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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Salisbury City Council Meeting Agenda & Packet - Monday, April 25, 2016


  1.  Resolution No. 2626 – authorizing the Police Department to accept possession of a light

    armored tactical vehicle valued at approximately $10,000.00 from the Defense


    Now why does Barbara Duncan need one of these Armored Vehicles when the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office has one and bought theirs mainly for the Criminal Element coming out of Salisbury. There is no need for 2 armored vehicles in this county.

    This is an admission that CRIME IS NOT DOWN in SALISBURY!!!

    Did Jake Day get his BUTT HURT when the Governor didn't call him about an armored car and police officers going to Baltimore!!

    You City Council Members would be smart to turn this down!! Who is going to maintain it? How much is it going to cost to maintain?

    Now we have the Salisbury Police Department trying to compete with the Salisbury Police Department for toys!!

  2. Lynn Cathcart to the zoning appeals , I don't think this is a good idea. Conflict of interest , besides that she is a known crook and resembles Hillary in many ways. Just say NO!

  3. This city will never change unless those on the city council have the guts to say NO, no way, not any more. Ok, city council, we're waiting.

    1. It's time for all involved to start standing up to the morons we choose to put in the mayor's office. It's disgeartening to watch them cringe to even consider not agreeing with what they choose to do

  4. Nice to see the city is still up to its typical nonsense. I guess they need to do this to make themselves appear useful and relevant. What some folks have to do to self-placate these days.

  5. When you ride by the Fruitland multi million dollar cop shop i see a tactical vehicle on there location also.
    I have a vision of a riot in Salisbury when Trump is elected of Mrs Duncan perched on top of the tact vehicle tossing Dominos pizzas out to the rioters. With 2 bar Captain Day riding shotgun throwing out free housing applications to all the dreaded home boys.


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