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Saturday, April 09, 2016

More Facebook IDIOTS!

These are the kind of posts I see on Facebook and think, REALLY, do you not have a life!


  1. Maybe some people know God better than others maybe?

  2. So stupid, people believing in a God, or one that even gives a crap about you.

  3. It's about someone speaking on BEHALF of God, saying doors will be open if you "like, share or say amen. THAT is what's wrong with these posts on Facebook.

  4. Facebook is on a huge disaster course of descent from the very top down. Zuckerberg or whatever his name has made a fool of himself and a mockery of his carefully plotted plan. Let's face it, Facebook is so yesteryear it's pathetic.

  5. 11:25 will roast in hell..

    as far as Joe Alberto's feedback:

    Hebrews 13:2 ►

    New International Version
    Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

  6. If your "God" has a plan... it's all rather irrelevant isn't it? Nothing you can do to alter or change this plan, is there? It matters NOT if you open or close or burn down doors.. your path has been predestined! God has a plan, right.... wait.... doesn't that notion sort of negate "free will?".... I guess if "god" has a plan, free will is irrelevant, isn't it?

  7. Another God back and forth

  8. I get tired of seeing the ridiculous photos of partying and women that find it necessary to reveal their cleavage. Attention seekers and then they post the religious photos. Bunch of hypocrites.


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