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Sunday, April 10, 2016

SBYNews Called It Again: THEFT – Delmar Elementary Parent Teacher Association

On Monday, March 21, 2016 the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation (WBI) was contacted by members of the Delmar Elementary Parent Teacher Association (DEPTA) regarding missing account funds. Members of the DEPTA alleged their treasurer Tracie N. Vonarx of Delmar, DE may have been the responsible party.

Through the course of the investigation members of WBI confirmed Tracie N. Vonarx’s sole involvement in the thefts from the DEPTA.

Using her position as treasurer of the DEPTA Tracie N. Vonarx had access to their check book and bank account. The checks for the DEPTA required the signature of two members of the DEPTA in order to be cashed. Tracie N. Vonarx forged the second signature and wrote several checks to herself for activities and expenses not associated with the DEPTA.

It was further revealed that during DEPTA fundraisers and enrollments Tracie N. Vonarx accepted cash and check donations. Although Tracie N. Vonarx is believed to have deposited all the check donations several cash donation were kept for her personal use. 

Total confirmed theft is in excess of $8,000.

Traci N. Vonarx was issued a criminal summons by the Wicomico District Court charging her with several theft and forgery related charges.

** Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact DFC Thomas Funk of the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation at 410-548-4898 **

We called this back on March 13th this year HERE.

Posted at 4:10 PM


  1. Why wasn't she arrested? How embarrassing for your family and kids who go to Delmar. You better move ASAP

  2. And people wonder why the kids are so screwed up.

  3. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
    Full restitution, 3 months suspended, 2 years probation?

  4. God knows they said her name enough. Gotta make it stick for the jury members to remember for the automatic guilty charge.

  5. Herd she also stole from the kids at Delmar little league

  6. 4:26 didn't you read...she has been charged. You think because somebody did this people should move out of the school district.....yeah, move to Salisbury where kids try to rape other students. You are brilliant

    1. They meant it is embarrassing for her kids and she should move. I think you are the one who is "brilliant "

  7. 8:22
    She has not been charged yet. She was issued a criminal summons.

  8. How embarrassing for a mother of 4 - stealing from children. Heard about little league & travel ball funds missing to.

    1. To steel from so many kids. I hope the DA looks into the other thefts.

  9. I love hearing all the "so called" do gooders". Must be hard for you walking on water and living such a perfect life. Bet there's a few skeleton in your closet

  10. Very sad situation, to steal from elementary children PTA. It must be embarrassing for the family, their children and a disappointment to others that have know them for years. Not sure how you can pose as a trustworthy person and have such low morals. Think about all the access to fundraisers and other activities. This is the only one she got caught for.

  11. 10:12am Do Gooders? Really? Not embezzling money and stealing from the public does not mean I am a do gooder. It means I am a responsible citizen. It means I don't put myself in situations were my life costs more than I can afford. It means that I don't have to steal. Your comment makes it seem like everyone steals or cheats or lies, well they dont. And its not the exception. Most people dont engage in these behaviors and if you think its okay then you better rethink your life. If anything people are being to kind about this. What she did is disgusting and she deserves every criticism and every harsh word she gets.

    Yes Tracie is a likable person. She had a bright future ahead of her. Unfortunatly she messed up big time. Her degree now means nothing as it was predicated on the ability to be trusted in her position. Her last 10 years of work experience now means nothing because no one will trust her. The positions she has held all revolve around trust. Yes she will pay for what she did but her family will be the ones that are really going to pay. She threw everything she spent doing over the last 30 years in the trash.

    I think about and pray for her family.

  12. @11:41 breaking the law is breaking the law PERIOD!! I bet you've never ever had a few glasses of wine and got behind the wheel possibly endangering others lives and yea I find it hard that anyone in our society has never taken anything. A sin is a sin no matter how big or small stop judging and criticizing why not try and help the lady if you supposedly know her

  13. The sad thing is is that the majority of the citizens in this areas feed and thrive on others misfortune and do nothing but gossip and slander. This young ladies life isn't over if she chooses be careful then people you step on when their down it might come back and bite you in the butt if she chooses to pull herself up and fly straight. You might be her coffee getter HA!!

  14. Maybe she has had some desperate behavior related to a mental or physical illness? If this is out of character for her then maybe she needs help? I'd like to hear her voice before I pass judgement on this. Praying for this situation to have a positive outcome.

  15. @1:08 finally someone that attempts to understand that there usually is some underlying cause for such irrational behavior!! Bless you for having and sharing mature rational insight

  16. I call bs. Is she stepping up and taking responsibly. Hell no !!! And it wasn't a one time Incident.

  17. This is disgusting - stealing from children. She & her family have been ACTIVELY involved in raising funds for YEARS. This is probably the first time she got CAUGHT. There is alot of cash involved in Little & Travel Ball teams. $20here, $100 there. She finally got caught. Shame shame shame.

  18. Some of you one here want to get upset because the people in this community seem to post a lot of negative judgmental comments. This is an incident that demands public ridicule. Its the 21 century version of public stockades. It is completely warranted and I hope that everyone reads it. This woman made choices that were despicable. Some of you want to give her a pass because of underlying causes be it drugs or mental illness. Then you want to blame everyone else but her for not helping her avoid this situation. Well its not my responsibility to parent or teach or counsel everyone with a problem. She needed to realize she had a problem. She needed to seek out help. It was her responsibility to avoid this situation. This is also not about other people sinning or whether or not people break laws. Theft is a sin. Theft is illegal. We are not talking about taking home stationary from work. She took a lot of money that many people worked to acquire. This is not a morally subjective case. It was clearly wrong.

  19. How can anyone defend this? She stole from kids, her own kids and others. She took money to be able to live the lifestyle she wanted. She deserves way worse than she will probably get from the justice system. At least she will have to face the people she stole from, maybe that will make her think twice from stealing again. It is pretty low to pose as an involved parent and then steal from kids.

  20. And to think she just started a new job and will be handling their money! And to all you fools that feel sorry for her step up and pay back her debt. Makes checks payable to Delmar PTA Delmar little league, and the travel baseball team, and God knows who else!

  21. Again all that can be said is stop being so self righteous. And the next time your out with your girls or your boys no it's not ok to just grab a quick drink "it's bern a terrible day" scenarios. The vehicle you might hit could be carrying those same children your talking about. Such an area full of hypocrisy, she messed up leave it be nobody feels worse than she does

  22. Wait 8:24, so saying she deserves to be punished somehow makes me a drunk driver? Not sure I follow that line of thinking. She didn't just "mess up" once - she stole money meant for a fund for protection for little league almost a year ago. This has been going on at least that long. Don't tell me how bad she feels, she only feels bad that she got caught.

  23. Frustrating that Traci's behavior is being comparable to a drunk driver. That is ridulous. The summons has a LARGE number of counts. This is not a one time "bad decision" but a consistent, repeated decision to steal money from the community and the kids. The community, including myself - is venting frustration. That is fair. The real question is how much did she steal not get caught stealing? There are many situations where she was accepting donations with that no record? She has worked concession stands at LL & collected money for travel ball. Get real everyone - this is serious. Payment back of the funds is a step in the right direction. There are bigger issues here

  24. 8:24pm Give it up. Nobody agrees with you. Not only that your comparisons are ludicrous. Her behavior, not anyone else, is what is being discussed here. So stop trying to preach about morality or understanding. What I understand is that what she did is immoral. And because I am not immoral I will go on judging her behavior and I will feel just fine about it. Furthermore its people like you that allow people like her to continue to commit acts that are immoral.

    What if it was you that found out she was stealing? Would you have understood her position? Would you try to rationalize her predicament? From what I see you and others posting about "cast the first stone" you are nothing but ineffectual cowards. Jesus wanted us to be nice to each other thats it. His intention was not to make us chumps. So shove right were it belongs.

  25. Let's be clear - Traci has been issued a criminal summons for 48 counts. YES 48 counts. This is not a bad decision or a mistake - this is a thief that STEALS from the community and children. These 48 counts are only what she got caught stealing as part of the criminal summons. So all you Delmar Little League parents and members of travel ball teams you have to believe this has been going on for a long long time. This is a sad story for Delmar. 8:24, please go away and get real. We deserve justice.

  26. This has deeply impacted the community her husband and kids! I pray for strength for them and hope that just because they have same name they are not judged! They are innocent

  27. new to this thread. I don't understand why everyone is assuming guilt. Does anyone on here know she is guilty? What is the latest since this article posted? I thought she did not go to court yet, did I miss something?

  28. April 13, 2016 at 5:29 PM - it is believed that she confessed because she was caught "red handed" and there we 48 counts pending. Now, the issue is there is more allegations surfacing and on-going investigations. It is unclear whether her stealing from LL and Travel ball teams can be proved. She is a thief. Think of how you would feel with your HR person (she works for a local company)
    having access to checking accounts, social security numbers and all of your private information. This is serious and sad.

  29. To ""April 10, 2016 at 8:24 PM"" How can you posted a comment "Such an area full of hypocrisy, she messed up leave it be nobody feels worse than she does". She ONLY feels bad because she got CAUGHT. 48 counts, again 48 counts that is unbelievable from theft from an elementary school PTA board member.

  30. She is 100% guilty and the stealing goes way beyond the PTA funds......that is just what she has been charged with thus far. This has been going on for quite sometime-she just happened to finally get caught. She may still be able to convince some people to feel sorry for her but don't be fooled. I know the truth. She is a thief and a scam artist. Wonder if her hubby truly knows all she's been doing? She's been living a lie for years and putting on a heck of a facade for everyone to see. I feel terrible for the kids. They don't deserve any of this and will suffer more than she will due to her actions. She needs some serious help!!

  31. Her issues go far beyond stealing. It's very sad for her family. I'm praying for all.

  32. This has to come to closure soon.

  33. A thief & con artist.

  34. To bad for M&M Refrigeration


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