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Friday, April 01, 2016

Thank God Its Friday 4-1-16

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Saying goodbye to a good friend and go worker who died from cancer yesterday. Will be attending her funeral. Why is it that so many people seem to die in the spring?

  2. Saying goodby to the slums of Slimsbury! I sold my house to some sucker, and we're moving to a safer town in a gun friendly state!

  3. Doing some housework.

  4. I'm going to Boonies in 4 hours get a few beers and chill with a burger. Then I'll go to my new "tiny House " in a wooded area
    and sip some more. There I will make plans for the uprising that's about to come . Count your ammo and make them count. I like to get a buzz on life.

  5. Trying to figure out how to get my daughter married to an active duty US Marine and get her to California. The military doesn't cooperate very well with such things.....

  6. JUST trying to survive.. (Comcast internet is NOT reliable.)


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