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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Target: Use the bathroom or dressing room of your 'gender identity'

Visit a Target and use whichever bathroom you’d like.

That’s the message the retail giant appears to be sending with a new statement on its website that ostensibly takes aim at so-called “bathroom laws” seeking to restrict men’s and women’s bathrooms to the sex listed on a person’s birth certificate.

“In our stores, we demonstrate our commitment to an inclusive experience in many ways,” the statement said. “Most relevant for the conversations currently under way, we welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity.”

Target’s policy is not new, but is simply a more pronounced “restatement” of an existing corporate rule, Target spokeswoman Molly Snyder told the Minneapolis Star Tribune.



  1. Where and when has this been a problem? Looks like a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.

  2. I am done with Target

  3. Don't like Target anyway, so know for sure I won't be going there.

  4. Figures....Target is a French owned company

  5. Find another place to shop.

  6. When Target is hit with a 20 million dollar law suite, because someone is raped or killed because of it... They may just re-think this..

  7. Boycott Target and others that are pro-pervertive.

  8. Just find another place to pee.

  9. You people are going to rich with all the stores and restaurants that you boycott. No place to shop or eat other than that christian chicken place.

  10. Look at the commercials. The "target" audience is either women or gays. Nothing for the male. I went into the Salisbury Target last week, looking for men's sneakers. They don't sell them! Many sections for Women, but little to none for men. The store seems to relay the image that men are not welcome there.

  11. Now when a girl says she got pregnant from the toilet seat, she could be actually telling the truth.

  12. All the hot soccer moms I know where I'll be spending my Saturday's. Yup I said it.

  13. What kind of idiot goes to Target looking for sneakers?


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