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Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Displeasure With WBOC Keeps going and going...............



  1. This has definitely shown me the allegiance WBOC has with liberalism. I believe news outlets should remain unbiased and report the news as it is happening without prejudice or spin. WBOC is unable to do this, therefore I will no longer watch or support WBOC or their advertisers.

  2. Who is the News director for WBOC? I heard he is the one driving the commie bus at WBOC. True or false?

  3. Pretty obvious that the response WBOC put up for these comments was a robo job... Wow! What a bunch of Jerko$$s. And Hammond is the biggest in more ways than one!

  4. Honestly, he wasn't saying anything newsworthy. The only reason for putting it on at all was that it was local. A long, free commercial. I was glad SBY news had it because my family was there and I wanted to see it, but I can understand why a tv station decided not to do the whole event. He wasn't making a policy statement or any announcement or anything new -- just campaign slogans and they don't have to cover those live, uninterrupted.

  5. Why are they picking on Steve Hammond? He's not the one that makes these decisions at WBOC. Write a letter to the general manager there and express your feelings instead of whining on Facebook about it...

    1. If it bothers you that people are whining about it on FB, then ignore it while you're on FB!

    2. 6:42, I never said their whining bothered me. I said they were complaining to/about the wrong person.

  6. So the only thing WBOC could say was they were covering Harrington's speech in its entirety! What about SORRY MARYLAND! I don't live in Delawhere, so I don't care what's happening there! I live in Maryland! If WBOC is so biased to Delewhere, then STOP showing their news in Maryland!


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