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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Murder USA: A fresh dead drug dealer in Salisbury have Police on the hunt for a killer

(SALISBURY, MD) – Police are searching for the person or persons responsible for an overnight shooting that left one drug dealer dead on April 4, 2016. The cops know plenty about the murder victim, they ran a long investigation on him that ended with charges of distribution of drugs on Feb. 18, 2015, in Wicomico County Circuit Court.

The victim is identified as Irvonte C. Jones, 24, of Salisbury, Md. Jones was pronounced dead after being transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center. His body was transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy.

Shortly before 10:00 p.m. yesterday, troopers from the Salisbury Barrack were dispatched to the 1000-block of Pierce Avenue, Salisbury, for a reported shooting. Troopers met the owner of the single family home, who said she had just arrived at the residence and found her boyfriend, Jones, lying unresponsive in a bedroom. Jones had sustained what appeared to be multiple gunshot wounds and was transported by EMS personnel to the hospital.



  1. In the local drug trade, life can be short.

    1. Yes. Seriously. It is simple. Everyone knows this in today's time nobody is going to give someone a break. Especially over drugs.

  2. Article says preliminary results show he was alone in the home when shot. Wouldn't that make it suicide?

    1. You're not too bright are you?

  3. does anyone really care?

  4. His rap name was Headshot. How apropos.

  5. Just get a list of names of his friends, on that list will be the name of the Killer. Simple !

  6. Why are police resources being wasted on this? The guy should be allowed to do his work of clearing out the city of dealers. The police won't do it.

    1. But still, nobody's child deserves to die. What if it were your child, in the same situation, and somebody killed him. What would you want the police to say? Think first before you respond!

  7. As I stated on another story here, perhaps it was the drug dealer that died on Johnson Rd.. Both happened on the same night and within the same hour.

    1. So first who said the man killed in the car accident was a drug dealer. What the hell would his car accident have to do with this?

    2. Because if you read it said he robbed a pizza delivery person. With research they found he was a drug dealer. Plain and simple. That's why smart people don't deal drugs!! You need money so bad don't rob someone or sell drugs. Get a damn job!!

  8. Hey brainiac, that means no one else was there when he was shot MULTIPLE TIMES BY THE ALLEGED PERP.

  9. I'm confused by that also 10:00. Could it be that he was shot either through a window or someone came up to the door and shot him when he answered it and he was alive long enough to make into the bedroom?
    When I worked in Baltimore years ago, someone ran past our office and collapsed and died a block away. He was shot and managed to run 2 blocks before dying.

  10. Why are you people focusing on whether not he was a drug dealer or not. Thats not the issue, the issue is the fact that someone else is dead. Another family has lost a loved one. We should be more worried about catching his killer other than how he lived his life! Come on Salisbury get it together

    1. Major factor in a murder case. Whether you want to talk about it or not.

  11. Or maybe some kids parent or grandparent had enough of him selling to their kid. In that case I truly hope they are never caught.

  12. I'm glad the author of this article told it like it is instead of pretending he was Saint Irvonte. Kids need to know that living a high risk lifestyle like a drug dealer, a wanna be gangster, a "rap artist" is only going to get you one of 2 things-a few bullets to the body and a one way trip to the cemetery or a life as a number in the prison system.

    1. How does being a "rap artist" become a reason for being killed? Being an artist whether it's rap, soul, rock, or anything else is about a profession. Grow up and stop the ignorance... It is many rap artist in this world, does that mean they all are going to end up dead? Smh.

    2. The author...please, give me a break!! This must be a self made newspaper from someone's desk top! Who would be so unprofessional and insensitive, as too title an article " A fresh new drug dealer..." Pure ignorance if you ask me!! This is someone's child,grandchild, brother,nephew, uncle..etc. When death hits your door and it will, just as it will all of us, let's see how you handle the ignorant media comments. Oh, I just noticed you are a wannabe blogger, that explains it!

    3. If he was a known drug dealer, then he is a scum bag. If you contribute to the problem, then you deserve what you get. I have no sympathy.

  13. Ironic that our illustrious local government is more concerned with powerpoints and rebranding the town when all the drugs are flowing in faster than a deluge or tsunami. Jake Day seems to forget the fact that his citizens are in grave danger whether they buy from drug dealers or not. This is the violence coming to every neighborhood in Salisbury; not just the Western part north of 50. These areas are becoming hotbeds of violence, crime and death. When will Day & Company wake up to this fact and quit dicking around with stupid trivials?

  14. Oh 1159 I would love to share in your warm fuzzies over drug dealers but I just can't bring myself to do so considering they are a blight on society. They feed our country's youth with toxic poisons that not only impair judgment but put the whole community at risk. Had this man's family really given a hoot about him, they would've slammed him into a detox program and gotten him off the drug kick. Instead, they placated him - probably because he was a dangerous person and they were afraid - and let him go down the primrose path to criminal activity. So before you bleed your heart for the family, perhaps it would be wise to contemplate just what complicity they had in creating his inevitable fate. As for Salisbury, our esteemed leaders should be more concerned with this blight rather than building up the downtown area which will only produce a healthier breeding ground for these predators to deal.

  15. Turf wars can get complicated, can't they?

  16. No Dejia...we shouldn't and you shouldn't. You should be glad he's gone and not selling drugs to peoples loved ones and we all should worry about who is going to replace him and hope for the same result.

    1. Nobody should wish Death among know 1.I hope the person that killed him be brought to justice.My Heart goes out to the families.its true about the way you live your life it could be shorten. So we have to pray that this tragedy can saved someone else life by getting saved.

  17. 11:59 because the fact that he was a drug dealer is what caused his murder. This needs to be focused on and stressed (his poor choices in life) so the public isn't worried that some random killer/killers are out their just targeting people for the heck of it.
    Also to ignore that he was a drug dealer is doing a huge disservice to others kids who may now because of his murder think twice before they turn to a life of crime. Trying to cover up and ignore facts is the absolute worst thing that you can do and causes more deaths. If you want Salisbury to get it together then people like yourself need to get honest and admit Irvonte's bad lifestyle choices are what caused his murder. Don't try and sugar coat. So let's start today-right now-and decide that we are going to value honesty and start telling it like it is instead of hiding important facts. Honesty is always best is something you need not forget.
    Irvonte sold his poison on the streets and Irvonte is now dead because of it.

  18. I will forgive him for his crappy crime ridden life when black people forgive me and my family because my white family could have possibly or not had slaves 250 years ago.

  19. Why do you think the drug epidemic is so prevelant here?? You gave the old PARTY mentality initiated by your mayor you have SU supposededly pumping 500 million annually these guys only go where the money is, then you have OC getting ready to kick off

  20. 11:59 Out of one side of your mouths you all pretend that black lives matter then out of the other you want to engage in a cover up about what caused this murder and 1000's of other black on black murders that occur in this country each year. Don't you dare or anyone else say black lives matter when you refuse to acknowledge that his drug dealing is what caused his death as well as 1000's of others a year.

  21. What about the white chick that o.d in Hebron... I wonder if "local fiend or local crack head or heroin smoker succumbs to drugs" will be the headline of the article they will post about her... Probably not!

    1. Hey atleast she didnt sell the drugs. She didn't have a rap sheet 20 miles long. She was a victim of a disease. I didn't see one damn person arguing and fighting for her because of some headline. Get a life!!!!

  22. The fact that some of you are more concerned with him being a said "drug dealer" or what his rap name was certainly shows just how many ignorant people live in this area. Regardless of that young mans decisions were there is still a family coping and trying to find peace in his demise. Instead of bashing and making opinions how bout we all just pray for this world to be a better place where less of this mess is happening.

    1. Then I suggest you never go into the news industry. It's life. Personally it does suck losing a loved one and people mourn. But seriously around here if you sell drugs and become a part of that world sooner or later it will catch up to you. Death or jail/prison. Everyone in this life has a choice!!

    2. Did I ask for your suggestion? No. I stated my opinion just like everyone else either like it or ignore it simple as that.

  23. This is sad! A man gets killed who has a prior drug charge and all the focus is on him being a drug dealer! That was someone's son, grandson, brother, friend, student, and the list goes on! I'm sure most of these comments are made by angry family members of low life, theiving, prostituting, dirty strung out addicts who need someone to point the finger at! RIP to this young man who lost his life! Some of you righteous citizens need to do some self evaluation and pray to God your closet is never opened!

  24. Dejia the reason there is focus on it is because you are 97% more likely to die at the hands of another Black when in the drug trade. Ask yourself I he worked at a bank or taught school would he be dead right now. Strong Black women are the only thing holding your race together.

    Maybe you start a movement because Black Lives Matter is a political bull shit cause. Maybe you be the voice to convince these black men from killing one another. Quite honestly I am sick of reading about it.

    So Dejia don't hate those sick of these little thugs turning our city into a cess pool.

    Time for this area to wage war. What is our drug task force doing. I have not seen a press release since the changing of the guard. To busy looking in the mirror at himself I guess. Let the county take over it MSP has made a once great unit into a joke.

  25. "Anonymous said...

    The fact that some of you are more concerned with him being a said "drug dealer" or what his rap name was certainly shows just how many ignorant people live in this area. Regardless of that young mans decisions were there is still a family coping and trying to find peace in his demise. Instead of bashing and making opinions how bout we all just pray for this world to be a better place where less of this mess is happening.

    April 9, 2016 at 1:18 PM"

    The world would be a better place if people like you stop thinking Divine Intervention is going to help instead of confronting the problem head on. Remember God ONLY helps those who help themselves and pretending that his lifestyle didn't cause his demise is NOT helping yourself or anyone else. You can pray until you are blue in the face but guess what? Prayer without action means nothing esp to GOD. God Almighty wants to see action!

  26. "Anonymous said...

    What about the white chick that o.d in Hebron... I wonder if "local fiend or local crack head or heroin smoker succumbs to drugs" will be the headline of the article they will post about her... Probably not!

    April 9, 2016 at 12:59 PM"

    FYI the regular media never publishes about overdoses but sometimes they are mentioned on here and on other blogs and guess what! yes when overdoses are on here the dead person is bashed unmerifully no matter if they are white or black so don't even try to turn this into a race issue,do you understand? Now make yourself useful so you can comment informed and go back and look at all the white criminals who are called all kinds of names on this blog. Start with Thomas Leggs WHITE who murdered little Sarah Foxwell. Leggs was bashed more than any other criminal ever on this blog and elsewhere. Whites don't sugar coat things and the black race would benefit greatly if they got a bit of honesty about them and started telling it the way it is instead of wanting to cover everything up when it comes to blacks killing each other. That's the root of the problem. The black youth gets no consistent message because honesty is not valued in black communities. Also there are no real true black churches.

  27. But he was a nice drug dealer, and that's what counts.

  28. It doesn't matter what career path you choose or what choice you make in life,death is inevitable and all of our days are numbered! The issue with the media is they allow small-minded individuals to make derogatory comments , only adding to the ignorance and mayheim in today's society! Law enforcement have a more predominant presence in black neighborhoods so you are gonna hear about more "black on black" crime! White people tend to commit more suicides than blacks so maybe that plays a factor in the black on black statistic! At the end of the day, weare ALL human and we will ALL pay for our sins! Become proactive and help put an end to this nonsense!

  29. When did black people get so sensitive. I though you all were tough. All in a hissy because some white folks don't like a drug dealer that got killed. Who does like drug dealers besides drug addicts? Why in the world would you put yourself out there to look so foolish by backing a criminal. How come you don't come on here with all this when we pick apart some crappy white person? I mean come on...we do this people on a regular basis. Where is passion to protect all the white people who are bashed when they get killed or O.D. because they suck.

  30. Stop the Ignorance, you can try and spin it anyway you want but the FACT remains blacks are killing each other by the tune of a few 1000 a year in this country, they are killing each other way more than any other race. It has nothing to do with police presence.
    And as far as you Gettin Frugal Wit it first of all that ghetto sounding name you are using speaks volumes. Secondly it is what it is so either deal with it and address it or the black on black murders are going to continue. The only pure ignorance is the way the black communities want to hide and cover up things and the way they lie and say black lives matter. If black lives mattered at all people like you would stop with your persistent lying and start telling it the way it is instead of being weak and cowering and worrying yourselves silly at the expense of other lives including black children over being insensitive. No kidding this was someone child grandchild etc and they need to come to terms with it and admit he was a drug dealer and that most likely caused his death. And if they are good decent people and really and truly care about him they will say it loudly and publicly so to maybe prevent other deaths.

  31. Iknorite! How many people's relatives did he hurt by dealing drugs? Law enforcement should be watching the girlfriend. They usually are involved in the dealing too, have the contacts and will hook up a brother to ensure she ain't gotta get a job.

  32. Let me explain something to ALL of you.

    I'm being called a RACIST and a BIGOT in comments here as well as on Facebook. Look, I couldn't care less what you call me. I'll leave it at that.

    As for the racist charges, I have rejected a TON of racist comments but let me assure you of one thing right here and now. They are NOT coming from WHITE people. They are black people. They are threatening to kill whitey, rape their daughters and the list goes on and on.

    Because I have seen so many of these RACIST comments coming in I decided to leave this post and the other one up top. I believe people have the right to express their opinions, as long as they follow our rules.

    As for exposing the past history, we have every right to do so. Just because someone passed away doesn't mean they didn't leave a legacy. It doesn't mean that some drug dealers didn't sell drugs to others who overdosed and died. Then they found the Lord and all is good and forgiven.

    Someone said it earlier, should we not have published the past information on Thomas Leggs who killed Sarah Foxwell?

    If you don't like what people are saying, stay away from the comments.

  33. 3:18..aww cute Marge...your blog hasn't had a post since 2012.

  34. Stop the Ignorance, it's impossible to be proactive when the black communities don't even try to help themselves. Babies being born in sinful unions to mothers who already have multiple babies by different fathers and fathers who are criminals and not in the child's life.
    If you don't have a husband with a good job and money to pay your bills without handouts don't have a child. They act like it's rocket science or something.
    Blacks also need to start valuing all life instead of just when a black is killed by a cop or a white. A little black boy had his brains blown out in his own home along with his mother in Baltimore this past summer and not a word was said about it by the black community because he was most likely murdered by another black. Then the way they acted over thug terrorist Freddie Gray was disgusting. Freddie Gray terrorized the neighborhood by selling his poison on the streets. Anyone who had an ounce of sympathy for Gray is a very sick disturbed person.
    These examples and many others are very clear reasons why the black communities are chaotic. It has not a thing to do with racism and if it does it is only because blacks cause it by committing most of the crime in this country. If they want to end any racism then they have to change otherwise they just need to suck up and deal with any racism they may experience.

  35. True. I've been reading this blog since the murder of Sarah Foxwell (that's how I found Sby News) so to say the readers and those who comment on here are doing this solely because of race isn't true at all. Thomas Leggs who is white was demonized like no other and no one else has been since. I think this is one of the reason white communities are in much better shape than black ones. Whites believe more in personal responsibility and will call people out for their bad ways and for being a criminal. Blacks tend to ignore someone being a criminal in their neighborhoods which only causes the problem to grow and grow and now they are paying dearly for it.
    The Bible states in Matthew to tell your brother his faults. If he listens you have gained a brother if not send him on his way. In other words unless someone changes their sinful (criminal) ways you are to not forgive them.
    Also Matthew teaches if someone breaks a commandment and/or allows others to be in their midst who breaks them, they will not go to Heaven.
    I could go on and on but the bottom line is the Bible instructs and a real true Christian will and does call out the sinners and only forgives when the sinner repents and changes. To forgive without this is a sin in and of itself. And to not judge a sinner and call them out is a sin too.

  36. It is a wonderment to me. That certain cultures always turn a blind eye to these felons and say, oh what a wonderful person they were.

    Really? Dude sells heroin to people who die from it and you think he is a wonderful person? He destroys families and lives and you think he is a wonderful person? Watch the video and then explain to me the wonderful person part. Those illegal guns are not fake. The drugs are not fake. Explain to me again what part of all this is wonderful because I am not seeing it.

  37. You live by the sword you die by it! Glad to get one less drug dealing THUG off the streets, at least its not costing us taxpayers!

  38. Ultimately it's up to God to judge this man's soul. But I will say that I for one am always happy when there is one less dealer on the street. You rather it be through the dealer turning his life around but death is just apart of the life he was living. Some folks here need to get off their high horse. That includes both the black and white commentators here.

  39. 1:34 Rap music is not a profession. It is a statement of black crime, violence and drugs. PERIOD!

  40. What constitutes a "real true" black church?

  41. 4:40:

    Thank you sir for illustrating the race problem. "Black communities don't even try to help themselves". Do yourself a favor and research what blacks are doing and have been doing at the grassroots and national level to address the problem. Now once you have had the chance to absorb new information, be brave enough to change your opinion and overall thought process.

    1. Whining crying and bitching about the "black race" isn't doing anything. Trashing cities burning homes . . . . . Just lousy and lazy bull s***. Period. Get a job. Go to school. Stop bitching moaning and groaning and crying racisim. OMG you all had slavery. So what. Women once couldn't vote. Women got beat in and never once batted an eye UNTIL WE STOOD UP FOR LAWS. Every race has a bad past. But this is the now. Stop making excuses and crying. YOU have to make the change. Stop sitting and making one. Teach children stay away from drugs. Stay away from bad people. Stay out of the places that you know they can get in trouble. YOU!! It starts with you!! Period.

    2. For the most part, they demand more money and more freebies and less accountability for their own actions. They also threaten and assault and riot and burn and trash the communities they live in. And they campaign to keep corrupt, stupid black democrats in office.

      That about sums up what they are doing to "address the problem". Demanding white people fix it for them.

  42. 544..your a pig. Im not a sir..im a woman. What makes you think im a man. That is sexist as you can get.

  43. 5:44 Wake the heck up 5:44 because they aren't doing a thing and if you were even remotely informed you would know. Black on black murders and crime is at an all time high in cities like Chicago, Baltimore and maybe ever Salisbury.
    Do yourself a favor and do not even hint that blacks are doing anything productive at either a grassroots or a national level to address the problem. It only proves your ignorance-your complete ignorance. Black drop out rates and chronic truancy is at an all time high. So are black illegitimate births. Blacks are on welfare like never before. The list is endless. When I see changes and results will I then change my opinion. Until then I will continue to be brave and honest and tell it like it is instead of trying to lie, spin and sugar coat things. If anyone needs to be brave (and honest) it is you who if you did your research you would admit anything and everything that's being done and has been done is futile. And do yourself another favor. Whatever you do don't state publicly what you said on hear. It only shows your utter and sheer ignorance something that I unlike you are brave enough to say!

  44. 7:30 mr brave and honest what's your name? Thought so

    1. And exactly what are you implying you'd do about it...anonymous too?

  45. Personally I think it is disgusting that anyone would be talking this way about anyone that is deceased for whatever reason that person died, no matter what color, race, or, sex, or religion they were. They were still a human being, and only God has the right to judge them. I agree that the drug problem in this country is so far out of control, and we have to take a stand,but there are just as many white heroin addicts out there as there are black ones. Its not about color, drugs don't discriminate. They kill everyone!! Nobody wants to have dealers selling to our kids, but the users are just as guilty. It takes us all working together to make a change, not waging war against each other.predjudice is just another kind of poison that we are introducing our kids to.Lets try pulling together instead of working against each other maybe we can start making a difference.

  46. Yes I am brave 7:54 but I'm not stupid. The way blacks talk about how they retaliate and even Joe said some of the comments he's holding back are threatening you would have to be an idiot to reveal your real name. So again in answer to you yes I am brave and don't you dare ever forget it and I'm intelligent enough to know blacks have no problems shooting each other so they would have no problem doing violence against anyone.

    1. How am I to remember if I don't know your name?9:02 Mr Brave

  47. I can only speak for myself as a 53 y/o white male but the whole sub culture of the hip hop rap gansta mentality is too much. The whole disrespect for anyone else is not acceptable and until this is addressed I really don't see it getting any better. I mean come on do my windows have to rattle too at a stoplight from someone else's nysic in their car or do I have to see someone's A•• walking down the street or the f word and YO this YO that what's up YO

  48. Drug name DOUBLE TAP.

  49. "and only God has the right to judge them"

    No Renae you are incorrect. The Bible and God instructs us to judge other while here on earth. Please please get into a real Bible based church with true Godly leaders and learn the word of God in a real way. In James it says "My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins."
    In order to turn a sinner away from their sins you must judge.
    In Corinthians we are told to "expel the wicked man from among you … so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord"

    The verses are endless and we are expected and required to judge others who have turned away from God in order to get them back to God. If you don't judge you are NOT a real true Christian and more than anything God dislikes fake Christians.
    If your church and it's leaders are teaching otherwise beware. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. They are lying to you and are not teaching as God and the Bible commands.
    A real church does judge it's sinners and calls out a person's sinful ways. Do not be fooled into all the fake churches and there are many many in the black communities. It's unfortunate that most all of the black "faith based leaders" are really charlatans and fakes and do not teach the Bible the way it was meant to be taught. Very very unfortunate and come judgement day so many are going to pay for it by an eternity spent burning in hell.

    1. Sounds like you are assuming all black churches are fake? Do you know this as fact? I'm a born again christian and I work at a Methodist black church (oh and if it matters since you decided to throw race into the mix...I am white). I get the whole judging people so they will change but you made a incredibly racist assumption about churches in "the black community". I'm glad I treat people equally and don't make assumptions.

  50. Nothing like a good drug dealer murder to bring out the wonderful sunshine in people. Get a grip. Homie was dealing and turf wars are complicated. Go make yourself more kool-aid and sit back to watch The Jetsons or the Flintstones. Apparently some of you didn't take your afternoon naps because mommy went to grocery store and didn't put out your milk and cookies on time.

  51. Why are you people focusing on whether not he was a drug dealer or not. Thats not the issue, the issue is the fact that someone else is dead. Another family has lost a loved one. We should be more worried about catching his killer other than how he lived his life! Come on Salisbury get it together

    April 9, 2016 at 11:59 AM

    Yes, miss very misinformed and backward way of thinking person, it is very much the issue. if he, or anyone, is selling addicting narcotics that ruin people's lives, ruin communities, cause MORE crime and ruin MORE lives, it should be noted.

    And you or some other moron decided to call drug dealing a career path?!

    Ok, as weird as it sounds, I can see where some might think that, and it does have some validity in a twisted sort of way. But I certainly do not think it could be thought of as an HONORABLE career path by any stretch.

    I think I am pretty liberal concerning "illegal" drugs. Some should not be illegal in my opinion and I believe some are actually helpful. But then we have those that I described earlier. The ones that cause people to rob, rape murder and other horrible things just to get the drug and are a cause of using the drug.

    No matter what you see in a music video or some Hollywood movie, dealing drugs is NOT a glamorous lifestyle. If that is all someone aspires to be, they should be pitied, not revered.

  52. 90% of homicides are black/black
    5% are black/other
    5% are non black

    "Around blacks never relax..."
    So true.

  53. This is one of those articles where pressing more button is an eye sore. Yuck! Whoever does that other blog is color blind and design challenged for sure.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This is one of those articles where pressing more button is an eye sore. Yuck! Whoever does that other blog is color blind and design challenged for sure.

    April 10, 2016 at 1:41 AM

    He has other issues as well and I think he is on here now trolling on his other article. It's not hard to figure out which one he is. His grammar and passive-aggressiveness stands out all too well to identify him. Not to mention his argumentative nature on such narrow and trivial points.

  55. This is life there is a reaction for all your actions choose to live in the streets chances are you'll die there. He knew what the risks were he chose this life don't feel sorry for him or his family it's a waste of your energy it's just a thing to them there brother or cousin went out like a "g" that's there way of living and thinking. Stop wasting your time people.

  56. This murder happened in the 1000 bk of Pierce which is actually not in the Salisbury city limits. I know because I had relatives who lived on that same block for nearly 50 years. It used to be a good solid white collar neighborhood. They sold a couple of years ago due to the neighborhood going downhill. The house is now a rental. Whether it's considered Sby or not isn't important because it's so close and does reflect on Sby as a whole.
    I do agree with above and have no sympathy for this person. They are not a victim. They made the choice to live the lifestyle they did and with that comes risks and if it surprises anyone that he died violently than whoever is surprised is quite the fool. The reality is one less drug dealing thug is always a good thing. If this were my family member I would be cowering in shame over the destruction my family member caused. Drug dealers are turning neighborhoods into war zones where children are often killed by stray bullets.

  57. I meant blue collar neighborhood. A lot of the residents worked at the various manufacturing plants that used to dot Salisbury including Dresser Industries.

  58. Those stats are not true , black on black is a myth , I read it in the Enquire.

  59. I read these comments from he deserved to be killed, to forgive me and my (white) family for possible owning slaved to the mention of the kid who overdosed in Hebron. As a member (former) of the eastern shore and someone who has known people all over the shore at all levels. I say, you/we, all can take some blame in what happens down there, where all the communities choose to separate rather than unite as a community and help to make the eastern shore place great. I'll call it as I have seen and as I have lived it. That's not to say that most communities in this country don't suffer from the same dilemma. Salisbury is a place where those who have, have become comfortable seeing their children(white) succeed over those children(black)who don't have, at any cost. The city and the county governments mainly hire and retain whites, make and hold positions for their children, their friends, their friend's children and make it difficult for anyone who(black) is not apart of the(white) community to get into county or city employment. Now, let's not stop there cause there are a few other major employers down there, like SSU and Perdue. SSU has the same kind of secret policy that make sure whites and their children receive unfair preference when it comes to employment and upward mobility. Take a hard and close look at the positions, who have them, how long the have had them and the relationship to the people who are employed and the people who make the hiring decisions, versus the people who applied and was awarded employment. There is no secret among the people who have been affected and those who know and want to change the narrative about these secret hiring , firing and promotional tactics and practices . It happens all over the country. Because the(white) people who hold these positions and is responsible for theses practices have no interest in righting these wrongs. So, while ya mention disparaging things about people after they are dead, and how they got to where they ended up. If white people and black (as a whole) stand up for the truth on both sides we might find that with equal application of all things that affect the lives of each other might produce different results, we may find unity in our lives that promote growth in our communities, higher standards of living for everyone, even, on the shore. When the standard of living rises, it creates a larger tax base, greater economic growth for the region as a whole and many other positive outcomes. I submit lower incidents of crime and incarceration, lower strains on municipal and county dollars and greater harmony of the residents who call the Eastern Shore home.
    But I'm just a former resident, who would have loved to have my business and my future fame be rooted in a region I love. But I realized a long time ago I had to go. It wasn't one incident, but many, from seeing a kid that wasn't really that motivated while in school get a job that was waiting for him after he graduated high school and all the support he has gotten to remain there for about 30 years, to the SBY police forcing their way into my home and violating my civil rights and the cowardice of any law firm to take my case, to seeing the local hiring companies who blatantly see black as a means instead of the ends. I left SBY and look back and wonder how I ever thought that place would ever change. The county police is not much better, I have had some dealings with Mike Lewis and briefly met the SBY police chief, their jobs are tough but they chose those jobe and like officials in all the places I mentioned, it is their place to have the courage to administer truth and equality at all levels. But for courage and ethics, they have chosen to follow the status quo instead of leading from a position of honor. Not honor that placate people, but the honor of the universe.
    I know there will be people who don't agree, but this is just my take on what I have seen and experienced.

    1. Exactly what city are you talking about?

      Because most government offices I have ever been to, or called, were mostly blacks.

  60. A drug dealer is a drug dealer... dead or alive it doesn't change who/what the person is or was. I am unfortunate to have bought a house in a "cleaned up area" that has slowly regressed into a drug slinging area. The police refuse to acknowledge it is bad again and as a result my family and a few other innocent families suffer. Cars flying down our 25mph street at 50-60 mile a hour. Music blaring. People fighting all hours of the night. Dogs barking all night long. Guns being shot. It's horrible. The sellers are black, the buyers are all races and you know what I wish them ALL dead equally. Everyone in the drug trade makes a choice to sell or to use so yes I want them all removed from society. Some days when I have worked 18 hours and I'm absolutely exhausted I have brief moments where I want to start taking then all out...one by one void my neighborhood of the scum. I've never been in trouble with the law. Not so much as a speeding ticket in over 15 years but this upstanding citizen is ready to snap at any moment because I'm fed up with this bull crap it's a sickness it's the only way they can get by... blah blah blah. My hind end!!! It is a choice to sell drugs, use drugs, drive drunk, be a menace or be an upstanding contributor to society. I grew up poor and hell I still struggle to pay my bills but guess what I try!! I don't look for an easy way out. People like me, of any skin tone, are sick and tired of the punk thugs and sloppy addicts ruining our lives and then lives of our children. I wish many people dead every day not because of their skin color but because of their actions. A drug dealer is dead... that's a start now if the rest would die or actually be held accountable for their actions and spend the next 30 years in prison maybe the country would improve.

    1. Make a correction not all the dealer's are black. People need to stop making everything about race. But if that the case. The few cases just recently of meth Labs they were white didn't see one African American or black person. People need to stop racial profiling and look at our white government for bringing the drugs across the border. But small minded people will never see the bigger picture. The government is only ok with the drugs if they are making a profit.

    2. Please stop with the conspiracies you have no idea what you are talking about.

  61. Right Jane Garrett. I think getting out the message that he was a drug dealer and it's a very real possibility that a dealers life will be cut short in a violent way is important. It's important because like you said hopefully it can save someone else from getting involved with drugs. I don't like to hear of any young person being killed like this but I know he made the choice to live high risk and paid the price. No good ever comes out of using or selling drug or engaging in any criminal activity. We've been very blessed and don't have any of this in our family and I wish other families were so lucky. I want everyone to succeed.

  62. Major point is being missed as well. Where are the drugs coming from?? Someone had to bring it over
    Yes some are smuggled civilians, majority of the drugs are here by the government. My condolences to the family that lost a life wether they were right or wrong. Point still remains a life is gone. Some of these inconsiderate people will change their tune when it strikes closer to home.

  63. Well if my kids sells drugs they are dead to me. If they can't live their life the way I raised them then I walk and have no use for the. Simple as that.

  64. Am I the only person who thinks the the shooting and fatal accident, that occurred a short time later, may be related? Suspects running from a scene aren't always the most cautious. Just a thought!

  65. 1:04 pm, no your not the only one, was thinking the same thing myself, time line pans out quite well.

  66. anyone investigate the female heard this isnt her first dead body in the house

  67. Looks like I'm not missing much in Salisbury...it's sad how much crime is in that small town...

  68. Honestly! Blacks cannot be surprised with this type of behavior any more! If we continue to allow our youth to feel hopeless in doing things the right way they will do whatever they feel they need to do! If we continue to glorify negativity know that a lot of times it will end in violence! If we continue to only value things and not people this behavior will continue! We need to show our youth the map to success the right way and teach them to use the tools of education, unity, hard work and knowledge to achieve a better life! Of course you will have some miserable, bigot, racist that need to down others to cover their own self hate! Good people never feel positive about others short comings! In fact good people would like to help bring others up! And of course nothing is nothing without God and God don`t like ugly! I wonder how many mistakes and how much bad behavior the person who wrote this story would not be proud of? Much love to all!


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