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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Russia vs Terrorists


  1. Common sense.
    It worked, didn't it?

  2. 1130-Actually, it didn't.

  3. Actually it didn't since russians have indeed been kidnapped by terrorist since then. Not to mention the taking of school children as hostages by IslamiSt from Chechnya. You shouldn't have to make up stories to try to prove a point.

  4. Well it would work only the russians didn't go far enough, you need to kill every family member of the terrorists, wipe them all off the face of the earth. Only then will they stand down!

  5. Ditto 12:54-The only way to stop terrorists is to terrorize them back. Of course there is always the tried and true best way yet-kill them. The United States Military has the capacity to do either or both, but we don't have a commander who is on our side.

  6. 120-You realize the middle east has been bombed and blown up decade after decade, dating back to the early 1950s. They're quite use to being terrorized, by dictators, terrorists, militias, and our moronic foreign policy gaffs. You ain't gonna beat em by bombing. They're much like the Vietnamese in that sense. They don't care if they die. Fighting an enemy with that mentality is impossible to defeat.

  7. Dave T: Hi Joe :), Thanks for posting this write up. Not a pretty picture to paint here in this scenario, but one of truth. I guess we could all agree the reason the Russians are standing up better to terrorism is because they have shown they have real "balls" when it comes down to protecting their people and how to handle would be terrorists. No pun intended. Lol. And another thank you to SBY news for publishing articles that the lame stream media wouldn't even consider posting.

  8. 1:37 this is the reason to just nuke the entire region, they don't care to live, we can grant them their wish.

  9. 2:17
    There are a few folks living there who are not terrorists.

    What about them? Should they be "nuked" as well?

    Just wandering about my mind, trying to figure out who would say such a thing.

  10. 333 there is a cost of doing any business. Give the good ample time to get out. It is time to wipe these bustard's off the face of this earth. Our presence in other lands causes issues. I would kill any person who came here to prey upon our people. It has to be done they will keep coming. They will continue to rape and kill Christians.

    I am sorry I for one can not let that happen. Maybe your way we hug them to death. Is that u Hillary ??

  11. no need to bomb innocent people, find out who the terrorists are and go after every living family member of anyone who is related to them or helps them. get the student loan people on the case they'll find them even if it's in some back water turd world cesspool!


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