issue certainly effects the teachers working conditions and the student learning environment. Why the silence? Sounds like a waste of money for you teachers. Maybe one day you will all wake up and ditch this group that helps perpetuate your problems instead of standing up for you!!!

    4. Are you serious 1:01? The local teacher union prez sleeping in his car?! That is ridiculous!! Certainly not who I would want representing me! I'm a member but hearing this puts me over the edge!!! I am definitely resigning my WCEA membership for next year! We have real issues going on and yes, testing is one of them. But the lack of discipline in our school has a greater impact on my everyday ability to teach without disruptions, keep the students safe, and has greatly effected the morale of both our teachers and students. It's a shame our prez was napping in his car instead of listening to the concerns of the teachers. What an embarrassment!

  38. I guess letting them roam the hall is much easier than letting them disrupt a class. Now look what's happened!! I will be glad to see some new leadership come in. Just hope she has enough ass to stand up and say I don't think so. Whatever happened to the days of you had to basically be dying to get a hall pass to go to bathroom?? If you mouthed off or got out of line you got sent to the office. Are all schools in this county like this?? I say call the parents of then kids that are creating an issue and have them come pick them up. If they are disrupting class call the parents. Wandering the halls, call the parents. Do that enough times and interrupt their lives repeatedly it will change. Yes maybe the parents don't care but at least the asshats are out of school and out of the classroom and the school not disturbing everyone. Can't suspend them inconvenience the parent as many times as possible. If they complain or file a lawsuit you have the video footage, use it!!

    1. You have obviously never been involved in education or had a school law class. For one, administration can't tell the parent they have to come get their kid, they can offer but not demand. Parents actually tell administration to stop calling and bothering them. I have heard parents say "they are your problem now". Federal government gives states money, states give County systems money. Therefore the county must follow the rules that the feds lay down - like the Justice department's suggestions to Wicomico county. Don't follow what they say, they pull your funding. Some say "so what". Investigate how much of our school funding comes from the feds and you will change your tune because nobody wants to pay more taxes. As far as the comments talking about watching the cameras all day, do you really think the BOE is going to fund a position for someone to sit and watch the cameras all day?? Would be great but that can't happen, we need those positions in the classrooms. I am all for getting the idiots out of our schools and educating the kids who want to learn but we have to follow the rules of the state and feds or the money is gone.

  39. 6:11, Unfortunately, people cry the blues, scream and yell, stomp their feet (anonymously) but the massive majority don't do crap about situations like this.

    WHY, because jackasses like Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Jim Ireton verbally attacked CITIZENS publicly.

    Some experienced retaliation, (especially me) and were sued or found code and compliance at their front doors.

    These Liberals got exactly what they wanted, no one showing up at Council Meetings, BOE Meetings and so forth. How do you fight back, start going to meetings and stand up to these jackasses. Stand UP for your CHILDREN and their FUTURE.

    Why do you people leave it all up to ME to do YOUR deeds?

    If you want to change your community and America, stop the BS excuses and get involved. It is YOUR fault things are like they are.

    1. This will never change. Is the technology time we live in. Complain all you want over the Internet but do nothing and blame others.

  40. Personally, not having ever entered JMB new or old, it's of very little consequence what does go on there. But seeing the comments here and how they are written explains to myself why I have very little in common with the other members of my community.
    For this I shall remain forever grateful. To join in means; less ethics of higher standards, engage in lowered morality and generally sneak around the laws and disregard decency. Wicomico Board of Ed has never impressed me or shown true care for my children (the reason I stay here.)
    If asked I would say that the lack of professionalism continues to grow into deeper apathy in this community. Not just children, but all people do mimic the behavior they see regularly. We have drunk fests on the downtown plaza for heavens sake! Annually! Fortunately my kids were raised before that became the norm for this community. They drove their work vehicles around the festivities because they have good ethics.

  41. Joe is right. Nothing will change until parents raise enough hell to make them change. Talking and getting mad won't do it.

  42. The effort to be politically correct is costing us our children's safety. Too high a price.

  43. everyone read 11:44 PM's post and then you can save your time by having to read everyone's else. that post is the accurate truth and the only reason this happens. I know. I saw it

  44. have they said who they arrested yet?

  45. This is crazy. All you people blame everyone else but yourself as a parent that have not raised your children correctly. If I did anything wrong in school and my parents found out I was in worse trouble than what the school would have done to me. I don't care what race you children now have no respect for themselves let alone anyone else. I don't even know if they know what the word respect means.

  46. The fault lies in the BOE, both in the local and state levels. They have created such a mess trying to keep kids in school at any cost. COMAR has laid out a system, there are so many layers and interventions that must take place prior to an out of school suspension, that it is rarely done anymore. Let us not forget the amount of referrals makes a school look bad, so teachers are encouraged not to write them.

    Was this child suspended at the time of this assault?

    The other piece of this is the situation is the NAACP. They have made is damn near impossible to discipline a child of color. I have noticed in this county and I am sure others, the NAACP is always present. Why? Do they have some secret partnership with our boe and again why?

    Teachers unions? They are a joke. What do they do? Put out results of a survey, and that accomplished nothing.

    So, in the end, our children have to fend for their selves in our schools and students of color do not get in trouble, and these are facts in this county.

  47. Joe, to answer your question, are all schools in this county like this, absolutely yes they are. Parents for your children's sake, please get involved. They are not going to get an education if you don't. Well really they will get an education, but it won't be what you sent them there for.

  48. Whatever the situation was, if my child is in the nurse's office bleeding or injured from a fight, assault, fall-- whatever, I am her parent and I have the right to be called immediately to seek medical attention for my child. Medical attention first-- THEN they can get their incident report later. Especially when there is evidence of a head injury! You better believe I would not stop until I have answers!!

  49. @8:24 Oh yeah that little THUG has been ARRESTED - and is being charged as an ADULT!!!!!!

  50. He's 15 years old. I'll have a snoop around case search and see if I can find a name.

  51. Charged as an adult, yet name being withheld. Why??? Who's being protected?

  52. It is just like the racist folk of wicomico county to prejudge a situation before they truly know whats going on. For one thing who watched it unfold for 10 minutes before intervening. They allow kids way too much wiggle room now a days. Lets b real clear a lot of these girls are hotter than a fire cracker on the 4th of July. There has been many false reports filed against males in this county. & mostly because they have been caught So until i know all the facts, im not going to judge. I have sons & daughters & either way im afraid. & lets be real clear, these schools dnt discriminate in suspension because they dnt want to look bad in there numbers overall. Politics as usual. I say joe clark em. Black white hispanic what ever. The racist on here make it about color then complain about others pointing out the obvious. Whats good for the goose... & every one knows that our board of ed is the biggest gangsters around here & are never wrong. Why waste my breath as a parent so they can then target my child

  53. Anytime law enforcement does attempt to control an out of control thug, they end up on National news and are charged with assault and child abuse.

  54. We need to send these kids to military school instead of letting them ruin the education of good kids.

  55. There are many people asking why we are not publishing the suspects name if Police are charging him as an adult.

    Here's the deal. Law enforcement chose to charge him as an adult. He is 15 years old.

    Until the proper authorities and experts determine this case will move forward as an "adult" we will refrain from publishing his name.

  56. Joe 12:52 hit it head on. Before we dumped public schools,my child informed me that the "bad kids" get frigging pizza parties at the end of the month if they don't get office referrals.And of course the "everyone gets a trophy" system makes the "awards presentation"every semester a clusterf*ck.The achieving students get lauded for their awards from teachers and making Honor Rolls BUT all the "bad kids" get awards specifically for managing to NOT get sent to the office for discipline! In my time,my only award for NOT getting sent to the office was me NOT getting my ass beat by my parents for messing up in school....and I heard that a lot of the bad kids in high schools get gift cards for various stores just for showing up everyday at school.(More kids attend school,the school gets more Federal money to fritter away as they do).Somerset County and Wicomico County are the worst with this hug a thug schooling.Follow the money!

  57. @11:17 am just calling it like we see it sweetheart. Facts are facts.

  58. Right thing to do Joe until more is known. I applaud your move

  59. @ 3:28 Really, either u have no kids or u do not work w/ any because apparently u have a warped sense of what you consider the problem around these parts. We could discuss how most of the heroin addicts appear caucasian and and the white women w/ black kids population is booming. Working with kids i dnt see one race no worse then the other right now. Matter of fact u must dont read your daily newspaper or watch the news cause the different races is running a tight race. I see many caucasians using their independence cards when im paying for my groceries.

    1. I certainly hope you are not a teacher. Your grammar is horrible.

    2. Apparently i was right, because if that is all you could muster up to say in response, then your's isnt too far behind & u my dear are proof that that the truth hurts. Smooches. Is that proper enough for you?

    3. If you are a teacher as you claim, then this would been the last post u would have chose to dissect for grammar and ridicule. If that is how you grade, im sure your job is in jeopardy. Lol

    4. If you are a teacher as you claim, then this would been the last post u would have chose to dissect for grammar and ridicule. If that is how you grade, im sure your job is in jeopardy. Lol

  60. Principal Grudis, retiring. Vice-Principal Cook, retiring. Vice-principal Lewis, transferring. Many other teachers and staff leaving. The message is, get out of there while you can!

  61. We reap what we sow. Society is out control. To much political correctness, hug a thug and liberal thinking.

  62. We are losing good staff and teachers because we have a thug rule government.

  63. WCEA sucks. All they care about is doing what MSEA tells them to do.

  64. Pay people to home school children. Think of the millions saved. No principals and upper administrative salaries buses and fees and so forth. I pads with wifi and assignments from once source considering grade level.Just my opie. I know many flaws in it would have to be ironed out too. The school system in Wicomico county is not working and needs to be addressed its nearly as serious as the Herion epidemic.

  65. They are not suspending black kids causing trouble because the feds won't let them.

  66. It amazes me that the mouth breathers all want to home school their children but can barely write a simple sentence or use the proper words/grammar. That will certainly ensure their children become minimum wage earners.

  67. close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

  68. Letting thugs go unpunished is a safety issue and creates an environment not conducive to learning. This is unacceptable and should be exposed by all media outlets NOW.

  69. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It amazes me that the mouth breathers all want to home school their children but can barely write a simple sentence or use the proper words/grammar. That will certainly ensure their children become minimum wage earners.

    April 10, 2016 at 1:57 PM

    Or they can aspire to become someone like you perhaps? If they are a decent person I will take any mouth breather over your kind every time. Better to be surrounded by decent people with or without proper english skills than be subjected to tyrants with perfect grammar.


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