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Monday, April 25, 2016

Liberals Recreate The Jim Ireton THREE Dollar Bill

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Liberals, on behalf of the LGBT supporters have rewarded Jim Ireton to be the face of the $3.00 Bill for being the first man to crash the Ladies Room at MoJo's in Salisbury, Maryland.

Since his aggressive move, even Target is now on board and Bruce Jenner has started to wear dresses. 

Yes, it all started right here in Salisbury, Maryland. To think this guy is running for congress. The Eastern Shore should be so proud.


  1. Queer as a 3-dollar bill?

  2. So now, the old saying "queer as a $3 bill" wasn't so off base after all.

  3. HAAYYYY!!

    That Jim Ireton is as queer as a $3 bill.

    Dats 2 whips and a snap.

  4. Not really.. no way proud to have this tard dare speak for me!

  5. He just needs a good woman.

  6. 602, a "good woman" would get treated like crap from this dude, who would rather have his junk covered in it than a good woman.

  7. The sad thing is this publicity may actually help get him elected.
    Being a homosexual and also acting outlandish in public is now cool.
    Being conservative and private about one's sexual identity is now considered to be sick.
    The world has been inverted upside down and the majority of Amerikans like it.
    Truly sad.

  8. It's really not the HE is a queer. It's that he expects US to live a life full of queers like him. He can move to where there are lots of cooperating queers but should not expect those (that are NOT queer) to play out his fantasy with him.

    I simply don't wish to live with queers. Let them stay amongst themselves.

  9. jims a good boy, if u like boys

  10. Too late 9:56, you live among them and always have.

  11. Now that is funny I dont care who you are. I saw Jimmy riding he bike around the Da Bury. He had the seat turned straight up so he would not fall off

  12. If people remember Jim's mayor days then he won't get elected, three dollar bills or not. If you value your district you won't vote for him. Simple as that. Don't be a penny wise and a pound foolish. Elections have consequences than span long after they're done.


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