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Saturday, April 23, 2016

#BoycottTarget Signatures Continue to Pour In!

In only a day, 200,000 concerned citizens have signed AFA's #BoycottTarget pledge after the retail giant publicized its policy to allow transgender individuals access to store bathrooms and fitting rooms of the opposite-sex.

Corporate America must stop bullying people who disagree with the radical left agenda to remake society into their progressive image. #BoycottTarget has resonated with Americans. Target’s harmful policy poses a danger to women and children. Predators and voyeurs would take advantage of the policy to prey on those who are vulnerable. It’s clear now that many customers agree. Target shoppers are leaving their allegiance to the store behind—and by the thousands every hour. No store can withstand that sort of loss.

Target had announced this week, “[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. … Everyone deserves to feel like they belong,” further stating that the policy was not new but a more overt “restatement” of an existing corporate policy.



  1. So what would you advise,seriously?

  2. #boycottsalisburytarget

  3. I ask mothers out there who take their small children to the ladies room with them to assist the small children, how would they like a transgender male in their with them?

  4. Been the law here in Maryland for several years, any bathroom attacks that can be attributed to this?

    1. Your proud about it too??? Sure you are pervert! ! I'll be looking for

  5. Drew likes to use the little girls room and then send pictures to Jarrod.

  6. Target just lost a family that used to shop there

  7. 1:59 Drew. I don't want a man in the ladies room with me. Weird, creepy and gross. I don't care if he likes to dress as a woman. As long as he has a pe**s he needs to be in the men's bathroom and changing area.

  8. I stopped going to Target about 5 years ago when they announced their whole-hearted support for homosexuality. I have been there maybe twice since then and didn't buy anything either time.

    Same way with Penney's.

    I used to spend a fair amount at Penney's, but not a dime in about 5 years now. If they want to promote same-sex stuff and hire clerks in hijabs, that's their right, but I'll take my money elsewhere.

  9. I bet I haven't been in the Salisbury Target a dozen times since it opened. Years ago they refused support for our military and that was it for me. It's been probably 5 year since I even stepped foot in it. Nothing in that store that I need or want.

  10. Is this the Drew on Price is Right that likes going to the little girls room?

  11. Drew is intimidated using the men's room.

  12. So many people are against this. All the politicians like to scream 'it's for the children" I guess that only works when they want to raise taxes. Typical liberals. Liberals seem to have a war and death sentence on children.

  13. So hold it long enough to go use Chick Fila's bathroom then.


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