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Thursday, April 07, 2016

Are Dems Headed to a Contested Convention?

In yet another blow to Hillary Clinton's flaming trainwreck of a campaign, Fox News has declared Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders the winner of the Vermont primary. At press time, Senator Sanders leads former First Lady Hillary Clinton 53 to 47. 

This is yet another major victory for Senator Sanders in a blue collar midwestern state, following his upset victory in Michigan. While a DNC hellbent on gifting the nomination to the struggling Secretary Clinton has pledged a majority of superdelegates to Clinton regardless of the will of the voters, pressure may soon be mounting as superdelegates begin to doubt Clinton's ability to win a general election, let alone a primary against a septuagenarian, wild haired socialist.

Source: AAN


  1. Sanders has out-raised Clinton each of the past 3 months. Sanders has won 7 of the last 8 contests. The momentum is turning the tide against Hillary. Sanders now has a real shot of winning NY and CA.

    Sanders wins the very demographic that is downright sick of American political dynasties(Clintons/Bush's), the under 40 crowd. The majority of those folks will stay home as opposed to vote for Clinton. If the Dems play this wrong, they'll lose the general election.

  2. Vermont is a midwestern state?

  3. 1004-Wisconsin is. As is Michigan. Bernie won both.

  4. The real train wreck is coming. If/When Hiliary is indicted and out of the race, watch an all out war erupt in the Democratic party for the Presidential nomination.

    The establishment Democratic Party is as controlled by big business, Wall Street, and special interests as the Republican Party. There is no way they will let Sanders have the nomination. That will be a real brokered convention.

    The main stream media, with their destroy America liberal slant, does not want to discuss it. They only want to degrade the Republican rat's nest.

  5. if both parties go to a brokered convention, does that mean Barack could slip in a third term?

  6. Who really can care on our level, at this point? And with all that's going on, why care? Hillary needs to be in jail, and Bernie needs the same for violating the Constitution, so what are we even discussing here? Cruz an an Illegal alien, Kasich is a patriot ignored, as well as Trump and Carson.

    Unfortunately, one cannot say this stuff out loud, as too many ignorant boneheads would call out the "race" card, which has nothing to do with any of this!

    Wr need to get away from the R/D party system and get Trump in there to get the job done.The RNC has made it clear that they are totally against Trump, which only serves to put them in the democrat's camp.

    What els are we to do, but to vote for Trump?


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