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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Caitlin, Caitlin, Caitlin, Look Where She's Employed.


  1. I do not know Caitlin McDaniel from Eve. But, I do know that she is an idiot.

    Bernie Sanders promotes economic policies that have failed at every opportunity. The only thing that socialism can deliver is shared misery by everyone except the few elites.

  2. That would explain a lot of it! She makes no money so she relies on the "forced" largess of the people to sustain her. I would be interested in seeing her library.

  3. First of all, I'm backing Trump. I am sick and tired of what this country has become. It just doesn't feel like the USA that I grew up in. No patriotism, no work ethic, no morals, no kindness, no respect, no pride. But could you explain to me what the difference is between you and them ( liberals ). You bash their way and they bash our way. Just asking.

  4. There is a hate group of blacks that target whites who were the victims of their abusive behavior, or who make a casual random tweet that disagrees or opposes them. Then they find out where they work, and either call their employer or send an oh-so-appalled-and-offended letter about the "racist"' employee, and gleefully post the inevitable response assuring them the employee has been fired.

    Ignorant, common, loathesome bastards.

    I don't approve of posting this silly bern-tard's employment information, no matter how shallow and stupid she may be. Some things are just wrong.

    We must never stoop to their level.

  5. the people buying his crap are voters tired of the system and business owners who are tired of successful people being vilified. We all just want to make Amaerica Great Again where a ton of people want the same old same old and are happy about it.

  6. I think peaceful protests are fine but understand you are not at a Trump rally to support Bernie; you are there because you do not believe in the policies of Trump.

    I just do not understand people who protest against controlled immigration to insure the people of a nation are not adversely affected by that immigration.

    I do not understand people who protest a policy intended to insure against the potential immigration of terrorists with the resettlement of refugees.

    I do not understand those who would forsake the economic theory that has built this nation to the point where it is the envy of the world but would allow it to become one of the sheep's of the world. Who will protect us?

    I do not understand people who cannot see that there is evil in this world and would rather submit to it rather than fight against it.

    Why not protest ISIS?

    Why not protest drug dealers?

    Why not support our border patrol rather than make their job of securing the border from drug dealers more difficult?

    Why not protest our representatives in Washington that are not acting in the interests of the American people but in securing their own future?

    I don't understand why people do not see what I see.

  7. She doesn't seem to have many friends.

  8. What's wrong with working with kids? She isn't doing her protesting on company time.

  9. Who cares? Let people do as they please and stop worrying about it.

  10. She's definitely one of those who believe in a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and the members of that society are least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, will be rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers. Nothing but typical liberals

  11. This rally is going to get out of hand. Just sift thru facebook and you will see the nonsense that people are going to try and do.

  12. Those who attend and expect any issues, bring pepper spray and slingshots.

  13. I am so glad to see that another County/Government employee is wasting hard working tax payers money spending time on facebook. Maybe she should take a furlo day!!

  14. This proves who the real racists are. When we were having Obama shoved down our throats, we didn't see any of these kinds of actions from the opposition. We didn't care for him as a candidate, but at least we didn't act like a bunch of idiots. We will pray for all you protesters that you are kept safe and have a pleasant journey.

  15. If she wishes to protest on her own time (which it seems she is, as the rally is at 7:30), that's her right and there's no wrongdoing or reason to bring her employment into this.

    In fact, I work full time at the County and am not familiar with her whatsoever. So she's not a major worker at P&R, for sure.

  16. Caitlin dear, have you figured out that your taxes will be increasing to pay for all the freebies that Bernie promises. Actually, you will get nothing; do you get that...nothing, so don't hold your breath.

  17. The Shore needs to stand up to these people and show them they will not bully anyone here, Keep an eye out for their buses.

  18. Teeshirt
    Bye Bye burnie

  19. Bob, it's up to you to take care of that problem! She works at Kids Klub - Wicomico County.

    She works at the Delmarva Shorebirds. Wicomico County owns the stadium.

    Bob Culver and Chris Bitters you two need to make sure we don't see in either of those positions.

  20. 1:12 They see what you see, BUT what they mostly see is the gravy train being cut off. That is why they are protesting so very hard. Look at what you see in the media about Trump now all of a sudden. He is a racist, a homophobe, etc..., etc.., etc...

    Yet, Trump has been in the public for how many years as a reality TV person and none of these things has ever come to light. But now that he is running for president and has the idea to cut off the gravy train there is a whole lot of back lash and he is suddenly the devil's spawn.


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