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Thursday, April 07, 2016

Officials expect completed Exelon Pepco merger to benefit Delmarva Power customers

After two failed attempts, DC regulators on Wednesday approved a $6.8 billion merger between Exelon Corp and Delmarva Power owner Pepco Holdings - the final obstacle in the way of their deal.

The proposal to merge the two entities into the largest utility company in the country was approved by the DC commission in a two to one vote, to the relief of many state officials in Delaware.

Last spring, the Delaware Public Service Commission signed off on an agreement with Exelon Corp and Pepco Holdings that’s expected to bring Delmarva Power customers an estimated $49 million in direct benefits over a decade.

Now that the gates have lifted for the two companies to become one, ombudsman Heather Contant says Delaware’s commission will want to make sure that the merged entity follows through on its promises here.



  1. Now lets see what our electric bills will do...

  2. What does the State of Maryland have to say?

  3. BS, service has gotten worse, you have to call them if you want to know what the meter readings were on the beginning and ending days, billing cycles are vague, they are now "demanding" deposits from people that have been customers for decades and they're trying to force everyone into allowing them to install a programmable thermostat that you won't even have control over!!!

  4. They can't force you to get a programmable thermostat if you don't have a heat pump. Not everyone does, you know.

  5. I got my buyout (PepCo shareholder) and I have Choptank service. It just doesn't get any better sometimes.

  6. Delmarva power is the most crooked company, ripping off customers.

  7. its a volunteer program for your heat pump/thermostat. no one can go in your house, knucklehead

  8. I'll believe it when I see the bills.

  9. They have misinformed and deceived their customer base in regard to the 'Smart Meter', Choptank has too. These devices are nodes in a wireless mesh network. They're using your house as a repeater station for their network. The radios use 'pulsed RF' and can produce as much as 1watt of transmitting power. Pulsed Radio Frequency radiation is something that there has been little study about and virtually no health information on.
    Your body can adjust, somewhat, to constant RF radiation [microwave, AM/FM radio, TV etc] but, there is no data on how your body will react to this 'pulsed RF'. Kind of like your body saying, "OK., shields up.., oops shields down..oops shields up...oops...".
    And, that's just the radio part of these 'Smart Meters', there's more., do a little searching and you'll see just how dangerous these meters are to your health and to your privacy, too.

  10. 8:54 Easy solution. Just stop buying electric. Problem solved.


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