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Saturday, April 09, 2016

Maryland House overrides Hogan vetoes, again

In a show of political force, the Democrat-controlled House of Delegates overrode two more of Gov. Larry Hogan's policy vetoes Thursday, putting Hogan's record with the chamber at 0-8.

Lawmakers voted 88-52 to reverse the governor's move to strike down legislation that would force him to publicly rate and rank transportation projects before deciding which ones should be included in an estimated $15.7 billion, five-year construction plan.

Hogan and fellow Republicans considered the measure an infringement on the governor's authority and predicted the interference would wreak havoc on the state's transportation planning.



  1. Yet no such requirements were ever made of the Democratic governors by Democrats.

  2. Why do the d**m democrats think they know everything, all the time. I get so sick of the Governor trying to do things and over there in the playpen the Dems don't like it, so they go suck their thumb and say no, if you don't play the game our way, you don't play. Sickening.

  3. This is a one world issue trickle down.It may appear to be "just Maryland" but it's everywhere.

  4. Crooked democrats. Get em out of here.

  5. Do you think that maybe it's time to oust the Democrat Firewall that's thwarted Hogan's initiatives to reinvigorate Maryland? Why do you people keep voting these urchins in when all they do is put together stupid bills and block everything that can resuscitate from the death rattle otherwise known as Maryland? Stop buying ideological stances and start voting for bettering your communities. There's no longer a Right and Left - there's only a Right or Wrong now. Get with the program.

  6. What do the people do when 4 Counties and Baltimore city controls the Md General Assembly since whoever wins these areas controls the State.

  7. Get rid of them come re-election time.


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