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Monday, April 25, 2016

Can Trump Take Down Hillary?

Varney then asked about the general election. 

“If it’s Trump versus Hillary in November, who wins?” he asked. 

Harrington would not discount Trump in a general election against Clinton, the almost surefire nominee after she soundly defeated Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) in New York’s primary Tuesday. Both Clinton and Trump sport low favorability numbers with the public. 

“I think it would be a lot closer than a lot of people are saying. I think Trump puts a lot of states on the map that Republicans haven’t seen in years and really, when you look at the polls now, until asking the voters about November, it’s purely a hypothetical thing,” Harrington said. “I don’t think the polls really carry much influence so, yeah, I think it would be pretty close, but I think Trump would have a shot and a lot of people are writing him off right now."



  1. Trump will easily beat Hillary, but it would be a LANDSLIDE if the RNC would back him.

  2. How are you so sure 5:40? I am not a Trump supporter,but will vote for him if nominated which it appears should happen. I do not support RNC foolishness and they should support if he wins. However, I do not think they will and I believe he will lose to Hillary in the general. I also suspect that in the end it is possible Hillary is not the nominee either. Do not trust the DNC either.


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