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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Subject: Disney’s ‘Once Upon a Time’ Features Lesbian ‘True Love’s Kiss’

Disney’s fairy-tale drama Once Upon a Time featured its first same-sex relationship during Sunday night’s episode, when Ruby (Meghan Ory) travels to the Underworld to track down and save Dorothy (Teri Reeves) from the villainous Wicked Witch (Rebecca Mader).

The Hollywood Reporter has the episode recap:

Ruby and Dorothy end up bonding over shared family problems, and Ruby turns to Mulan for advice about her feelings. “I know we just met, but I have never felt like this about anyone before,” she tells Mulan. “Don’t make the same mistake that I did. Don’t wait until it’s too late to tell someone how you feel,” Mulan replies, but by the time Ruby goes to do so, Dorothy is gone.

Ruby tracks down Zelena in the Underworld, finds out the Wicked Witch put Dorothy under a sleeping curse, and with a little advice from her good friend Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin), she clicks some magical slippers and goes to Oz to kiss her True Love awake. They get more than just one of True Love’s kisses and presumably (hopefully?!) will live happily ever after.

More here


  1. Please don't mix European fairy tales with American fantasy. It's just wrong.

  2. What's next, Godzilla Meets Prince Charming?

  3. They will have to answer to God for for promoting this sin to young people. This is sick and sad for our young women.

  4. This is why I stopped watching just about everything on TV. The only station I watch is The Hallmark channel. They have such good shows!

  5. Conditioning.
    Keep cheering.

  6. STOP WATCHING crap - even if its funny, or you like it. If it is not what you believe in, stop watching it. THey know every show you watch, stop watching it ratings go down and it goes off the air.

  7. Several beautiful classic stories mushed together and ruined for profit.

  8. This is DISNEY. This is what they're all about. Even in the days when Walt was in full charge.
    They've had witchcraft mixed into their tales for many decades.. now it will be fairy tales.
    We stopped watching all Disney stuff long ago.

    lmclain is right-- 'conditioning'.

  9. Yep hidden dangers of the rainbow it's everywhere.

  10. gross perversion.

  11. Please, don't insult our dear Dorothy Gale. She may be public property, but she deserves some respect, and you haven't given it to her.


  12. The sequel looms: Hillary meets Huma!

  13. Miami Beach lesbian are hot, eastern shore lesbians not so much!


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