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Monday, April 04, 2016

MUST SEE VIDEO: Highlights the PC Nightmare at this Top University

This week, Fox News host Megyn Kelly was joined by a Harvard University student who outlined just how bad it is at America's top university. Harvard, once the tallest of America's ivory towers, where America's best and brightest gathered together to debate the most controversial ideas, both old and new, has adapted the intellectual diversity of Mao's Cultural Revolution, where opposing viewpoints are silenced in the name of student mental health- often by the students themselves.

Source: American Action News


  1. Thank you, but I don't and won't view this individual since the sucker punch thrown at Trump back in August.

  2. Same here, can't stand Megyn Kelly.

  3. Just imagine graduating Harvard and having to go into the work force with people right next to you that have different ideas and thoughts than you. OH EM GEE!!!!!

  4. Totally agree 5:43!!


  5. So you are mentioning Harvard.....keep on enjoying Jorge Ramos. That would be you're right in this free world.Again,can't stand breaking week old news on The Kelly File.

  6. 5:05 and 5:23,

    Focus on the real issue. This isn't about Megyn Kelly so just ignore that.

    It is absolutely scary to think about how indoctrinated the little darlings are. This election seems like a tipping point where we need to put our foot down against this kind of PC crap.

  7. Sorry, I don't watch Megyn any more...


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