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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Harriet Tubman is the next face of the $20 bill; $5 and $10 bills will also change

On Wednesday, Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew said Tubman would replace Jackson on the front of the $20 bill, becoming the first woman in more than a century and first African American to grace the front of a paper note. Jackson will be featured on the back of the bill alongside an image of the White House.

In another twist, Alexander Hamilton got a reprieve. Initially targeted for replacement by a woman on the $10 bill, Hamilton's reputation was burnished by an unlikely smash Broadway play and his case pressed by outraged historians pointing to his seminal role in creating the nation's first central bank.

Treasury's announcement followed almost a year of heated public debate, shaped by social media and history alike.

Even former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke weighed in, pressing Hamilton's case on his blog. Bernanke wrote Wednesday that Tubman was an “excellent and deserving choice” while Hamilton had a better claim than any to stay on a bill.

Lew said the final concept designs of new $20, $10 and $5 bills are scheduled to be completed and unveiled by 2020, the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.



  1. Disgraceful. And sickening to me. Nor to mention that picture does not look right. The face is bigger than any presidents that was ever on a bill.

  2. Looks like I'll have to start paying for everything with coins. No offense ladies, but the founding fathers should remain intact.

  3. I'm guessing that this is an artist's conception of how the bill might look. If not, this is the biggest head rendering on any modern U.S. currency ever made.

  4. Jackson wasn't a Founding Father. They were all mostly dead by the time he took office in 1828.

  5. Well this will speed up the process of going paperless!
    I seldom carry case anyway. Usually pay everything from my debit card which is tied directing to my checking account. I'll take the mark of the beast before accepting this Sh** We are not the laughing stock of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes, you should take the mark of the beast, but who cares. I'm sure Harriet Tubman & family don't.

  6. I am so proud to live in a country that has so many issues and DC politics are worried about whos image is on money and who can go in what bath room. AMAZING!!!

  7. 9:44 Obviously you have nothing nice to say so I will ask you if your parents taught you to close your mouth & to not speak if you didn't have anything nice to say.

    9:48 - that is your choice and a good one if it works for you.

    Whether you agree or disagree just the thought means that this country is progressing. In 20 or 30 years the races will be so intermingled anyway so who cares?

    1. What exactly are we progressing to?? A country of gun roaring drug dealing thugs, transgender and gay marriage

    2. So true 10:59!

  8. 10:47
    Yes, just like Brazil and Latin America.
    Third world hell holes and mixed race peoples!

  9. 10:47 - I would really like to see things from your point of view - but I can't get my head that far up my @$$.

    Part of what a lot of people are rebelling against this election cycle is the PC crap you are espousing!

    9:44 gets freedom of speech just like you and I do!

  10. Bingo 10:59 AM !!

  11. This is exactly what Trump means when he says we have to stop with all teh "Politically Correct" BS!! Time and money being spent on something that is so irrelevant in todays world. We WAY BIGGER FISH TO FRY!! Go get a job so you can earn your keep!!

  12. Cannot believe all the hatred being spread here. You should all take a good look at yourselves. She was a hell of a woman and stronger than any of you keyboard warriors could ever be

  13. She was a Republican.

  14. It is hatred. A certain segment of our society has determined to change our way of life for no other reason than being politically. Do we now understand the reason for the Second Amenbdment??? PTL and pass the ammo!!

  15. Project will take until 2020. That sounds cheap. Just put her on the bill and print it. Who cares $20 is $20. Be easier to just put her face on ebt cards.


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