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Monday, April 25, 2016

Opposition mounts against NDAA military pay raise, troop increase

A top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee is concerned about some of the main personnel provisions in the 2017 defense authorization bill.

Rep. Susan Davis (D-Calif.), the ranking member on the military personnel subcommittee said Wednesday that a higher pay rate for active duty military members and an increase in active duty troops could affect readiness, budgeting and hurt the military further if sequestration returns.

Despite Davis’ apprehension, the subcommittee passed its portion of the Defense authorization bill by a unanimous vote. The recommendations in the markup will be folded into the whole bill and voted on by the full committee next week.

Davis’ unease over the two provisions stems from warnings about military readiness from the services.



  1. they are preparing people... it will come soon enough...

  2. As a former member of our military, I think they deserve a much larger raise than whet they are debating. My family and I spent several years training and waiting for the 3am call to mount up and move out. Yes, it did come a few times. They are not paid enough to be on call 24/7/365. It also burns me up that it is perfectly ok for a US military member to lay their life on the line in some foreign country but then cannot drink a beer with his friends to unwind afterwards.


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